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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. She's a ten, but she goes out of her way to pee into gutters if she needs to. (Ps: I am staring at a gutter wishing I could pee in it and get away with it right now lol)
  2. Okay then he would go from a 10 to about a 50 for making me laugh lol. If it is on me? They become a 100 😊
  3. Yeah girl same. Traditional penis in vagina sex isn't really my favorite thing in the world. There are just so many things I can think of to better spend my time. But I still put up with it when my husband wants it, which was a few nights ago. I remember my friends (mostly male) hyping sex up so much in high school and when I finally tried it (with a boy who insisted he couldn't use condoms or lube; guess who got pregnant before she was 20?) I was really disappointed lol. It was like that for all of my sexual partners. I thought I was broken, but I guess I am just asexual af. I cou
  4. He's a ten, but when he give you a golden shower he makes sure to shake every last drop onto you 🥵🥵🥵
  5. That girl sounds a bit too wild for me lol. So I will leave her at a 10. I make her a 12 🧐 not naughty enough to pee right on her floor, but I still like the idea of peeing in a bucket!
  6. I was mindlessly scrolling Facebook before bed when I stumble across this that my friend shared: Guys. I SS'd and RAN here lol. It sort of inspired me and I wanna see if we can bring the She/He's a ten game here. So, how you play is you write a phrase (She's a ten, but she pees in parking lots when she's drunk) and the person beneath you writes if her ranking has changed. In my case, she would become an 11 for peeing somewhere naughty 😍 So, I'll start. She's a 10, but she pees in fitting rooms whenever she feels like it.
  7. @gldenwetgoose shall we see how fast you can run between my legs while I'm peeing? Not that I'm tall enough but it would still be fun 🤣
  8. That hoppy boy got an express golden shower 🐰
  9. I love it 😍😍 if only i could have been there.
  10. This is one of those things that turns me on a lot, but I'll never have the courage to do. I would find it so hot if a friend of mine peed on my carpet without me knowing lol. I would equally think it's hot for me to have a sneaky pee on my friend's floor, but unfortunately it has to stay a fantasy since I don't want to offend my friends and have them cut ties. This also sort of leads into my house party fantasy. Sneaking off to have a pee in a bedroom or hallway. I love it so much! One of my biggest fantasies!
  11. Mom friend bacardi to the rescue! I have had to get so many unimaginable things out of my walls and my go to is always a magic eraser and some water. Wet the sponge and gently scrub the wall and let it dry. If there are still stains then use just a little bit of your standard dish soap. You should be good to go!
  12. Omg yes my little mixed race princess Maru! I forgot about her! In my current save I am marrying Abby, but my next one is defintiely going to be with her.
  13. I play SDV upwards of at least an hour a day and I never ever thought about this lol. I would give anything to see Abigail pee in the village somewhere!
  14. I would let you take advantage of me all the damn time 😫😫 I am yours, pappa. Please use me as a toilet.
  15. Guess we will just have to practice in private then 😄😄 I wonder if there is a word for "simp" in Swedish.
  16. Both times when I peed on myself it was because I was laughing. I'm a very giggly person and it's easy to make me laugh, and both times I was full of pee. The first time wasn't a full bladder so it was more of a jolt (I was being told to hold it 🙄). A, "holy shit. Did that really just happen?" Kinda thing. I didn't even really get a chance to fully explore those feelings because I was playing with someone else at the time and he sort of demanded all of my attention (in a good way 😄). The second time was a whole full bladder in my pants and panties, and that was a trip. I laughed so hard
  17. Hey @sexyandre88 I think we made the mods angry with our Swedish 🫠 but, to answer your question, I would paddle as fast as I could over to you 😍😍😍
  18. No worries Goose. Just wait till I make it to the UK. I'll make you an expert on my body in no time 😙
  19. I will never be able to go to the Renaissance Festival and be able to see anyone the same ever again 🤩 it sounds like so much fun. Thanks for sharing!
  20. You will have to forgive me, because I am no psychologist and I don't know your history with pee and individuals you know, but what I can do is give you my own personal experience with something similar. I reacted like this when I was a child when I had deep, deep crushes on people. I would be up all night stressing about how much I loved them, and it was especially hurtful because most of the time they were women and that didn't make any sense to me since I hadn't accepted the fact that I was bisexual yet. Obviously you already knew that you were fond of her and you knew that you are in
  21. Si. Questo. Unfortunately playing with myself like that was the furthest thing from my mind when I was in the ER in so much pain lol.
  22. Happens to me often too. Another reason why I don't like to give pee samples lol. More always ends up on my hand and on the side of the bottle and I usually have to do quite a lot of clean up afterword.
  23. Idk how to describe mine. It's like I forget what I'm saying midsentence and completely freeze up. My eyes go all wonky until my brain turns back on and shit. Sometimes I end up saying the previous word multiple times instead. It happens most of the time when I am nervous, and I combat it by just not talking often lol.
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