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Everything posted by CON2H4

  1. Dear wet carpet. I don't know who else to turn to because I feel like a complete failure of a parent. You see my Daughter is 25 years old already, and she has not once wet the bed. I tried explaining to her how good girls always wet the bed, and that a dry bed is a terrible wicked thing, but she won't have it. She called me "some kind of gross pervert", and is threatening to leave. How do I convince her to wet the bed like a good girl?
  2. I'm wondering if I should try writing a troll letter. For the lols.
  3. I think kilts are becoming more widespread in England too.
  4. Right this is the final dress rehearsal, just relax, don't overthink this, and remember when you get to the phrase "urinary freedom" start peeing.
  5. Sure, I used to love a good night, but I'm afraid my bladder isn't up to it anymore. Don't sweat hun, we know just the establishment for you. Does it have plenty of toilets with short queues? Urm, kind of. You'll see.
  6. Well ladies. Today we shall continue our lessons on decorum. Today, we shall go over how to pee with decorum. If you are in your chair, then simply lean forward slightly, keep your back straight, shoulders down and simply wet the chair. If you are standing, remain standing up straight, and simply let go where you are. If you are walking, maintain your pace as you pee. remembering to keep your back straight and shoulders down. Now I gather that last one might be a bit trickier, so I hope you've drank all your tea, because I want you to walk with decorum and practice peeing w
  7. Same, but it can still be fun to do theology.
  8. To be clear, I don't really believe in any gods, but that doesn't mean I can't wonder about why a god would design a universe in which we need to pee, or why we pee through the same area we reproduce and have sex with. Now this post may come across as rambley, but I just wanna get my thoughts out. I think a lot of it may have to do with the idea of giving. That a deity would design our genitals as the giving part. Giving pee back to the plants we ate, and returning the stuff to nature; and giving pleasure to each other and babies to the world. Now many criticise the fact that our was
  9. Same. I didn't know this thread existed. Mine is the 3rd, when's yours?
  10. Reminds me of this fashion designer, for some reason.
  11. Glad I'm not the only one who saw it.
  12. Who was it on mock the week, who joked in the unlikely things for a politician to say section, that he proposed recriminalising homosexuality... so he could feel more dirty when he did it?
  13. I fantasise about it becoming normal, so once that happens, there is no fantasy. 😕
  14. Back in my day, we used to have to hold our pee in so that we could do it in the toilet. Ok Grandma.
  15. I realise though, I have no idea how to organise a wild camping trip. I'm particularly concerned with finding a place where one would be unlikely to be seen by random passers by, and somewhere that I either have a right to be, or have permission to be there.
  16. Actually re-reading rule 8 I'm wondering if I've already broken rule 8 with this post. I hope not.
  17. I've not planed anything yet, partly because I don't have huge amounts of time right now, partly because I don't know where would be suitable. I'm just trying to gauge interest, see if it's the sort of thing that might be popular.
  18. Ok, so this has been on my mind for a while, but what if a few of us gathered somewhere offline, came with hiking gear and plenty of water, and then when one of us needs to pee, they can just do it in front of everybody else. Like yes, we are there to hike, but also to pee and have fun doing it. Maybe it could even be a camping trip? I don't know, what are your thoughts on this? Is it worth organising?
  19. Anything to do with this school?
  20. Good. Nice to see their dad eventually found a decent wife.
  21. I gather that particular clip is available on pornhub.
  22. https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/70886/17228098/so-you-guys-just-like-pee-on-the-floor
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