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Everything posted by UnauthorisedGuy

  1. Would you like to have a Lush vibrator, and would you let someone else control it when you were out in public?
  2. No, I haven't. I think I might feel awkward about having sex in the presence of someone who's just watching and not participating. That leads me to ask this question - what do you/would you prefer - to watch, or be watched?
  3. I had a FWB who had large nipples, and I can remember circling them with cream, so that her nipples were "the cherry on top" (sounds lame now, but it was fun at the time). I like the bucket list question, so I'll re-ask it (I presume that's ok) - what's one item on your sexual bucket list?
  4. I agree, and I've also noticed some women wipe a lot - backwards and forwards several times. Perhaps that's why they use so much paper? If you're wiping that vigorously every time you go to the toilet, wouldn't you get sore? As you say, some women line their panties, and I've also noticed others who fold and wedge the paper between their lips.
  5. I agree with you about pads - women whose preferences I am aware of only use pads at night, if at all. I think you're right too about pad bulges - if they were common, I would have noticed them by now, lol.
  6. Don't think I've ever actually seen a "pad bulge" - I'll have to pay more attention when I'm out and about, lol.
  7. I've got a lot of questions about the outdoor urinal, lol. Why would anyone put a urinal in a carpark, on the outside wall of an industrial shed, that seems to drain into a bottle? There's what appears to be toilet paper on the ground, so does that indicate the urinal is sometimes used by women? Very strange!
  8. In the movie, Fish Tank, Conor has sex with single mother Joanne, and when Joanne passes out, he seduces her daughter, Mia. He then goes back to his mundane, married suburban life, but Mia breaks into his house and pees on the carpet in an act of revenge. This clip shows the beginning of the pee scene (I think she pees for longer than this in the movie): Katie Jarvis Pee Scene in Fish Tank
  9. I only bought a couple of Sex Bizzare mags, but I do remember wondering why the women quite often wore wigs, Was the wig supposed to be some sort of disguise? Filming pee porn must have been a bit trickier than filming vanilla porn - the performers had to be ready and able to pee on command, and if a scene didn't go to plan, you couldn't go back and do a second take. I'm thinking the blonde with the shaved pussy in SB 4 would have been a rarity for 1970s porn - all the women in the SB mags I bought had pubic hair.
  10. The homemade(?) gyno table is interesting. It's a pity it doesn't have a proper collection tray (if that's the right terminology) for her to use.
  11. In Australia, in the days before everyone owned a VCR, sex shops often sold illegal, hardcore porn mags like Sex Bizzarre. Shops were regularly raided by the police (our tax dollars being put to good use, lol), but it didn't stop them selling hardcore stuff - the fines were probably fairly miniscule, compared to the money that could be made. I guess the sales of magazines would have declined as more and more people got VCRs. I can remember buying a couple of watersports VHS tapes, but I can also remember buying a tape in which a scene of a woman peeing on a guy had been edited out. Sex Bi
  12. It's funny the stuff you stumble across on the internet - in this case, a slideshow of "genius" products. There's 123 products (mostly not bathroom products, but worth scrolling through if you have the time), but here's some pages that might be of interest: "Bathroom indicator lights: Using public restrooms isn’t exactly something we all look forward to, but it’s just part of life. However, it’s not always as simple as going in, doing your business, and heading out again. Finding a vacant stall on a busy day can take up precious minutes, and sometimes result in a red face if the occupant
  13. I agree with a lot of what has already been said. People being interviewed on TV are invariably asked, "If you could live your life again, what would you change?" I can't believe the number of people who reply "nothing". I don't think excessive navel gazing is particularly helpful, but you must be living a totally unexamined life if you wouldn't change anything. Having a mentor is one thing I think would have really helped me. I'm thinking the best mentor would be a more senior person at work, but some universities and industry bodies offer to match people up with mentors, and that could
  14. At least you've discussed it - it's a pity you couldn't come up with a compromise.
  15. I saw a survey on the internet a few years ago (can't find a link at the moment) about women's attitudes to menstrual sex. A lot of women said that they would like to have more sex when they were menstruating, but were worried about their partner's reaction if they bought the subject up. I've also seen comments by guys saying that if the woman was comfortable doing it, they don't see menstruation as a reason for not having sex. These people need to talk to each other more (lol), but I guess that's the problem with a "taboo" subject - people don't talk about it. Puddyls, thanks very m
  16. @1badboy - your post is timely, because I'm actually having the same debate with myself at the moment. I've written a story for Literotica (not about pee), but I'm undecided about whether to post it or not. The main character does something that is not only morally wrong, it's a crime. Why am I even considering posting it? Because I can separate fantasy from reality - the fantasy of doing this turns me on, though I'd never, ever even consider doing it in real life. I posted a story that contained some of the same elements on a site some years ago, and got a number of emails from women saying h
  17. I like Vegemite better, but maybe that's just because I've had Vegemite all my life, and Marmite only when I've been visiting the UK. I'm not sure why Tesco sell Vegemite in a large bottle - over here you can buy it in much smaller bottles.
  18. Follow up question; Have you tried/do you like Vegemite? It's the Australian version of Marmite. When I was in UK, I always bought Marmite because I couldn't find Vegemite in the stores, although I see Tescos now sell it: Results for “vegemite” - Tesco Groceries So glad to hear you and Eliminature like Marmite, lol.
  19. I'm wondering if we might have seen the same first video, lol. As I remember, the video was quite short (maybe about 30 seconds), and it ended with the woman laughing as her final pee spray almost hit the cameraperson.
  20. Maybe others knew this already (I didn't until just now), but there's a map that shows the location of PeeFans members (click on the "Forums" drop down menu and go to "Member Map"). Obviously, it only shows the location of members that have chosen to give a location in their profile (currently 8397 members), and since this is an English language forum, countries with few English speakers will be under-represented. Still, it gives some idea of the distribution of members by country.
  21. There's quite a few sounding groups on FetLife (https://fetlife.com/) if you're interesting in finding out more.
  22. This question is inspired by a comment you made in reply to a post by Eliminature . You said you didn't think you'd be confident/brave enough to use a urinal in the men's toilets. Have you ever peed using the standing position?
  23. It's a bit outside my normal comfort zone, but I've done this in places where I could have been caught a couple of times.
  24. Thanks GWG - an interesting read! Based on what you've posted, it seems more likely than not that it was Maria. I wonder if it's occurred to her that her shoes have given her away?
  25. As Alfresco says, if you're just peeing, it wouldn't be much different to using a urinal. Otherwise, I'd only use the facilities if I was desperate. One thing I noticed is that there are no toilet paper holders next to the toilets, and only two rolls on the ledge behind the toilets.
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