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Posts posted by Admin

  1. 6 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    Yes the hot image is fixed now.


    My only complaint is the grey. It almost gives me an impression of the CSS not being finished, maybe a gradient or something? To me it looks like a background image is missing. Maybe because it's a similar colour to primer. I don't know.

    Too yellow now? Any thoughts what sort of colour could work?

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    First of all, can I just say thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it. I feel like an up to date site really enhances the user experience and is something other websites lack.

    Clubs sound really exciting! I'm looking forward to these.

    For the reactions "hot" isn't displaying an image. It did earlier when you first started the upgrade,


    Now to go and fill in my profile... :)

    Agreed. I know a lot of people will believe 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it', but I feel there's just so much we'd miss out on with that philosophy.

    Agreed with clubs, especially as I'm not entirely sure the direction it will go - maybe several. As I said, it essentially allows for sub-communities, so once we fully get people on board with it I think it could be an interesting part of the site. 

    Thanks for the heads up with the hot image, this should be fixed now.

    What are your thoughts on the main template? I remember you mentioned the original yellow one being a little harsh on the eyes - is this one any better? We can of course have optional colour schemes, but if possible I'd rather make changes to the main design that the vast majority of people are happy with. It just makes edits and bug fixing so much easier if everyone is using the same theme. 

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  3. I realise change can be unsettling, but these, along with my continued efforts on the site, will hopefully improve your overall experience of PeeFans. I won't list every little thing here, but please use this thread both to discuss these features, give feedback, and report any issues. Everything seems to be running smoothly now so I'm going to leave things here for a little while. Looking forward to hearing your responses, and hopefully you'll like these adjustments. Our aim at PeeFans is always to provide the best experience possible, so please do be vocal about your thoughts. 

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  4. #5 - Clubs

    As you can see from the navigation bar, we now have 'clubs'. This is a feature I will work on further down the line, but in the meantime, it is available to use however you see fit. You can create your own 'club' on the site, or join others. The club creator can decide whether the club is open to everyone or requires approval/invites. The club creator can then add any of the following to their club: sections (you know we have 'fictional stories', 'general pee chat' etc - you can have your own where club members can make threads and chat), galleries, and calendars (could be used to host events - both in person or online). The idea of mini communities within the site certainly has potential, but it will take some experimentation and getting used to. If you have an idea for a club, I'd urge you to go and try it out. Even if you don't, check back regularly to see if there are any new clubs you'd be interested in joining. 

    • Like 2
  5. #4 - Additional Profile Information

    You may be prompted to update your profile, and whilst this is entirely optional, I would highly recommend it. We experimented with this by adding back the 'gender' profile field recently, and this has now extended to additional fields you can fill in. These include occupation, and an 'about me' section where you can write as much (or little) info as you like. This helps to show off your personality a little better so we can get to know members of the forum better. Don't forget to go and edit your profile when you get chance.

    • Like 2
  6. #3 - Reactions

    They're back! Sometimes you want to show your appreciation for a post, but a 'like' doesn't quite do the job. When you hover over the like button (in the bottom right corner of someone's post), you'll now see additional options of 'hot', 'haha', and 'agree'. These are fairly self explanatory, and are often more fitting than a like. Likes can of course be used as normal, but say you find a post funny, or find a picture especially sexy, you can now use these reactions instead. All of these reactions still contribute +1 to a member's reputation, which still displays on their profile and the site leaderboard. This was one of the most requested features, so please let me know how you find this, and whether you feel any other reactions should be added. 

    • Like 4
  7. #2 - Upgraded software

    This is something you won't really 'see', but I have invested in upgrading our forum software, which gives us some new options, as well as additional security measures to ensure PeeFans continues to run smoothly. An example of just one minor - but extremely useful - tweak, is the ability to use the same description when mass uploading on the gallery, thus making it far easier to appropriately label pictures. Many of these small improvements you will likely discover simply by browsing. 

    • Like 2
  8. #1 - Design & layout

    Probably the first thing you'll notice is the site looks different. This may still need some tweaks, so please feel free to point out which parts you do or don't like. Hopefully you'll see this as an improvement once you get used to it, but if you're really hating it, you can change to an alternate (blue) theme until other options are made available. However, the aim is to keep the site modern whilst easy to use, and hopefully you'll agree that has been accomplished, whilst making the design a little easier on the eyes. Minor design improvements such as default avatars now being different colours (and featuring the first letter of your username) have also been added, although I recommend uploading your own original avatar if possible.  

    • Like 1
  9. Welcome to PeeFans! My interests are very similar, and I'm sure you'll find plenty of what you're looking for here. Looking forward to hopefully reading some of your stories.

  10. 1 hour ago, fannywatcher said:

    Cant have compulsory peeing,thats like fascism

    I'm not sure you've fully embraced the 'dictator' part. :4_joy:  Just to clarify, unfortunately none of us are actually getting our own countries, so feel free to be as elaborate as you like. ;) 

    Of course, should anyone actually find themselves in this position of power, I'd agree some of our suggestions should perhaps be treated, uh, cautiously... Still, 'peefanland' sounds promising, if we all willingly emigrated there, that would be an interesting place to live. :)


  11. 26 minutes ago, Ozabot said:

    I like that after some experiments we came to almost classical design for pictures in the posts - thumbnail=>click=>fullsize image.

    Thumbnail size seems to be optimal for good preview. And next step for vertical pics is to place two of them in a row to decrease scrolling

    This can already be done, but when uploading, users need to press the 'insert into post' button to get it to display on one line. Looks much better that way I think. Here's an example:



    • Like 1
  12. To help keep the site running, one or two ads will be put on the site. Don't worry, we won't be using any sneaky popunders or annoying redirects, just plain old banners that you can click if you want to. The ads are not affiliated or endorsed by PeeFans, but we will try to include ads that are as relevant as possible.

    However, I am posting this here as VIP's (and ex-premium members) will not see these ads. Another perk as a small thank you. :)

    • Like 2
  13. That's interesting. On desktop I see them like this: 



    In terms of layout I prefer the traditional (yellow) one, but the red was just added for variety. I guess the differences could be put down to screen width, as the layouts adapt to the screen size. That, or the standard layout is cached on your computer possibly? I don't know, that's an odd one. As long as you like the way the theme is that's all that matters really.

    As for the colours, I've grown to like the yellow quite a lot, and as you said it's more fitting. I wonder if there's a different shade of colour that's a little easier on the eyes though. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    I think you missed my point. On this theme the chatbox, statistics etc don't show at all, but they do on the others.

    I use the red theme by default, I find it more visually appealing. 

    Ah yes, I thought you meant it was at the top, but if it's not showing at all I'll take a look.

    Do you prefer the red because of the different layout of the forums, or just because of the colour scheme?

  15. 2 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    Just an FYI... On my tablet the layout is slightly different and the chatbox is at the bottom of the page. This doesn't appear in the premium bonus (red) theme but it does in the other two.

    Out of curiosity, which theme do you usually use?

    As for tablet/mobile situation, I thought it may be better to have the chatbox at the bottom. I do like having the chatbox at the top of the site (as it now is on desktop/laptop), but that's because it's alongside the forum. On smaller screens where there's no space for a sidebar, and thus only the option for one or the other, I think having the forums at the top is probably a priority. Would be interested to hear everyone's thoughts on that, though.  

  16. Found quite a substantial list (some may not work but plenty do): 





























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  17. Time to bump an old thread - what tumblr blogs do you all currently use most for pee content? :)

    I like the archive feature of the tumblrs where you can see everything a lot clearer, and sort by type of post and date etc.

    To mention just a few:





    But with tumblr the list really is endless. What are your absolute favourites with regular content? 

  18. 1 hour ago, Sophie said:

    At least with the gallery, the main contributors were into things that didn't interest me that much, at least photo wise. I loved doing them. Steve for example, HUGE fan of naughty peeing, so would post a lot of photos of people peeing on carpets etc. That's great, lots of people enjoy it, I enjoy doing it, but photo wise it doesn't really interest me.

    As for the pictures section I'm not too sure, looking back at the section there are plenty of threads that interest me, but the content itself doesn't do much for me. I think it's down to my particular likes again. For example just looked at the "using a toilet or a urinal " topic, something that I look at tumblr for often. Most of the photos are of women standing up, posed photos etc. Nothing wrong with that, I'm just picky. I prefer candid, "innocent", relatable photos. That's what the contributors like so that's what they share.

    I also find tumblr blogs load much faster than a page of photos, probably because they're not the full size image, I have to click them to get that.

    I've reduced the size of the image that will load in the thread. This won't apply to previous images, but all new images. You'll now have to click to get full size. I don't know how much this will help with speed as some pages have lots of images on (they may be a little slow but will be worth it once loaded), but I feel for viewing them we don't actually want full size in the post. They should still be a reasonable size, but clicking will give a bigger version (with the option to view absolute full size too if preferred).

    As for the Pictures section, is it specifically toilet pictures you like best? With candid, un-posed photos? I think the very simple solution there is for us to create a new thread. I have no doubt if you make one detailing what sort of thing you like, we can get it filled with the type of content you like. :)

  19. 6 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    I'd like to see the chatbox back on the homepage, on the side could be nice. I'm just concerned about the speed of the site. I think the biggest issue was my slow internet, and the gifs that were added. Often posted into chat. It would take a while for me to load those. But speed might not be a problem anymore, I don't know.

    I've already changed this, could you try doing a hard refresh on the homepage and confirming if the chatbox is showing there for you (and your thoughts on it in that position?). I think the sidebar could work, and the speed doesn't seem to have dropped for me.

    Let me know about any speed issues though. Part of the previous problem was definitely with the site/server itself, and not just people's connections. However these should have all been resolved now. 

  20. 4 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    I cannot remember the last time I used the gallery, I think it was because most of the things uploaded didn't interest me. Nothing wrong with the photos themselves, just not what I'm into. But saying that, it's very rare I visit the pictures section either. I get the majority of my pee images from a few tumblr blogs.

    Could I ask why? A lot of images on tumblr blogs are just reposts of the ones on the Pictures section (and vice versa, of course). What would make you use our photo area more/instead? What type of picture is missing?

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