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Everything posted by UnauthorisedGuy

  1. I was out last Sunday doing a few things and passing a pub on the way home, I decided to drop in for a beer. Because the pub has a “Happy Hour” with really cheap drinks, they get a reasonable crowd on a Sunday afternoon. After I’d been there for half an hour or so, I needed to pee, so I headed for men’s toilets which are down a corridor, and right next to the women’s toilets. On the frosted glass door of the men’s was an “Out of Order” sign, and there was a sign on the women’s toilet door, “M/F Unisex”. There was no one in the toilets when I went in, but this seemed like a great chance to get
  2. No need to be sorry - pee and periods, my two fav fetishes 🙂
  3. Not a fan of drinking my own, but I'd love to watch a woman fill a glass and offer it to me. I'd probably just have a taste, rather than drink it all. Don't know whether it's true or not, but I remember seeing a post on another forum claiming that a pregnant woman's pee tastes particularly good.
  4. An early contender for "Best Real Story 2019"!
  5. From your posts, I see you like to masturbate while holding your pee. Do you ever lose control when you cum? There's a thread on another site in which women describe doing this: "One of the best feelings ever is having to piss so bad & being so turned on you’d rather masturbate than piss, knowing at any second you could explode with piss or orgasm. And actually orgasming so hard you piss." That sounds like the hottest thing ever!
  6. I do think it depends on the person, but generally speaking, I think long hair is more attractive than short hair. I love the long plait in the seventh pic, and I'm always a bit intrigued by complex plaits/braids. Do women learn how to do them for themselves, or do they need someone else's help?
  7. The city where I live used to have a number of public toilets with dividing walls between the men's and women's toilets that didn't go all the way to the ceiling. There was a toilet block at a racecourse that had a dividing wall that went about three quarters of the way to the ceiling, with chain link wire mesh covering the gap. That not only allowed you to hear someone using the toilet on the other side of the wall, but as the day wore on and some racegoers got a bit pissed, there were some interesting conversations over the top of the wall.
  8. #1 Suggest she pees behind a tree, hedge or whatever else would provide some cover. I'd tell her I'd keep watch and make out I was looking the other way, but I'd sneak a peek if I could. When she had finished, I'd say "I need to pee too". That way, if she wanted to, she could also sneak a peek! #2 Suggest she goes to the toilet, and I'd tell her that I'd fill her in about what she's missed when she gets back. #3 I'd say "Can I watch?" or "I really need to go too, can we share the toilet?" Meanwhile, back in the real world, I'd probably just say "Ok". #4 Find somewhere safe to
  9. Like you, I'd be open to trying new things, but my favourite thing is watching women pee.
  10. Good question, but perhaps her partner didn't mind that she wasn't squirting! If so, then no one is sorry (lol)! 😀😀
  11. I've been a Literotica member for some years and I've posted a number of stories (not pee related) in the past. I'm not here to defend Lit, but it doesn't allow any references to persons under the age of 18 in forum posts or in stories published on the site (see paragraph 2 of the Forum Guidelines https://www.literotica.com/support/forum_rules.shtml). I post a fair bit on the forums, and in my experience, flaming and trolling are rare.
  12. Thanks for the pics, Puddyls 🙂 I like your boots. Just as well you remembered the tampons - no panties and no tampon might have been a problem!
  13. Like most guys I guess, I’ve peed outside innumerable times. Nothing memorable on most occasions, but I do remember peeing outside at a ball in a country town some years ago. It was held in a small hall, and the additional toilet facilities for men included a fenced off area with straw on the ground. I assume that the straw was taken away after the event, but I thought that was a really strange arrangement. It wasn’t particularly private – the fenced off area was in a bit of a hollow, so it was possible to look over the fence.
  14. So it’s less than two weeks until the man in the red suit does his thing. Being that fat must put pressure on the bladder, so he’ll have to make a lot of stops along the way.
  15. I drove into the city last week to pick up a friend after work. While I was sitting in the car waiting for her, a young woman walked past on the footpath. She was wearing a short skirt, and her hand was between her legs, holding herself through her skirt. There's a public toilet about 100 metres further along the street, but it's not well signposted. For her sake, hopefully that's where she was headed. Not much of a sighting, but I thought I'd post anyway, in case anyone is interested.
  16. Sorry if I'm not understanding, but if cannabis is legal, what right do employers have: to make their employees submit to a drug test, and take action against an employee who "fails" a test?
  17. Love your pics - thanks very much for continuing to post them 🙂
  18. Does this mean your office only has one restroom which is used by both men and women? Sorry, I realise this isn't the main point of your story, but I'm really curious.
  19. I don't remember when I learnt about sex, and I don't think I knew that much about menstruation until I was in high school. When I was in primary school, I can remember seeing ads for Modess sanitary pads in a women's magazine my mother bought. The ads were all much the same - a pic of an elegant, well-dressed woman with the caption "Modess because". "Because" what?? I was puzzled, but I somehow knew it wasn't something my mother would want to explain to me.
  20. I'm not sure why, but I've noticed some women seem to have a more prominent pee hole than others.
  21. Hopefully, next month will be better...
  22. Your next challenge when you're at your local is to use the urinal in the men's toilets and post the pics here!
  23. Another thing that makes these sites a bit different from most is that the performers talk to each other and/or the camera woman. I like the AW clips in which two women masturbate alongside one another and often talk about their sex lives. I've got an AW clip in which two of the models, Satine and Fenna, masturbate in the bathroom and then Satine pees into the toilet while Fenna watches.
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