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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. They are lovely aren't they - catch more of them here And just below that post too. The full set, at full resolution was on Imagefap.
  2. Irrespective of the result, at least you got out there and did something - that's the main thing. So, full on kudos at you.
  3. I wonder if the thing to do is maybe engage in conversation - but with a hypothetical discussion... Given your background and the fact you know your mum at least used to be quite open: Perhaps if you go to visit there'd be chance to open the conversation along the lines of "I've been running about grabbing shopping all morning, on the way here realised I was absolutely bursting and had to pull over to have a wee in the dirt. Reminded me of all the times we've done that when I was young" Now your mum may say something along the lines of "I still do..." in which case you could ask ab
  4. Always interesting to see the sheer variety of ways Pee is enjoyed very differently across the site. Reading the title 'Pee Fun' and the opening statement "...fun ways to enjoy pee discretely so people don't know..." a completely different set of ideas sprang to mind, based on what I personally enjoy. And for me, it's quite different from wetting. - Usually for me the discrete part means just that I'm enjoying whilst there's a near zero chance of being detected - so browsing here or other sites whilst home alone, peeing outside when I know I'm alone. However the 'discretely' s
  5. Happy Birthday @sweetpee4u - Have an awesome day
  6. Rocking an 80's sort of elegant look there @puddyls - very chic in a smouldering sort of way.
  7. Well - if you define cheating as having a loving or a sexual relationship with another, without the knowledge or agreement of a partner then I guess there are two ways to view it. Shades of grey or just that anything and everything is black because it's not white. There are those on the site who have a loving, sharing partner who consents to their presence here, their viewing and interaction habits both on or off the site. I envy them. There are those on the site here without ties, similarly free to browse and interact in any way they wish to meet their needs. Then there are
  8. Love it - that message that pee is good, enriching and nurturing growth I suppose in a subtle way does counter the taboo aspect'. And whilst all of the free and easy peeing nature of the article opens up the 'nobody cares, just do it' attitude, my only comment would be that by referring to dumpsters, trash cans and sewer grates it's reinforcing the thought of pee as somehow dirty and unhygenic. Of course we all know better. The alternative of adding nutrition to the roots of a bush or watering the base of a tree is somehow overshadowed there a little. Still - every person in the re
  9. That actually sounds really intriguing - thanks for sharing. Looking at the site and blog, I assume your 'companion' gets to know your likes, and you can then discuss scenarios and maybe fantasies. Looking at the FAQ on the site, I see there is a paid 'role play' option and add-ins with a hint that 'sassy' may liven up the responses they give. From what you know do you get a reasonable level of interaction without the need for these extras? And I assume you can pick up wherever without any issue if time has elapsed - so for example if you only visit a couple of times a week your c
  10. And you @PissOnMyParade - hope you don't mind me joining threads, so you can join the party as it were.
  11. Thanks !!!! Sending huge truckloads of love right back at you and across the site.
  12. I'm sure you'll remember me explaining the logic behind the posts here - lots of members have declared birth dates in their profile, and those for today are listed on the Activity page. Lot's of them are people who haven't visited for possibly years, and going through the list, the names you see above are only those who've visited within the last two or three months. Then there are those with zero content, and sorry, they don't make the cut either. That's why this is a thin list. Sometimes there's nobody, other days there may be one person, a bit like today: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @So
  13. Today's happy birthday goes to: @bcreed1983 @Pauliep213 @KiriaBabyGirl Have a great day!!!
  14. No, I'm not suggesting you have broken any rules at all: What you wrote was a 'what if' and was about the 'if a few of us gathered'. It's very clear a hypothetical question as written at this stage - if it never came to be then it would be an exciting fantasy just like any other on the forum. And I agree it would be paradise to be able to spend time with other like minded individuals if nothing else. You've termed it 'a few of us gathered', well those could easily fit the "members who have built strong friendships here and privately wish to exchange contact information". After all,
  15. I'm curious to understand how you would do that within the site rules - which as you know prohibit asking for off site contact details. Largely of course that is aimed at the risk that anyone (including serial axe murderers) could sign up and claim to be a sweet innocent young Peefan looking to meet likeminded people. Literally yesterday I was looking at a post where a young member had quoted their age, five years younger than the age in their profile - an innocent mistake, or a red flag that one or the other is untrue. Are they really who they claim? It is accepted that real an
  16. Reading the comments for and against in the articles... There is a perception that with the standard type festival or event toilet, some ladies may enter, pee and go... whereas others may enter, lock the door, check it's locked, tear off sheets of toilet paper, carefully cover the seat with them, remove clothing, sit, tinkle, then after redressing will wash hands in the miniscule sink, dry hands etc. The proposal around these ladies urinals is that many of those steps are removed for those willing to use them. Thus the in / pee / out time is reduced. Handwashing facilities can be
  17. Hi and a huge welcome from everyone in the community. Hope you very quickly feel at home, and please do ask if you have any questions or problems.
  18. Hi and a huge welcome into a community which is more popular and widespread than you'd think. I'm sure plenty of people will answer your questions, but please also make use of the vast amount of information already here. You'll see answers to many of your questions where people have already asked or at least asked similar. Both in this section, and maybe in 'Men Peeing: Pictures, Videos & Stories' too. As well as just browsing, the site search is pretty good especially when you get into the advanced search. Note for anyone else answering - If you know of existing c
  19. It looks like Sunitha hasn't used the site for some time - since May 2020. If you mouse-over a member's name it will highlight some details of their membership including joining date and last visit.
  20. Literally tonight something popped up from UK BBC news about the business venture. Unfortunately the majority of comments seemed to be from people seeing problems rather than solutions, and evidently people who’d never used conventional festival portaloos.
  21. Reading what you've written there @Callum and cutting to the chase, am I reading it right that you're asking if anyone would like to meet you direct one-to-one. And in another post you've asked who is from your city. The problem we get into here is that we're not the site to support and encourage personal meet ups amongst people who, let's be honest know virtually nothing about each other. It's been a long debated issue and I know there are those who disagree and argue we're all adults and should be able to make our own minds up. That said, the site here is what it is, site rules are in
  22. That was where I was wondering... Good news they don't record all the time.
  23. Much better - glad to hear that. Saw some traffic cops type programme recently where they were talking about the multi-angle dashcams on the outside of trucks - do they also record the driver? (the CCTV in buses does)
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