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Everything posted by Loller

  1. Have you been using a penis pump?
  2. A lot of men's pants these days have very short flies that make it very uncomfortable to pee through it. Luckily I own some older slacks that have long flies that are really easy to use.
  3. Anyone here from Germany? Now is the time of Oktoberfest. That means a lot of one liter pints are being drunk and that means lots of people will be needing to pee constantly. I suppose there's a lot of public peeing at Oktoberfest, both from men and women? I suppose the lines to the restrooms are long, I saw some pictures and the men's rooms have long troughs. Are there lots of ladies popping into the men's room, probably using the trough also?
  4. I get even smaller during my runs. The blood really flows elsewhere when you exercise. It's good that I can even find my dick if I need to pull over for a pee during a run, haha
  5. As a guy, I wouldn't actively try to pee in public so that I can be easily seen. I like some privacy so I prefer to walk to the side away from other people and try to find a bush or a tree or something. Trust me, guys who pee too openly can certainly get confronted sometimes, atleast in the form of nasty comments made by people passing them by.
  6. This is most likely an explanation for the hold but having your hands on the side with the thumb on top and fingers underneath the shaft seems to do an equally good job of covering up and also makes aiming your stream easier so that's why I am wondering about this type of hold. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=One Eared Elephant
  7. Some more material of this strange way of holding it while peeing. An old picture of soldiers peeing together, the guy in the right seems to be doing the hold with his other hand next to it in a regular position.
  8. I haven't peed through the foreskin in ages. Been pulling back since I was like 10-11 years old.
  9. I'm also uncut. I pull back the foreskin before peeing. After I'm done I give it a little squeeze and a shake. It's not wild helicoptering, it's just a few small but powerful shakes to get the drops on the end to come off.
  10. I've always been a shaker. Was taught this way as a kid and I've done it ever since. I've heard some guys actually wipe the tips of their penises with TP after they are done peeing. I've tried this a few times but I always go back to the classic way of giving my dick a good shake. And there's no TP at urinals and I usually don't carry paper on me when peeing outside. Please note: "shake" option includes also "milking out the last drops" and other such maneuvers.
  11. Yep. You water the plants and save water because you don't need to flush a toilet.
  12. How did I not know before that this existed??!! I loved the original Pee Movie List and it sucked when the site stopped.
  13. Naked peeing feels weird because of the lack of needing to open up your fly and pulling your cock out. It has just become such a fundamental part of peeing as a guy.
  14. The peeing statues in front of the Kafka museum in Prague also seem to be holding their penises in this "backwards" manner. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piss_(Černý)
  15. These days I'm sometimes more of the opposite: try to hide less in order to look more confident. Not that anyone really looks at urinals, though. Everyone's too busy trying to aim correctly to avoid splashback.
  16. Yep. I definitely try to avoid exposing my penis too much. I used to be pee shy when I was younger and one of the things that made me feel awkward using urinals next to others was the fact that I felt so exposed having my penis out. I'm much better now but I still try to be polite and cover up a little bit.
  17. We have these at smaller roads too, not just highways. They are called "rest areas" but everyone knows they are basically places to pull over for a piss. There's usually some trees and bushes for privacy.
  18. Some drunk guys do a version off this at trough urinals in bars, called "crossing the streams".
  19. Doesn't even need to change color or taste on the way out! I'm only joking of course. Watery light beers are great on hot summer days.
  20. Luckily you can pull back the foreskin when you want better pee aim, haha.
  21. Nice body overall. Looks like she's a fitness girl.
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