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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I dunno. Probably until I was 14 or so when my mom started taking me to a doctor for adults instead of a pediatrician.
  2. Myself and one of my kids is the same way. I was so stoked to try Boba tea cause everyone loves it but the first time I sucked one of the little balls through the straw and it sat in my mouth with the tea I just couldn't stand it. Having to chew tea? I couldn't swallow it. It was bad. I let my husband have the rest lol. My habits and quirks are I have a very mild speech impediment that I cover up basically by not speaking at all, and I tend to pull my hair out when I get overwhelmed or nervous.
  3. I dont remember the first time, no. But often times after that the nurses would clap and smile and be really loud about it, and it just made childhood me massively uncomfortable. It was like I had peed in the toilet for the first time and I hated it. My most recent time peeing in a cup. Nothing unusual here. This was when I was dehydrated af even tho I had drank so much water. Definitely something wrong here.
  4. The first time they asked me for a urine sample was when I was less than 10 years old. I have to assume it's because girls can get their periods young and they have to test for pregnancy just to be sure. I have never been comfortable providing urine samples, especially when I was young. The nurses at the pediatrician would always praise me when I brought them the cup like I was learning to use the toilet all over again and it was just awkward. I still have to do it now as an adult and I don't really find it to be sexy, especially since the time before last I was severely dehydrated and m
  5. Not that I have any time for anything that brings me joy anymore, but when I did (and maybe when school lets out for myself and the kiddos) I really enjoyed playing video games. I primarily played on Ps5 and Switch, but because the kids always hugged the TV I really only got to play on the Switch lol. I like open world, play at your own pace games like Fallout and Outerworlds, and cozy games like Animal Crossing. Also the occasional FPS like Overwatch and Borderlands. I also really liked to draw. Was never any good at it but I still did lol. I've been wanting to break out the good Ole sk
  6. Same. I don't often watch porn of anything else other than peeing. Other things do make me pretty horny but the only porn I seek out in order to get off to is pee content.
  7. You should have sold it to me. I would have continued it's legacy lol.
  8. Aw bestie, we all love you here. I think I started to become more emotionally invested in 2020 or 2021 or so. That's when I started opening myself up to more friendships with people on here and got to know people a little more intimately. I gave a little more to myself to the forum than just the fetish aspect of my life, and in turn I started getting that from other people as well. Then logging in became checking in on my friends more than it did getting off, and peefans felt more like family than anything. There have been some times that I've felt addicted. Sometimes, and it doesn'
  9. I think mine is a fetish and I'd like it to stay there. I think it would be fun to make it routine, but there are too many real life variables for me personally to make it a reality. Husband, kids, animals, neighbors, and so on, and even if those were eliminated the clean up and the damage my floorboards would take from peeing on them all day every day would not be worth it--to me at least. In the same vein, the reprocussions of peeing on the floor in public would bring in the country I live in are not at all worth making my fantasies a reality. It really is a fantasy that I get of
  10. Those beer cans deserve it lol. Thanks for sharing 😍
  11. Yeah, I like this. I like the idea of having a single spot on the carpet that's my go to when I have to pee. A familiar spot or two that's always wet and smells like pee so the rest of my house is still comfortable.
  12. My turn offs are very yellow and very smelly pee. I also hate to see people pee on things like books, electronics, clothing, etc. Even if it's their own. Moaning, groaning, and talking while they pee doesnt appeal to me either. These will make me switch a video off real fast. I also don't like watching people move their pee around and try to wet everything. To me it's hotter for them to just pee in one spot. Also not into watching people pee into containers or bowls. I also have some neutral stuff which is neither a turn on nor a turn off. That would be peeing in a place that I don't thin
  13. Then come here and do it, Florida man!
  14. Lol @Peenicks I just came to the realization that you and I are probably the most horny people on here, and all we do is flirt back and forth with each other publicly 🤣🤣🤣
  15. We are. Now we just need a person to Dom and breed us 🤗
  16. Mmmm. Would do anything to be filled to the brim with someone's seed. Do I look submissive and breedable? Cause I feel submissive and breedable 🤣
  17. Men moaning 😍 that's it. That's the whole post.
  18. Cum in daily conversation. If we're talking about a certain other kink I have, then seed tends to get me wet 😁
  19. Way more than a second. About 30 seconds haha. Way less than my hopeful minute long pee 😒 but oh well. I even stopped recording cause I thought I was done but then *bam* five more seconds! I felt so empty so idk what happened lol.
  20. No 😭 kids are here. I didn't realize how late it is so im.gonna have to go pee now cause I need a shower and to cook dinner. Update in just one second!
  21. Eh...we are getting to "not being fun" here soon lol. I'm sweating! At like an 8 now 😭
  22. Getting a wee bit of exersize in while still holding. Its getting a bit difficult now. Thinking I may give in soon.
  23. Yep lol. Squeezed an O in just now and still not feeling an urgent need to pee right away. Im still at like a 5
  24. Oof okay I'm starting to feel it now. I'm at about a 4 and normally I'd be peeing but im gonna put it off a bit longer 😬
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