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Everything posted by Blackinksoul30

  1. 1. Your favourite hobbies? writing romance stories and photography. 2. Favourite song, band/artist? A glam rock singer with gorgeous brown eyes. Beautiful dark brown hair. Singing voice of an angel. Makes my heart melt. 3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)? Favorite movie: Sleepless in Seattle. 4. Who are you a fan of? refer to answer for #2. 5. Your strongest quality, personality wise? I'm caring. 6. How do your friends describe you? friendly, thoughtful. or annoying, childish, whiny, immature. 7. How are you really? (how do you describe you
  2. First photo is of my diaper. second is some of my period blood on toilet paper. The second is the toilet paper and a q tip that i put inside for a few seconds. the last photo is of my finger tips.
  3. And it came early.... I wasn't due until the 29th... I started spotting on the 18th... i'm like ugh really.. i like just got it not that long ago... at least i'll be feeling well enough in time for memorial day when i want to go out and have fun.
  4. My period started yesterday morning... pretty much have had cramps all day yesterday and so far all day today. my lower back hurts pretty bad too. 😞
  5. Riley! Hugs! You and I are kinda similar in our 'tameness' and struggle with low self esteem and depression. You've always been so kind to me and everyone here. I rarely do 'pee' stuff. Haven't done that much in the last 10 years and i'm okay with that. There are plenty that are far more adventurous than us on here and I'm happy for them but i do understand how it could make you feel out of place. I don't pee in public and honestly feel a bit uneasy at the thought of that. But there is a variety of people here. I am not sure if you've seen my blog post that i posted in another thread but I've
  6. Actually i experienced that this morning. The site was down for a few minutes then it came back. I use google chrome.
  7. My new blog post https://starwhisper30.wixsite.com/alicesworld/blog/obsession I didn't really use anyone's answers in my post. I was just curious how people felt here.
  8. Thank you! Actually it's more friends/strangers that have bullied the way I cope with stress/sadness. Family is pretty understanding.. i mean some family members not 100% understanding but then again i don't tell all my family members everything. But yes people that have claimed to my friends over the years and acquaintances too are very quick to judge.
  9. HI! I have a blog and I post about cyber bullying, disability, depression etc. I would like to ask people here how do they cope with stress/sadness? A.) drinking B.)Drugs C.)shopping D.)socializing E.)listening to music F.) creating something (writing, art, creating music etc) G.) Porn H.) Other (please explain) Question 2: Has anyone (stranger, family member, friend) insulted you because of how you cope with stress/sadness? I will not post your usernames on my blog, i just want a general idea how what people use to cope with lif
  10. I had braces for 4 years. I only had 1 wisdom tooth I used to have pet mice.
  11. Sometimes i'll make a body pillow... put two pillows vertically, one below the other. Put a photo on the upper area of the pillow that's farthest away. lay on the pillow. wrap my legs around the bottom edge of the bottom pillow, put vibe in and just ride the pillow.
  12. I have had a few extremely bad experiences.... 😞 I had a 24 urine sample test... i had to pee into a clear bottle.... (back then they didn't have those dark orange jugs like they do now a days). I took the bottle of urine into a drop off area which was actually in a public lobby... i was SO beyond embarrised. the nurse made me take the bottle out of the bag and put it on the counter. my father was standing next to me. i just wanted to hide. Another experience I had was i had to give a urine sample for a doctor because i had odd feeling cramps... i drank a lot and went to the appoint
  13. I usually just put a vibe on my clit while looking at photos. 🙂 Doesn't take me long at all.
  14. I just shaved pretty much all down there last night. Hubby loves it. I'm kinda 'eh' about it.
  15. I usually trim mine. Rarely shave the pubic mound..even more rarely do I shave the whole area. I find i get far too itchy when i'm shaved.
  16. Not since I was little, when I was in a children's hospital probably.
  17. I've been seeing a gyno every year since I was 15... (Far too young I think). I've always only had a female gyno. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with a male gyno but that's just my personal preference to have a female because i feel more comfortable with one. the rest of my doctors are all males. Though I do have fantasies of a sweet attractive male gyno examining me.
  18. I haven't measured often.. but i think this is the most out of the time i have measured.
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