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Everything posted by P_lovinguy

  1. Oddly enough, I'd read an article about this very thing in Playboy or Penthouse magazine MANY years ago. In relation to what many Catholics observe as Lent leading up to Easter, it had said to "give up" masturbating during that 40 day period. Not so much for the religion behind it but that you'll come out of it with a stronger erection, increased stamina, better vitality and more energy. I have done this through the years and the results are spot on; quite the same as you Peefreak. Good for you guy! Now being here and not wanking off is like an oxymoron; next to impossible. Bu
  2. OMG! She is one beautiful and sexy lady. You truly are a very lucky guy Grizzly Man. What a sexy color! It's gorgeous as well as the lovely lady in it!! What I'd give to have the opportunity to lick up this delicious looking pussy. Damn; wish I wasn't 2k miles away. I'd settle for her pissing all over me and drinking her up. . . WOW! She's awesome!
  3. Welcome to the best pee site there is. Glad to have you here. There's a non pee post here of what tunes you're watching or listening to; maybe you can post a Crue video? Pee happy!
  4. Oh how inviting this looks! Yum!!
  5. Now this is cheeky! LOL😂
  6. Couldn't say it any better honeylemon. Glad to have you here Pee happy!
  7. Hope you enjoy these as I do. If ever there was an adorable trap, here she is. Love it! Is this not sexy or what?
  8. I've actually had a twist on this where I've asked the gal to let me watch as she pees right next to the car with the doors open. Like F. W. wouldn't want to ruin the cloth seats. I bartered a few times but got to watch a few ladies pee at the cost of a very expensive dinner. A couple times they got so turned on by the idea they wanted to do it AFTER we had dinner. It was great! Oh those were the days now long gone by.
  9. I'm spring-boarding this off of the topic Gotah started on Feb 24th "The best pee you ever had." Thanks Gotah! This has probably been presented several times before but for all the newbies of late, it should be interesting and rewarding. When and how did you very first become interested in pee/pissing fun? Here is my story of how and when I got turned on to pee play: Now this takes place some forty (40) years ago, around 1979/80, when I was 17 y/o experiencing and experimenting with all the world had at the time. I got invited to a house party and there was EVERYTHI
  10. Welcome LadySilver; greetings to you there in Canada. Glad to have you here.
  11. I share in this sentiment. I miss having this done from my past pee partners. How I wish there was a discreet way to meet, in person, like minded "play pals" here. We'd already have something in common! I know, I know... there would be those who would abuse the privilege; I get it. Whatever happened to the days of "plays well with others in the sandbox?" Oh well....
  12. Now this takes place some forty (40) years ago, around 1979/80, when I was 17 y/o experiencing and experimenting with all the world had at the time. I got invited to a house party and there was EVERYTHING imaginable from brews to booze to grass and even snow. While indulging in a little of everything, I was as high as kite but had to pee from the beer. There were a couple of bathrooms in the house so there wasn't too a long wait to pee. There were a few girls from school (yeah I was still in high school) ahead of me, one I had a particular crush on. They went in but didn't close the do
  13. Something to drink cheers to. Yeah!
  14. Same here. Every now and again in the tub, especially after consuming a good bottle of wine bending away my loneliness of being single unable to share in pee play with a gal.
  15. Welcome Jen ! Warm greetings to you! Glad to have you here. Totally agree with Ms Sweets. For what its worth, not sure where in NY you are but I'm one of your southern neighbors in NJ. Drop a line any time. Pee happy
  16. I started out on Peesearch many years ago. Some of the posts weren't bad but as time went on it lost its quality, quantity and popularity. Peeing Cupid... UUGGHH!!! Great idea, or so I thought, but like y'all have mentioned what a friggin' waste of time; I hope nobody spent the money on that. Totally agree with what @spywareonya posted on 7/28/19: and herself, among the many countless others who keep this website going and keep it a delight to cum to everyday.
  17. I'm going to have give that "Kingsman The Golden Circle" another look for the scene you mentioned; don't know how that escaped me before.
  18. Welcome Erinkiyo! Glad to have you here and hope you're enjoying this site. You'll find we're not freaks here, just very friendly people who have a peculiar vice. I want to believe the subject is more popular in the privacy of people's homes than to openly speak about it at the coffee machine at work. With that in mind I would bet to say there are more folks enjoying our forte than one would think. However, whether they want to go deeper into our "golden pool" remains to be known. That's why this website was created; for those who want to explore and for those who want to expand th
  19. I used to be a Lyft driver so I know about getting that next fare and pissing in between rides. You're fortunate to have this happen to you, that is being able to afford $500 as a tip for a Uber ride and the lady driver, looking quite nice actually (I love tall redheads - schwing!) letting you take pics of her wetting herself. It's almost too good to be true but congrats to you. I hope you got her phone number at least. LOL
  20. It's been so long since I've had a lady partner to share an experience with that at this point in my life, just the thought of engaging with a female in any sort of romantic interlude would be a fantasy come to life. I have a couple of fantasies that I'll post another time.
  21. Not wanting to be Johnny Downer here, but is there a high concern about this Coronavirus happening around the world lately?
  22. Woo - Hoo Pissguy! You have us all anxiously waiting for your next update. Way to go guy!
  23. All of the points all of you have previously mentioned are all valid issues. It's great that we have a forum for just this sort of subject. I'm in agreement with more natural, unplanned, pee happenings with both sexes in an understandable language. The amateur films or "real-life" flicks do have more spontaneity and are more of delight to watch. I love to see a big beautiful smile of elation on a gal as she's going and the joyful sighs & sounds they make when all done. To have her lover (male and/or female) come and lick up any drops or drips left behind I think is also incredibly se
  24. I too as a male often thought of gender swapping; it's fascinated me almost as long as my insatiable admiration of watching you lovely ladies pissing. As was mentioned by @gldenwetgoose in the very beginning, coming to grips with the female anatomy would be an orgasm... or three. Without revealing too much, and keeping things as fantasy, there are so many delightful things you gals get to experience I've often wished I could; the wide array of clothes you gals get to wear, the fashions, the styles I've often envied plus the plethora of beauty products that just gloriously accentuates your alre
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