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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Am considering investing in this site, so stay tuned, reactions may be returning better than ever. :)

    Please keep the ideas coming - that seemed to be the one that kept cropping up, most of the others already seem in place now. However, I'm sure you all have some other suggestions of things you'd like to see here. Nothing is too crazy.

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  2. Hey, apologies for the late welcome! My interests are very similar to yours, and I'm confident you'll find a lot of posts you'll enjoy here. 

    I'm glad you decided to join - being a member definitely improves the experience of using the site. Drop me a message if you ever have any issues here - see you around the forums! :)

  3. This one might be a little obvious, but it's easy to think of PeeFans as just a forum - that is after all the central point of this community.

    However, don't forget about our:

    Chatbox (live chat with other pee fans)

    Private messaging (one-to-one private chat, or even group inboxes)

    Calendar (a list of all member birthdays)

    Our 'Off-Topic' Sections (technically part of the forum, but designated areas for content other than pee stuff - just in case you want a break!)

    Plus lots more you'll find just by browsing!

    Remember to keep an eye on the main page of the site, including the navigation bar, should any new elements be added. 

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  4. I am pleased to say PeeFans is at a level where there's so much content posted you could easily miss some greats posts just by browsing the forum the standard way. This is where a very handy feature called 'Activity Streams' comes in.

    Firstly, the site activity stream - of everything happening on the site - can be accessed easily from the main navigation bar by pressing 'activity'.

    However, hold your mouse over 'activity' and you'll also be able to view unread content, the content specifically you started, and a page called 'my activity streams'. From here, you can create customised feeds of specific content - for example a stream of content from all of the users whose posts you love most. The possibilities are endless, and I encourage you to have a play around with these features for an easier way of managing what you view on this site, so you never miss your favourite content again.

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  5. Under everyone's usernames are some text and dots, also referred to as the forum ranks. The amount of content you post on the site determines the rank displayed, as shown below:


    Anyone with the status 'PeeFans royalty' has contributed an incredible 1,500+ posts to the site, so a huge thank you for that!

    However, once you reach 'VIP' stage (500 posts), you can customise your rank to whatever you want, providing it isn't misleading or offensive. This can be done from your profile settings, and is the reason some members don't have any of the standard ranks.

  6. Hello and welcome to my interview thread as a demonstration of how this process works.

    To begin with, I am initially just taking questions about this site, though may be open to others in the future. This can range from things that have previously happened here to plans for the future - basically anything at all related to PeeFans that you might be curious about or want some more information on.

    If you do have anything you'd like to ask, please just post below. :)


  7. This sub-section is a way of bringing members of the community closer together and learning a little more about each other through a simple Q&A system. Any threads in this section can be used to ask participating members any questions you wish - pee or otherwise. Please remember to be respectful and avoid asking anything too private/personal - 'what's the naughtiest place you've ever peed?', or 'what's your favourite TV show?' would likely be appropriate questions, 'what's your full name?' would not. This is light-hearted fun, not an interrogation. 

    If you'd like to receive questions, simply start a new thread in this section with the title as your username. Feel free to specify specific areas you don't want to talk about, and remember that you are free to skip any questions you'd prefer not to answer.

    If there are any members you'd particularly like to see open an interview thread, be sure to tag them below using '@(username)'. Of course, remember many people may not be interested in this, but hopefully some people will be happy to take questions. :)


    • Like 3
  8. 13 minutes ago, fannywatcher said:

    Hmm,i prefer the old male or female thing myself..

    You still can say just male/female if you prefer. This way simply allows people to label themselves on their terms, thus encouraging more people to do it and provide everyone with more accurate information. 

    Before this, the new software didn't display any sort of gender or sexual orientation at all. On the original software we had the male/female/unspecified dropdown menu, but in 2017 - especially on an adult site like this - that seems a little limiting. By all means, still say 'male', but if someone wanted to also list their orientation / be more specific or they simply identify differently, feel free to specify that too.

  9. The alternative reactions are entirely possible, but would require software updates. Currently the forum is getting by just fine in terms of supporting itself and paying standard costs (server etc). However, additional features and upgrades would require additional donations. 

    Basically, it can be done, but for a lot of newer features a price tag will come too. 

  10. To initially help spread the news, please post in this thread if you update your gender. :)

    I am planning on revamping profiles in general over the coming weeks, allowing far more customisation than ever before. All of this will be optional for those who wish to maintain complete privacy, but for those willing to share some less personal info with the community, please look out for some new developments shortly.


  11. New members will now be asked their gender - in which sexual orientation can also be specified - whilst registering to the site. This is optional, but highly encouraged.

    To all members of the site who joined before 29th June 2017, please edit your profile if you wish to specify your gender on your profile. I have decided to leave this as a text field rather than a list of options, as there is of course a far greater range of options than simply straight/gay male/female. 

    An obvious - but necessary - word of warning though: this is the internet - some people lie. There is no proof what is written on a person's profile is entirely accurate, but in the vast majority of cases hopefully this small feature will provide both clarity and self-expression. This is a site that welcomes all genders and sexual orientations (including shared accounts), and that's something we're proud of.

    Thank you.


    • Like 4
  12. Is this still the same for everyone?

    From my end, I experience what Scot_Lover described; the load time of the home page is currency excessive, an estimated 7-10 seconds at times, which is something I'll work on. Indeed the chatbox is a contribution to this, but I'm hopeful I can drastically cut load time with some tweaks. For me the rest of the site seems fine, but if other people are still having problems I'll take a look. If you notice any specific times/pages where the speed drops, that would be very useful.


  13. A huge thank you once again (from both myself and on behalf of everyone who uses this site) to those who have contributed to keep PeeFans running and growing. 

    Unfortunately as costs rise, funding is never 'done' - this will be an ongoing process. However, the more people that help, the less money required per person. Please drop me a message if you can help. I really do appreciate your support.

    Using the donations recently received, the site's storage space has been upgraded, making room for all of the great new images being uploaded to the forums and gallery. :)

    • Like 3
  14. 2 minutes ago, Char242 said:

    Are we in any danger of having personal information stolen?

    No, this was not a security breach, but a DDoS attack (i.e. the server targeted rather than the data). That said, I recommend limiting the personal info shared here. and perhaps using a different password etc - the standard security stuff, just in case.

  15. Hello all,

    Just wanted to apologise for the recent downtime/issues - the problem was very simple: the site exceeded its disk space on the server.

    This is a good thing in many ways, it means we're growing, and now have far more posts and images than expected. Of course, the only downside was that I didn't notice immediately, which led to the site crashing. All is working again now, and I've upgraded the space the site has so it should all be running smoothly again.

    (If you'd like to help us stop this sort of thing happening, donations would hugely be appreciated to fund the site so we can buy more storage space and bandwidth well in advance. Please message me for details).


    EDIT: This post is about the short few hour downtime a few days ago, the post you're probably looking for is here: 


  16. 4 hours ago, likesToLick said:

    Interesting.  I can't see who voted for what.  Maybe that's a moderator's privilege.

    It's a setting when creating a new poll, which I've now enabled. Click view results and the little icon next to the number of people who've voted for an option to see which members did. :)

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