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Everything posted by Blackinksoul30

  1. My monthly started on the 22nd. It was pretty rough this time. 😞
  2. What makes you feel like i am seeking a more emotional relationship? In your opinion what is the difference between having a male friend or a emotional relationship. I don't really see in any post where i am seeking an 'emotional relationship'.
  3. Photo I saw from a fan that was at the show last night!!! Awwww my two favorite singers sang together!!! My girl crush and my guy crush. Too pretty!
  4. Oh i know... i understand and agree that it is the truth... realizing it... that's what i feel is disturbing... but it's better to know exactly how these men are and what their motives are and know to avoid them.
  5. I agree..... and reading this...kinda made my stomach turn... personally to me..... it's creepy... and disturbing...
  6. I think the reason why i've had some of these psychologist men comes to me and try to be my 'Friend'... i'm referring to these extreme psychologist men... they see my posts about wanting a friend. that i'm disabled and my husband works a lot. (happily married but he works a lot). They see that as a red flag that i must have a lot of problems that need to be 'fixed' and they see me as an opportunity.
  7. I'm really sorry if my original post confused you. I want to talk to a guy about the same things i'd talk to a female about. Gossip, celebrities, the 80's, what they love to cook. Maybe a lil bit of venting about our lives but making that the main focus isn't the friendship i'm wanting to seek. It's never been the kind of friendship i've wanted. I was just saying that i tend to fall into that trap that some of those kinds of men come to me... talking about my problems actually makes me feel worse. and these kind of men really do try to drag your problems out of you. even if it makes you feel
  8. Right but i'm not really looking for advice. Like i said I'm not looking for someone to 'fix' me. I'm not looking for someone to help 'work out my problems'. I don't want to talk about my problems. I pretty much spent the main original post complaining about these type of men. The whole post was about how I don't want this type of friend and now i know to avoid them. I didn't make the post because i'm seeking that type of friend. I made that post because men like that make me feel uncomfortable and now i've learned how those men are and i want to avoid them like the plague. I just want a casua
  9. Call me new age but shouldn't a woman (married or single) have female friends and guy friends? My husband has no problem with me having guy friends. Yes i did say psychologist men asked me questions about my sex life but i wouldn't answer them. I do not have close female friends to hang out with or talk to on the phone. Nor instant message. I occasionally get a an email from one. I was in therapy... But that therapy place was supposed to set me up with a new therapist and they never called me back. They won't email me back.
  10. I wasn't wanting someone to help me. I don't want a psychiatrist friend. I don't want someone to specifically discuss my problems. I don't like this kind of communication. That's why I removed this 'psychiatrist' friend from discord. These type of men do make me feel uncomfortable which is why i no longer communicate with them. I wasn't 'looking' for this type of 'friend'. I was just looking for a friend to talk to.
  11. Here's another blog post I wrote today... I’d like to believe that yes, they can be friends. But it’s a struggle at times. Almost all of my friends are introverts. Me as an extrovert: I love to talk. I’ve always known that. I loved to talk when I was a kid. I had a habit of wanting to be the center of attention at family events. I tended to interrupt people when I was a kid. I loved the sound of my voice. If two family members were having a conversation, I’d walk over and start randomly talk about something, actually somewhat loudly. Alone time can be boring at times. I don’t m
  12. Oh yea the outline i make is simply a list of 'scene' ideas. But it's not set in stone as i write. I tend to delete a scene, add a scene, add dialog ideas. add location ideas. the outline evolves and changes as the story progresses. Now if it's a completely different plot idea i set that idea aside for a different story. I already actually have my next story plot idea written down.
  13. I do not. What is written is written. Now as i'm in the process of writing the story I might change something in my 'outline' that i'm using that i've written..
  14. I have gone back and read old stories I wrote from beginning. It's quite interesting. 🙂
  15. So I wrote this blog post today after I had an issue with a guy online that seemed all too familiar. Over the past 5 or so years that I’ve had Reddit and Discord I’ve begun to discover and encounter on a few occasions a type of male personality that exists out there. The psychologist. These type of men all act the same way and say the same things. They are the type of men that right off the bat within the first few days of instant messaging them ask the intense, in-depth questions. Instead of a simple “What’s your favorite movie?’ it’s “What are you most
  16. Even though I'm not sharing my novels with people i'm open to answering some questions about my writing. I may not be comfortable answering every question I'm asked. We'll see what people ask.
  17. When the guy or girl pees in a cup or bucket. When the guy or girl are vocal. Camera guy vocal encouragement for the girl is fine with me. Like if the girl is hesitant or nervous and he vocally encourages her to pee. I love that. Girls supporting each other and encouraging each other to pee. (I LOVE the pee desperation video series!!!!) Videos of guys that are extremely desperate.
  18. Most of the things people mentioned on this thread that they don't like.. i actually don't mind it. The only thing i'm not a huge fan of is non vocal videos...where you only hear the stream and no vocal desperation. or guys that you can tell are figidting but they don't actually moan or say that they have to go. like if you're legit about to lose it... tell me! speak up! say like.. 'oh shit i have to go so bad.' So many guys seem to get camera shy... girls too by the way get camera shy. But there seems to be a lot more girls that record vocally desperate pee videos than guys do.
  19. Fellow Midwesterner here. Hi!!!
  20. My mom caught me when i was young... i was in that self exploration stage of self discovery...
  21. Movie:: Sleepless in Seattle Song: Take On Me Book: hmmmm not sure.
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