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Everything posted by CON2H4

  1. "Hey! Get this. An alternate reality where you have to hold your piss, and like, only pee in the toilet." "Ok Greg, you've had too much weed."
  2. "So that's the basics, just make sure to water the plants, make sure nobody steals anything while we are gone and otherwise make yourself at home. There's plenty of food in the fridge that needs using up so please help yourself. Waste not want not. Oh! And feel free to pee wherever you like."
  3. "Excuse me ma'am. I'm sorry to disturb you but I got caught short on my walk and I don't suppose I could use your toilet?" "Sure, you are standing right on it."
  4. I'm kinda disappointed she peed in the toilet to be honest. Otherwise good.
  5. "Mum, can I go to the toilet? I really need a wee." "You're supposed to be making a good impression." "Huh?" "Don't huh me. What will the Dean think if he sees you enter with bone dry pants? Now go wet yourself now before you make a bad impression" "Ok mum." *wets self*
  6. I'm just calling to let you know that when the maid tidied your room, she noticed your bed was bone dry. Are you drinking enough fluids?
  7. So what exactly is the piss club?
  8. And here we see the jeans and knickers that Elena* wetted when she lead the first protest for the right to public urination. Of course these days we take it for granted that if we need to pee we can just do so, as I am doing right now. But back then it was genuinely considered shocking the idea that somebody should be allowed to wet themselves wherever, despite the fact that many women had already been doing something of the sort discretely and without hassle. Now as for the next exhibit, some internet posts by anonymous user @Paulypeeps, who was perhaps one of the first people on the int
  9. "And for wasting toilet space just to pee when you could have just wet yourself, how do you plead?" "Guilty your honour" *wets self* "I promise I won't do it again" "Well seeing as this is a first offence and you have shown remorse, I will let you get away with community service"
  10. Thanks. It's not so much that I'm guilty though. don't worry.
  11. Wow! and here I am feeling lazy because I never got around to writing all I was hoping to write.
  12. Funnily enough I was accused of it when I was at school, by a one of my classmates. Called me gay and everything. 😞
  13. Sorry I was just saying I couldn't write as well in French
  14. Si j'écris en français je ne pourrais pas si bien écrire.
  15. I really wanna see her succeed now. Also, I find the setting strangely interesting
  16. :et me try tidying it up "Clara, I need to go take a piss, where is the bathroom?" "Yeah, I forgot to tell you, we don't have a toilet at home, so we just piss on the floor." "Uh, I'm not sure I can do it ..." "Yes Alex, you can, there is nothing more normal, look" Clara undoes her jeans and brings them down to her knees, Alex notices Clara is not wearing panties under her jeans. Clara starts to pee in the most normal way, right next to her bed, on the carpet "Okay, my turn" said Alex He in turn undoes his jeans and takes out his penis, he then begins to urinate right there, on the
  17. I hope you enjoy yourself. Let us know how it goes. (I so wanna try it).
  18. Sorry, is there a problem? What do you mean I'm peeing? What else am I supposed to do? Hold it?
  19. Damn @wetwulf is on fire!!🔥🔥🔥
  20. A friend of mine said this in a conversation and I thought it would be good here. "....today is practically impossible to see a woman not peeing during their ultrasound visit while pregnant, while in the past it happened only to 15% of women, now it happens to 95% of them. Usually it will happen during the medical examination. Professionals suggests to let it happen naturally as it's a sign of good kidney health. Not cleaning your medical office may benefit it, as a faint smell of pee from other women, may stimulate your next client to give up on their control..."
  21. Excuse me, Do you know if there is a toilet nearby? No, but there is an art piece about societal attitudes to peeing that is looking for volunteers to pee on it. I'll show you.
  22. remember; you don't need a toilet to pee- just your anatomy.
  23. As I have said before, the site loads well on my windows 10 laptop. But on my android 6 phone, it keeps closing down my browser and taking down background processed like my VPN and blue light filter.
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