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Posts posted by Admin

  1. 7 hours ago, Sophie said:

    Is it possible to turn off notifications for reactions?

    I mean the reaction notifications are no different to how it was before when we only had likes (with the exception of the wording), but if you don't want notifications then you can edit all of that from account settings.


    'Someone gives reputation to something I posted'

    Disable the setting for that and it should do the job.

    For most people I wouldn't recommend changing that setting, but it is of course optional.


  2. Steve - the idea is viable, but unfortunately the video 'scripts' are arguably the least important variable in making the whole thing a reality. I maintain producing our own videos is definitely a possibility, and one I'm actually very keen to explore down the line, but personally I don't think a clips4sale store is the route to go. The one thing we do have on our side is one of the largest audiences of pee fans. Selling directly through the PeeFans website means no middle-man fees, and an even better user experience. The two things standing in our way are sorting out a payment processor (frustratingly difficult, but not a huge issue), and actually producing these videos. Again, it is definitely something I hope will one day be a feature of this site, but making these videos a reality is easier said than done, especially without much initial investment. 

    Of course, the other question is whether there's actually enough demand. I really don't know the exact cost, but let's say a video costs £200 to make, which is certainly a possibility. Could we really sell enough to be profitable, or at least break even? 20 people at £10 each? 40 at £5 each? Even then that's quite a lot for a single video, as there's so much free content out there that people only pay for something they really want, and obviously every video can't please everyone. 

    Basically, it could happen, I'd like it to happen, but it won't be easy.


    1 hour ago, P-Spud said:

    I would like to go back and edit posts in which I made mistakes. It seems that you can edit, but only for a short time after the original post. Is it like this for a reason?


    1 hour ago, P-Spud said:

    Does that happen enough to be a serious problem?

    It doesn't, no. But likewise, members needing to edit their post a while after they originally made it doesn't happen too often to be a problem either. 

    The edit thing is really just a security measure - a rogue member could suddenly change a lot of their posts to spam and disrupt the forum. For example, imagine a member of the site falling out with the staff, and going back and changing all of their posts to 'Fuck You' - the site would then be littered with this, meaning threads may not make sense and the forum would just look a mess. Or, imagine someone changing one of their old posts to something illegal or extremely offensive - nobody would notice at first as it isn't a new post, but if it does get picked up later, PeeFans would be responsible and questions would be asked why it was allowed to be on the site for so long. There could even be legal consequences depending on the severity. 

    These examples are indeed rare, but both very real possibilities. I realise it may sound a little crazy, but that's the reason. If you need posts editing, by all means let me or a moderator know and we'll sort it out for you. :)

    • Like 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, bpb said:

    Oh while I am at it a couple of wish items.

    When I chose an item from the Unread Content, quite often it will not go to the first unread item on the list.  Therefore, I have to manually skip down the list looking for the first item that I have not looked at.

    My second wish:   When I am looking at the Unread Content list there are items on the list that I am quite certain that I do not wish to visit.  I wish that there was a way to mark a single item as read without having to visit it.  It seem like the list is occasionally so long that I can not see the end of the list and I would like to pare out the unwanted items so that I can see the rest of the list.

    As for the first part, do you mean that when you open one of the topics it takes you to the first post instead of the most recent new post? Or the list itself is wrong? Please let me a know a little more about how you'd rather it loaded.

    You can filter the lists to only include certain types of post, or exclude certain sections etc. Again, could you give me an example? As for the last part, the list should theoretically be never ending, with a button at the bottom to 'load more'.

  4. 2 minutes ago, bpb said:

    Admin,  I like all the work that you have put into the forum.  I am still bumping around a bit seeing just how to use some of the new things.

    I love the new reaction button "thumbs up",  Nice choices.

    I'm hoping to post some more information on how some of the new stuff (like clubs) works soon, but in the meantime feel free to ask any questions and I'll be happy to clear things up. :) 

    Glad to hear the positive responses. 

  5. I have to admit that personally my online anonymity is important, but I realise that for many people the prospect of a PeeFans meet-up with other pee enthusiasts would be very appealing. 

    Since this group is for people in the UK, it would be a lot easier to arrange something than on the normal forum, where we have members from countries all over the world.

    I remember @wetmanjfmeeting with MissPiss once through this site, and I wonder if other PeeFans meet ups could be possible.

    We have a calendar function on this group, and I'd be happy to add any meet-up events if there was interest. Just an idea. :)

    • Like 4
  6. Thanks! I think it looks a little better on desktop (with sidebar etc), but apart from changing that top yellow bar (which I've now done), I think I'll leave things there. 

    If anyone has any further comments or ideas, please let me know. :)

    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    That's much better in my opinion :) I like it.

    I prefer it too, am just wary of going overboard with colours. Let's see what the consensus is, but I'm happy to leave it like this if others like it. :) 

    Please let me know if you have any ideas or spot any other things needing fixing. Are you using a tablet at the moment? Would very much appreciate a screenshot of the main page if you get chance, just to check how it's loading on other devices. Thanks.

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