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Posts posted by Admin

  1. The lack of empathy from guys who join just to ask for snapchats, kiks or skypes is astonishing. The thing is, whilst this isn't a dating site (actual pee dating sites are instantly flawed by the vast gender difference, leading to fake users), I know many members here who have shared great experiences through this site - meetups, videos, or even just long private chats. It's very possible if you make yourself known here and put some time in to talk, but the idea a woman would randomly accept an invitation like this from a total stranger makes no sense. 

    J3ffafaah, you've got the brunt of this which is perhaps a little unfair. This isn't specifically directed at you, you're just unlucky to be the Xth person to do this, and people are a little bored of it. I really hope you consider sticking around here and getting to know members instead, offering them some value before asking for some. You might actually have a chance of snapchatting with someone that way.

    • Like 1
  2. No, this was precautionary more than anything. There are a variety of reasons, some legal, but in all honesty the most important was this:

    This is a pee website. Removing that content has freed up a lot more space for actual pee content, which is why we are here. I'm sure there are dedicated sites for scat, but this simply isn't one of them. The majority of people here probably don't like it - myself included - and in fact I know some are actively put off by it. Whilst I am sorry to the small percent who did enjoy it, I have no doubt it is readily available elsewhere. I hope you can understand wanting to dedicate more of our resources to pee stuff, especially when we are currently short of funding. If we had more money and resources maybe it would be different. If there wasn't a potential legal issue it might be too. Unfortunately, it is what it is, so please refrain from posting any scat.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Sophie said:

    Thank you ! I never even opened the emoticons menu because of the gifs slowing everything down for me . I just didn't mention it because I figured it was my slow internet.:1310_thumbsup_tone1:

    For many it would probably have been a fairly quick load, but there's no use the site being designed to only accommodate users with a fast connection. The Gifs were fun for a short time, but they've all been used a fair amount now, and it's simply inefficient to load several MB every time someone wants to use an emoticon.

    That said, we could probably do with some better emoticons too. :1_grinning: 

  4. On 07/08/2017 at 2:35 PM, Admin said:

    Please post here if/when you receive one of these errors. The more specific you can be (e.g. time it happened etc), the better.

    Thank you.

    Has nobody received one of these errors since? I haven't, so if nobody mentions any others, I'll stop looking into it.

    On a separate forum note, the Pee GIFs have been removed from the emoticon section as they slowed down emoticon loading time, as well as slowing the homepage when posted on the chatbox, along with breaking the chat's format. You can of course still post GIFs on the site - in fact we have several threads dedicated to animated pee pics. Just a heads up. :)

    • Thanks 2
  5. 2 hours ago, bpb said:

    Your suggestion sounds simple enough, however when I pull it up to look for say Vikka's or CrissyP's profile,  how do you do it.  Under the original system there was a box under members where one could start spelling out the name of the person and once there were few enough letter a list of possibilities would appear, if the list were long one could keep spelling or search down through the list.   I just have not been able to find a profile without having the profile picture available.  Please tell me how to do this search.

    On the main homepage of the site (peefans.com) click into the search bar.

    From the little dropdown menu next to the search bar, change 'all content' to 'members'.

    Type the name - or part of the name - of a member. For example, 'Crissy'. Press enter.

    The results should display a few moments later. We currently have two users with 'Crissy' in their username (one of those being CrissyP) and from this screen you can click on their profile.

    Let me know if this works, or whether I've misunderstood your intentions. :)

  6. 7 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    Can you give me the details of the new method of payment?  I'm happy to add a bit on an adhoc basis.   I would hate to lose the site.  When I made the initial donation, I understand that it was a temporary mechanism.

    We have a few options, but I'll drop you a message now with some details. Thank you.

  7. Just now, steve25805 said:

    Every now and again the site seems to go down for a few seconds cos I get an internal server error message when I attempt to change page or reload. But it only appears to be happening for about ten seconds or so at a time and very infrequently, so no biggie right now. Just letting you know in case this is the start of a bigger problem.

    Yep, I've had the same. I'm working on it, and as far as I know it won't be anything serious. Hopefully all back to normal soon, but in the meantime just reload a few seconds later and it should be back up.

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  8. Just to clarify, members can edit their post for up to 3 days after posting. If it's a long story or anything, I recommend checking back for any typos/changes you'd like to make within a couple of days of submitting. 

    Anyway, what else would improve this website? Please keep the suggestions coming. :)

  9. 7 hours ago, likesToLick said:

    I've seen the image below used for "thanks" on another site.   What do you think?


    This is actually the default that the forum software uses, I just wondered if there was something more relevant (so when you see it straight away, it's obvious what it means)? I'll have a think and if not, that should do the job. :)

  10. 3 hours ago, likesToLick said:

    I like them a lot and have used the new choices already.

    It would be nice to add a "Thank you" reaction for particularly helpful posts.   "Informative" could be a good one too.

    I was going to add a 'thanks' initially, but wasn't sure if the standard 'like' essentially did the job. You're right though, I think that would be a good addition, and perhaps would also tie in with informative posts, as you could use 'thanks' for helpful content etc.

    We want there to be a good selection, but not too much overlap that there's no obvious reaction to a post because of all the options. For example, when we initially had these sort of reactions there were also things like 'wow' (surprised face), but it's a case of how many do we actually want? It's rare a post is overly surprising, and if it was, it could be in both a positive way or negative way. If it is positive, one of the other reactions would probably already cover it (e.g. 'hot' if it was a particularly exciting post).

    Basically, I think you're right that a 'thank you' is the final missing reaction we need (at least for now).  What should the icon be though...? 

    • Like 2
  11. 10 minutes ago, wetmanjf said:

    I did have a couple of times today when the site "Crashed"  Kept getting a Error page..site would not load. Then in a few minutes it would work again.


    Same here. I'm working on it, and it should be fully resolved in the next few days. If it does happen in the meantime, just reload in about 20 seconds. 

    • Like 1
  12. As I've said previously, I'll try write up something about Clubs soon, but are there any other elements of the site people would like some clarification on? (From the update or otherwise).

    The recently added 'Did you know...?' section will allow me to write up some info on pretty much anything and have it all in one easy-to-find place, so ideas for what to cover would be welcome.

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