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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. It’s ok - you’ve obviously seen my garage.
  2. Kudos to you @Kittykiss - and thanks for sharing with us. Hopefully an embarrassment shared is an embarrassment halved, or does it work the opposite? Anyway, you can at least take comfort that it was a random stranger. If he saw you in a crowd a week from now he probably wouldn't recognise you (unless you were weeing infront of him again). But you never know, you may have evangelised the pee love and created a new recruit for the cause!
  3. Well.... What can we say @Sunshine108 @levi0228 @MrMcManu @texaspete Apart from HAVE AN AMAZING BIRTHDAY !!!! Have a great one folks!
  4. Any good male desperation / wetting / emergency public pee sightings? Asking for a bunch of friends...
  5. Can I be a bit awkward and say 'all' Apart from those ridiculous scripted videos where a girl dances around outside a door for five minutes complaining she's bursting. All the time in the world to find somewhere else, or just to undress and pee on the carpet, but instead pees a tiny obviously forced dribble and grumbles like it wasn't expected. But in real cases, I really don't mind - just however it comes. My last real life sighting was a very brash young lady with the aid of alcohol who pissed a pretty gushing stream from a high squat. Hers wasn't slow and deliberate, she was
  6. Wishing a very Happy Birthday to @ozzybr9 and @unclebens
  7. Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday Dear @crazyguy09 & @thanks1972 Happy Birthday to You !!!
  8. A couple of Staff points to note going forwards: Site Rule 2 applies equally to drawn art, just as it does to photos / video: Images or videos depicting anyone under the age of 18 are strictly prohibited. Now we understand that Manga typically features female characters as having very young looking faces, making it difficult to draw a line between depictions of children and depictions of adults in a cosplay setting. It's difficult for the user, and difficult for us as staff to draw a line. We have removed a number of pictures where the subject appears to depict a child (schoo
  9. Let’s not turn this into a fest of generic negative stereotypes. Yes there are bad things and bad worrying trends in the world - but remember we’re all here to celebrate our common interest…
  10. Today we're going to have a slightly more refined and smaller celebration - NOT. Huge, as always, Birthday Wishes to @Ralph18 @scotty226 Have a great day folks.
  11. Is there anything better than a birthday on a weekend, if you don't have to get up for work... Huge Happy Birthday wishes @chelseastorm @hubbylover @RavenSkye
  12. Welcome to our community @Jayargo. I'm merged your post into this existing thread - you'll see that you are most definitely not alone, I for one am very much there too. You'll find a huge family of people here from all over, with a common interest. Some with partners that support, some who are alone and some as you're finding things too. We're all here to support and encourage each other.
  13. Reading back, the original author lost their password and so made a new account. But they haven’t been online using that new account since December 2021.
  14. Leia gets challenged - resulting in desperation, naughty peeing and wetting. Written as a single story in short segments - enjoy reading as much or as little as you wish. Hi all, I thought I'd share my day of holding and weeing fun from earlier this week. I've no idea what time my day started, it could even have been a dream. But I was vaguely aware of Alec, my partner, running his fingers into my slit and reaching downwards to circle gently around my clitoris. I was vaguely aware of reaching across and tickling his balls gently with my nails whilst he wanked himself to a
  15. A bit hard to see, but I'm going to claim 750ml there.
  16. And now the ride discord chat is talking about sizes of coffee servings…. Not helping. 9 minutes to go!!!
  17. Just had one of those really intense need-to-piss right now moments. 24 mins to go until end of ride. And have got padded one piece cycling suit - can’t just pull it out and pee. Offcut of carpet in my garage is looking favourable but I also want to measure.
  18. Can’t beat those sort of pics… But currently doing an hour long virtual bike ride. And absolutely bursting. Last pee just over 4 hrs ago, needed to pee before I started…
  19. In the voice of Robin Williams, Good Morning Vietnam style... H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y P E E F A N S, and than means you: @Sandman033 @HairyPee @Vertte @ltd2 @Sparky88
  20. Tribe / mob mentality ??? 'I'm with my mates and we can say what we want whilst showing off to each other.' And if they're young, perhaps their expectations are wholly unrealistic based on extremes they've seen on the net or certain movies but never experienced in reality. I've got absolutely no issues with anyone taking a peek at me at a urinal (and I don't expect them to be impressed, I know myself and my shortcomings). But if a bunch of girls come uninvited into 'my territory' to shame me, that's equally as unacceptable as a guy striding into the ladies bathroom, peering over
  21. Just to clarify - the issue with uploading video to the site here isn’t about file size, even if you did get a clip below 5MB. It’s about file types where only JPG, PNG & GIF images are permitted - and not MP4, MOV or other video types. As others have said, you could use a throwaway Google drive account or similar.
  22. Welcome to Peefans - you've posted the very best kind of intro! Pee. And the entire Peefans family (which you're now part of) feels the warmth with you.
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