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Everything posted by Blackinksoul30

  1. I love knitting, latch hook, cosplay, writing stories, photography. I like disney movies and romantic comedies. I like comedy shows. I like thrift stores. I'm 35. I have a chronic lung disease. I wear an oxygen cannula when i sleep at night. I use a wheel chair at times when i'm out in public at large places. i use 2 inhalers a day. I do not have a drivers license. I spend most of my time at home. I also work from home part time. My husband works a lot 40 hours and is in college so he's gone most days for long amounts of time. I am happily married but it would be nice to have a friend. I spend
  2. Basically it's a free app for your phone or desktop computer. It's where people can type to one another and voice chat if they want.
  3. I could make a server if enough people are interested in it. Just for platonic friendship really, since i'm married. I'm in eastern standard time. The server would also have a voice chat option.
  4. My dad, his parents and his brothers are from south Wales. I think i'm a tiny bit Australian. The rest is American.
  5. Mine just ended. It wasn't real bad this time thankfully.
  6. Due to personal preference I have been using the 'ignore' feature and it's helped me a lot. Personally I find if someone posts something in chat that I don't really care to see on a daily basis, if i don't want to see that I don't really hesitate now to click 'ignore'. Is there any possibly way to inform new users that join this site that if they want to use chat to not put the same question in the chat box whenever they are on.
  7. Yea i'm sick of winter too. It bothers my lung problem.
  8. The mini clubs could get removed. Also I think like you are doing/want to do bring in more members. I think a bit of the downfall of the forum imo is when you glance at the forum it's the same 10 or so people making posts/making replies. There's really not that many active daily users here. You might get a new person that makes a post then they don't actually become 'involved' in the forum. If we had more people on the site that used the forum regularly and became more involved with the forum it might make the site better.
  9. Mine is due soon...Here's to hoping it's not real painful.
  10. Alright... Not to name names, but there's a few members here that are still asking 'Anyone need to wee' or 'Anyone gotta piss' or 'Anyone wanna hold.' I know some of these people have been warned a few times by mods/admins but maybe we've gotten to the point where we need 2 different chats. One for people that want to talk about nothing but piss and holds all day and for people that don't want to be asked about piss holding or bladder holding or 'needing to piss.' This has been an issue multiple times for awhile now and i'm sorry if i'm being harsh about this but multiple members are ext
  11. You sound very much like myself. 🙂 I love 'Inside Out'.
  12. You know what's funny.... When I first started to become interested in watersports.. I was like 15 or 16..and I did chat with guys (sometimes older) about it... and they were usually in their mid to late 30's or 40's..and I thought that was 'old' back then... Now to me 80 is old.
  13. Alright so I know people are in the chat room brief and quickly which doesn't give much time to get to know one another. I want to try to fix that. Honestly if you think about it... most of us don't really know much about each other other than our 'interest'. Maybe if we knew more about one another that would help spark friendships (besides the pee fetish stuff). A friendship can be more successful if it's based on more than just 1 thing. I will start by saying a few things about me and then I hope others respond and maybe there will be some friendship connections. Fav movies: Sleepless
  14. Thank you! I do have reddit again... I don't really feel comfortable pubically promoting but maybe i could private message a few people on the pee related subreddits about this place.
  15. Thank you to the Admin and others that have replied. I'd love to help with topics. Not sure if i could do that daily. I agree with Spywareonya I do think the site is experiencing a down phase. It doesn't seem to be nearly as busy as a few months ago. I think it's a combination of some regulars leaving and very new 'active' members coming into this site. There are a 'few' regulars...but when they take a break... (which is understandable) This site really suffers. If the regulars aren't active... and new people aren't coming in... then this site becomes in active. Here's what I feel b
  16. Can we form our ideas into a nice message for the admins?
  17. I agree with everything you just said. Daily Topics would be great in the chat room. More chatters would be great. Is there any possible way for one of the admins to send a mass message to all members or make some kind of pop up when people sign in to tell them about the chat room and encourage them to use it. I mean we have a LOT of members here on this site. But only like 5% of them actually use the chat.
  18. I've tried to let some people know on peesearch about this site but their site has very little to if any activity so i really have only gotten 1 response from someone that they'd check out this site. I don't use reddit. I'd just like to know what is being done to bring in new active members.
  19. I'm adding to this thread again cause I don't know if it's just me but I've really noticed the chat room has been a lot more quiet lately. Since I last made this post it seems like nothing has really changed about the chat room. Is there any incentives we can give people to encourage them to use the chat for more than just a place to say 'Hello'. I mean i'm sure time difference plays a roll but I imagine there has to be more people that live in the US than the chat room usage shows.
  20. Me and MarkJ had been talking on skype in November and December. We talked a few times. He'd private message me on here once every few days. We became good friends. The last private message I sent him was on the 13th of this month and he hasn't responded. I also haven't seen him in the chat. I messaged him on skype once since then but he hasn't responded. I felt pretty close to MarkJ. He made me laugh. He was very polite in understanding my boundaries. I'm just worried about him. This tends to happen to me where i'll get to know someone through skype and then they disappear and I never r
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