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Everything posted by Blackinksoul30

  1. I am still struggling to find someone to 'talk to' Two have not really replied back to my DM. Others are having skype issues. others would rather type. 😞
  2. We will this weekend though... *hides*
  3. There are some great people to check out on twitter if you like peeing and wetting. Go to twitter and type in 'Omorashi'
  4. You ladies are all adorable!! *hugs*
  5. I just wanted to say thank you to all the love and support from people on peefans. So many people have reached out and sent private messages offering understanding and comfort and friendship. Thank you so much. It really is like a family here.
  6. Sorry that I didn't notice this update til now. *HUGS* I think i'm currently ovulating cause i've been leaking a bit more discharge lately. I am proud of you and your awesome womanlyness. 🙂
  7. Held the cup against me... so...there actually wasn't much 'aiming' involved.
  8. I just tried to private message you but it wouldn't let me.
  9. I was a virgin til I was ugh i'm not good at math.... It was in 2005... I was born in 83. No shame in being a virgin!
  10. I wasn't fanning myself at the of lube. awww you're a virgin?
  11. Yes we used plenty of lube. *sitting here fanning face at the thought* *sigh*
  12. Thank you! *HUGS* I wonder if other ladies get sore there after love making. Oh and I was looking at photos of my celeb crush as me and my hubby made love 😄
  13. I might be getting 1 more therapy doll for Easter. It's a boy doll. I've convinced my hubby to let me get it.
  14. A shot glass. Yes i tasted a bit of it.
  15. I've tried..but like the rest have said it's extremely difficult.
  16. Update: Me and my hubby did have make love a few days ago... for the first time since last March or February. I felt a little sore after but It was nice to connect with my husband again. I didn't orgasm or anything. But still felt nice.
  17. I honestly haven't peed out in public since I was a kid.
  18. I think we did private message each other a bit, not sure if you still wanted to skype or not. I did private message you but we really haven't skyped yet. It would be nice to talk to you. Yes in general I still would love to find someone that makes me smile. Someone that makes me laugh. Someone not looking for constant 'pee chat'. Someone that won't get 'personal'. Someone that is available to chat regularly.
  19. I love doing photography! I have my photography on a site. It's nature photos, animal photos, abandoned places photos. 🙂
  20. My spouse has been working so much. Either 9:30am to 6pm. 10:30am to 7pm. 12:30am to 10pm plus one hour drive time there and back. He pretty much works 7 days a week or 5 days a week when he's in college classes which he leaves here to go to those classes. My parents are the only other people I vocally speak with and they are 5 hours away from here. I spend hours trying to find someone to talk to on social media. someone that's happy and cheerful. That I could talk to about hobbies, music, games. A best friend that I could really get to know. Someone that could talk to me often. I don't have
  21. He's sorry that he's away so much but there's nothing he can do. And i know that. I know things will be rough until he graduates in 2 years... but the whole 'friend' thing... that's been bothering me for 10+ years... and i've tried everyones suggestion about how to make friends.. nothing really has worked. Thank you Riley!
  22. I'm just.. really tired of feeling isolated for so many years... I just want a friend to hang out with. My husband isn't around much.
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