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Posts posted by Admin

  1. A short joke song, but it still sprung to mind:

    (Unfortunately no music video for it).

    Sadly pee isn't something that comes up in songs often (I guess that's hardly a surprise...), but it's an interesting topic. There must be others out there, and I'd be interested to hear them. :p

  2. Thank you for contributing - much appreciated! 

    On a different forum note, what are everyone's thoughts on the re-arrangement of the homepage? Now the speed issue is resolved I thought we should trial bringing back the chatbox, but putting it into the sidebar with a few other things. Let me know which layout you prefer.

  3. 37 minutes ago, bpb said:

    I was first attracted to WGP now PeeFans when I saw a scene on YouTube of two girls on a teeter tooter and I cut and there was a banner that the rest of the scene did not hold up to YouTube standards and suggest the the entire scene could be seen on Watch Girls Peeing.

    Boy was I innocent about Pee Fetish when I joined.  I have gotten quite an education since then!!  And, have had a most enjoyable conversation with two young ladies on this forum.

    I know exactly the clip you mean, still one I'm a big fan of! :) Clearly the YouTube strategy does work to bring in great active members such as yourself, it's just time consuming as accounts get banned (despite not showing anything explicit - YT really doesn't seem to approve of pee!). If a video starts to gain any traction, they tend to delete it. If we had several people willing to upload videos like the one you described though, we could certainly attract a lot of new pee fans to the site for us all to chat with. :)

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  4. 15 minutes ago, bpb said:

    I have a subscription to a porn site, Yanks.com.  There is a yearly subscription of about $150.  That works out to approximately 50 cents a day.  So, do I get 50 cents of enjoyment out of it each day.   Well, that is debatable, but on the average I think so.

    I usually get more enjoyment out of PeeFans, so perhaps I should consider contributing something like that amount to this forum.  I have by far gotten my most enjoyment out of conversations that I have had on this forum thru Personal Messenger.

    I'm glad to hear that. :) What do you get for your Yanks.com subscription, is it just videos? Do you think being able to access more videos on PeeFans would perhaps make you more inclined to donate to this site instead?

  5. 16 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

    We have a much larger membership now I think and it is worth doing.

    We could open up nominations for a series of categories. I would suggest that the more nominations the better so maybe lets have a high limit of maybe 10 noms per category per person? I'd say no limit but inevitably some joker somewhere will then decide to nominate the entire membership for a laugh, lol.

    Just a thought.

    Cant remember what the categories were last time, but maybe they should be something like this?

    Best pic poster

    Best story writer

    Best narrator of true pissing adventures

    Best vid poster or linker

    Best chatroom talker

    Sexiest female member

    Sexiest male member 

    Just suggestions. Don't take anything I suggest as gospel.

    I like all those categories. We only had 4 categories last time given the site was smaller: http://peefans.com/index.php?/forum/33-the-2015-golden-piss-awards/ - In fact, only one of those was even won by a member (congratulations again @Vikka) as the others were for things such as best picture etc. Those kind of categories could still work too, but with so much content on the site, it would be extremely hard to decide between. All something to consider though. :)

    • Like 1
  6. On 16/04/2017 at 2:11 PM, suzlon210 said:

    Don't know if there are any members with similar fetish. Would like to exchange views with them. Are there any?

    I'm sure you'll find that here. :)

    On 02/06/2017 at 3:02 AM, Dr.P said:

    Hi All,

    I think I found this site on Google, when I was browsing. I was a longtime member of Elite Gold, which has disappeared. I wrote a number of memoirs and some fictional stories on that site, in addition to posting experiences, and joining in discussions. I love the wide choice of content and the generally excellent photography, on this site.


    Great, glad you found us. I see you've already started sharing some stories, and I look forward to reading more.

    • Like 1
  7. Thanks for the translation wetman - good to know PeeFans is popular in countries I hadn't even realised!

    Assuming you can speak English: a belated welcome to the site, I hope you're enjoying it here. I would try to translate that, but Google Translate isn't always entirely reliable!

  8. An idea: if anyone uploads anything to youtube/reddit etc, it would be brilliant if you could place a small watermark of PeeFans.com in the corner (or just mention the link somewhere) to hopefully recruit some new members to the forum. :) 

    Thank you.

    • Like 1
  9. On the subject of adverts, since it has been suggested several times, how would everyone feel about them being re-introduced? Of course, I'm not suggesting anyone will be thrilled, but would a banner in the header be a minor inconvenience, or something that would actively put you off the site? We need funding somehow, but if it would drive members away then that is not the answer (considering it is not a particularly large revenue source).

    On a separate note, please keep the ideas coming. What would improve PeeFans?

  10. Would you all like to see more profile fields to create a more comprehensive profile? For example, 'peeing interests' or 'favourite pee picture' etc could all be optional profile fields - the limit is quite endless. However, would these actually be used, or would it be better keeping this sort of thing to the actual forums where more people will actually see it? Would be curious on your thoughts. 

    • Like 1
  11. We once held 'The Golden Piss Awards' here on PeeFans (see the archive for details), and I wonder if you guys would like to see this brought back in 2017? It is perhaps a fairer way of recognising contributions to the site, rather than one personal opinion (as I of course can't keep track of everyone, and thus used specific metrics to try and avoid any bias). Let me know if this is something you'd like to see, and if you have any suggestions for specific award categories we could use. 

    • Like 1
  12. Excluding moderators, that gives us 16 VIPs. There are quite a few other members I would like to award this status too, but in an effort to keep this title especially prestigious, I have decided to keep the VIP member ratio to total member ratio at around 1:1000.

    This means for approximately every 1,000 forum users registered on the site, 1 new VIP will be awarded. We are rapidly approaching 17,000 forum members, so please don't forget to message me your nominations for who else deserves this rank for excellent contributions to PeeFans. There are a lot of metrics to consider, and we will never be able to give everyone the thanks they deserve, but hopefully this small title will go some way to thanking some of the people who make PeeFans the great community that it is.

    Well done to those already given the rank, it is very deserved. Thanks again to everyone who contributes to the forum though, it really doesn't go unnoticed.  

  13. This site isn't possible without you - the members - and as a small token of appreciation, PeeFans would like to award some members with VIP status, as a small thank you for such great contributions to the site.

    It is of course impossible to recognise everyone who deserves credit, but over the next few days I plan to award the title to at least some deserving members. If you would like to nominate anyone for VIP status for their contributions to the site, please privately message me. 

    Please note: except in extraordinary conditions, VIPs should have been a member of the site for a minimum of 12 months and have at least 100 posts and 100 positive reputation points. 

    Thank you.

  14. I've recently been given nudles - the currency of NewbieNudes.com - and am looking to exchange them for cash. I can provide a far better rate than the site offers, so for any users looking to buy them, this could be win-win. Any money received from this transaction will also be re-invested into keeping PeeFans running.

    The Site: https://www.newbienudes.com/

    Nudles can be used to buy premium membership on the site (access to chat, cams, HD photos etc), but most importantly they can be used to access videos - including amateur pee videos. There's stuff on this site I haven't seen elsewhere. For any fans of authentic amateur pee videos, this could be a great deal, especially as you'll get the whole community side too. 

    I have 245 nudles for sale - please let me know if you're interested in buying any.

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, GottaGoPee said:

    A way to make money is what this site needs. 

    Any suggestions?

    Advertising would not cover the costs. The more obtrusive and spammy (e.g. popunders that you can't easily close and that play noise) would generate more than a simple banner ad, but would surely not be welcomed.

    Selling any sort of pee content that is not our own has all kinds of legal issues, not to mention the fact payment processors increasingly turn away sites like this one. Making our own content would need a lot of upfront capital. 

    Donations in theory should be ideal - people who enjoy using the site contributing what they can, when they can. In practice, it's proving it may not be totally sustainable, but we are just about managing. However, if anyone can help out (even if just a small amount), or if anyone has any other money making ideas, please do let me know.

  16. The last few months has been a slightly turbulent time for the site, but I am confident everything is now stable and running fairly smoothly. I am now looking to do some promotion to bring in new members to the site - but I need your help. Besides, bringing new pee fans to the website is in everyone's best interests.

    My question to you is simple: where can we promote PeeFans for free? Feel free to get creative with your thinking.

    If you own an adult website and would consider placing a small link to us somewhere on your site, that would be hugely appreciated. If you are part of a site where you can add links, again please consider linking back to us at PeeFans. Let's get the word out and hopefully expand our community. :)


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