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Everything posted by wettingman

  1. This thread reminded me of an actual incident that happened on the original Earth Day, April 22, 1970. I wrote about it long ago, but it seems appropriate to retell it here. , This occurred near the end of my senior year in high school, when I was 18 it was no fun at the time. It was the first Earth Day, in 1970. My then girlfriend and I went to a scheduled gathering at a local park 8AM Saturday morning. I guess the concept had not caught on yet as we were the only ones there. We waited about an hour, but nobody showed up. It was now 9AM and I already really needed to pee. My GF sug
  2. Back in the day when I was pee shy but absolutely had to pee I kept it as quiet as possible. I would aim for the porcelain not the water so no one could here me go. When in public Sometimes i would sit to pee . Even thst didn't aleays work, and I had to suffer. There were times I thought I was going to wet my pants, but didn't. Now that I have discovered the on line pee fetish world I want people to here me pee, especially if I have been holding it. I hope someone notices my loud long and strong stream, and realize I.needed to pee baldy, and had been holding to my limit
  3. I always feel a strong need to pee after an orgasim , although I can resist until I feel like getting up. I read somewhere it is natures way of rinsing out any seman remaning in my urethra.
  4. I understand how it works ,but I was hoping for a little demo like the one about making urine. Perhaps they could show how/why we find it so pleasurable, even to the point of sexual arousal.
  5. It would be great if they made one about how a person hold their pee as necessary, and what happens when the bladder is extremely full. How does the bladder and sphincter react.
  6. After all these years I learned something about male peeing while seated. You are 100% correct that the issue with my not being able to empty my bladder sitting down because the flow is restricted due to having to bend my penis to keep from peeing on the floor. The scientific proof : On another site I had a request to make a video. I was to hold my pee and sit on a towel naked and go when I couldn't hold it any more. I didn't think of it until after I was done, but sitting legs out straight on the floor there was no restrictions on my flow. I was able to empty my bladder completely. Of c
  7. This is true. It is exactly what I must do. Maybe that is it. If I don't tuck my penis in I pee over the top.
  8. As a male I definitely prefer standing while I pee it just seems natural. I like the sound of my pee splashing in the water. Of course it is the only way to use urinal. Also for some reason I cannot compleatly empty my bladder sitting dowm. If I need to sit to do the other thing, I always must stand to finish. I still feel the need to go after I released what I can sitting down . There is probably a third of my bladder left . It has been that way as long as I can remember. The only time I voluntarily sat to pee is when I was pee shy and could not pee around others. When I wa
  9. I actually did this a few years ago. I found an old abandoned non running truck in the woods. After I peed several times all over the seat, I decided to try something else. I wanted to fill the gas tank with my pee. Easy enough I could just pee in the tank filler neck. I used a funnel to do this. At first I held my pee and headed up there, when I had to go , but that was a pain in the ass. And since that was not always practical progress was too slow. A decided to save up each time I peed in whatever bottles I had around. I stayed well hydrated and discovered my output was over a ga
  10. This house is large and luxurious. It has a big open foyer with long twin sprial stairs leading to the second floor balcony. I would love to hold my pee until desperate, then stand at the second floor balcony railing and pee over the edge to the floor below. I love peeing from high places causing a big splatter below. In the basement there is an Olympic size pool with a diving board. I would really enjoy peeing off the diving board into the pool below. Or better yet spring board off the diving board doing a back flip, all while peeing a overfull bladder of pee. So hall balcony.
  11. Unfortunately I cannot go to sleep unless my bladder is 100% totally empty immediately before I lay down. If I don't I feel an annoying urge to pee that keeps we awake. I have never wet the bed, even as a kid , so it is not because of that. However, when I was growing up my strict parents made my siblings and I do "our finales"just before bed. We got punished if we got up again to go because they believed we were just procrastinating going to sleep. Crazy right ? Would they rather we wet the bed. I remember my sister had a problem with doing just that. I know this is silly and ridi
  12. I don't know anything about cultural or racial differences in the angle of the female urethra. I am amazed and highly interested in the fact that there are differences between any women. That it is hidden among your lady bits is intriguing. That you can stand and pee is awesome
  13. Awesome story. I just noticed you for the first time. I don't know how you could hold your pee at all sitting on the toilet with your bladder about to burst. That is signal it's ok to let go. Also it is totally legit to addin the time you peed the second time you had to go again so soon because, in an extreme hold your bladder is so stretched it cannot empty completely. The amount/ time of the second time you had to go was already in yoir bladder. I have added the amount I had to pee minutes after a hold and measure for that reason. Congratulations on your new record. Tak
  14. Obviously I don't know jim but I wouldn't mind one bit, especially if I inhaled and a nice whiff of your fresh pee. Although I know the amount was so small it was not noticeable
  15. As a kid I was very pee shy and frequently held my pee when playing with friends. This included s holding myself etc.. I usually made it home but occasionally leaked some that nobody knew about, mostly on the way home , so nobody knew. The stories below are three more significant held it too long and wet my pants events. I would stay pee shy through my twenties and frequently held my pee. None of these were for fun but out of just trying to hold it so nobody knew I had to pee. I guess I thought people didn't figure it out by my pee dancing and penis holding as a kid. These are real accide
  16. It is really sad and frustrating despite the rules, no matter the web site, or the topic , some people have to twist the conversation to spew their political hate everywhere. I almost feel sorry for them being so consumed and obsessed by politics. As an older male I thought this topic could be interesting, but I was turned off and stopped reading when it strayed into the BS. I eventually gave it another try skipping the angry posts. Keep that crap where it belongs. Nobody here want to read that here or on it seems every other site . Admin should check for these comments and t
  17. I knew decades ago that regular porn did nothing for me. Then in the mid to late nineties I discovered the now long gone Thomas water resources page. No video or pix but he set up a scenario and members submitted pee stories according to the theme. Some were really good and got me aroused. The first video i remember was Japanese Giga pee holding contest. Four females who already were desperate had to hold their pee while continuing to drink and Complete challenges. They struggled to hold in their pee, pee dancing and holding their crotch. One by one they would lose control and wet th
  18. Morning pee is my favorite because my bladder is usually full, sometimes painfully so. I especially enjoy it if I can hold my full bladder for awhile. As I wake up fully the pressure increases quickly. I want to enjoy feeling desperate for some time. It feels awesome if I make it through breakfast and three big mugs of tea. Of course by that time if I make it I am squirming and squeezing myself, and eventually start leaking. But it is much more common that i barely make it through making breakfast, pee dancing and holding my penis. Even before i sit down I have leaked Years ag
  19. I am 70 and still enjoy pee fun with a woman if I can. Since older adults ( including myself) may struggle with occasional incontinence an accident is not so uncommon . But I prefer a true just held it too long after I knew I had to go accidents. As far as being more open about peeing, I no longer have an issue telling people I need to go. Twice in the past year I have leaked into my jeans causing a visible wet spot. Nobody seemed to notice. Maybe they thought old guy can't control himself. So, the second time I was much less self-conscious about my accident The last time a female
  20. I have always enjoyed peeing from a high spot. Like you mentioned peeing through a grate means you pee will continue splattering beiefly after you finished. I am amazed at a female accomplishing this.
  21. This was not at a bar , but at a privately owned swimming lake . It was way back in the late 70's -early 80's. I don't know if it still exists. But yea the had a long trough-actually an elongated sink, space for 4 or 5 guys. It took the place of urinals. There was one toilet. We had to stand out in the open with our penis out and pee, in front of everybody, with no privacy whatsoever. I was Okay if nobody was standing there next to me, but I was just coming out of a long period of being pee shy. No matter how badly I needed to pee, how much pain i was in I could not go.The toilet was u
  22. 8:30 AM I am not starting a new hold here. In fact I have to pee soooo bad right now. I woke up with a painfully full bladder at 6:30 . I peed normally. This was not a planned hold. It is totally spontaneous . I had 3 large mugs of tea. Due to all that tea, I have had to pee badly for about an hour now, but I decided to hold it for awhile. Soon I began to feel like my pee was going to come out during bladder spasms. A tiny leak caused me to grab myself with my hand, which got it stopped. I should have mentioned I am taking a prescribed diuretic each morning to help pre
  23. Where I live we have had an infestation of stink bugs. They get their name because they emit a nasty smell if you squish them . So I try to gently catch them and drop them in the toilet and pee on them. These bugs are pests. I love nature but I would not fish an insect out of the toilet..If you have to pee and holding it for long is not an option what are you going to do?
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