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Posts posted by Admin

  1. 1 minute ago, bpb said:

    Just to check on on that seems exceptionally slow.

    I clicked on Woman's bare bottoms.   It took 2 min and 10 sec to give me the page.  I has asked that it give me the first unread message, but it just left me on an early page.  I had to skip down to the bottom to find the only unread set.

    Woman's bare bottoms always seem more slow that most.

    That is extremely slow. Some threads you would expect to have longer loading times when filled with HD pictures, but nowhere near that time. 

    I have experienced some slowness, but more like 5-10 seconds. What are your internet speeds usually like? 

    I am struggling to see what else could be causing this.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi guys, hopefully some of you have noticed the new interviews sub-section under 'Introductions' - a great way to get to know forum members better. There's already been some great answers and stories shared, so don't forget to check it out (especially as a large amount of questions are of course about pee)!

    If you haven't seen yet, PeeFans has an exclusive interview with one of the best pee models currently in the business - Dixie Comet (ThatPeeGirl) - this means all members can ask her any burning questions. Check that out here: 

     Please also let me know if there's anyone else you'd love to see answering questions here on PeeFans! :)




  3. On 08/07/2017 at 1:23 AM, nopjans said:

    My absolute favorite is Dixie Comet. She's beautiful and hilarious. In addition to the regular clips she makes available, I commissioned a few custom clips that from her that she completely knocked out of the park.



    You'll definitely wanna check out this thread: 


    • Like 1
  4. This might sound a little strange, but I like plot. The cheesy typical porn plots often get mocked, but I can't help feel there is a lack of story when it comes to pee content. I know, I know, who the hell wants a storyline? We're here for the pee! But the vast majority of pee videos I've seen are a couple of minutes long and feature a girl peeing in a random location with no real context. I'm not asking for some complex backstory, but read almost any story (fictional or otherwise) on this site, and that's exactly what I'd like to see in video form. More of an extended scene that includes peeing, rather than just a typical quick pee clip. Either I'm looking in the wrong places (feel free to direct me!) or this just isn't as common. For example, even though it is very rarely explicit, I often find pee scenes in movies/TV shows especially hot. I like a little build-up before hand, and especially some talking. Short pee clips are great, but I'd love to see more of a short pee movie (that is more than just a compilation of one model after the other peeing on cue in front of a camera). 

    Does this make any sense at all...? :wetting:


  5. 4 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    Admin, you said at one point in your last response that you harboured thoughts of producing our own pee vids (for which we'd probably have to bring one or two people with porn industry connections on board, I would guess). Do you still harbour such an ambition?

    Because I have had a thought. Technically, person on person pissing, eg golden showers, has been made technically illegal to produce in the UK, or even to host, though in practice the police have far better things to be doing with their time. But girls peeing anywhere at all except on other girls or on guys is not illegal at all! So naughty peeing has no legal issues at all here. And we have on this forum already a very large collection of naughty peeing stories written by a wide variety of contributors which could act as great scripts. Not only that, they would all be scripts which by their very nature have been written by naughty peeing fans themselves. If we were to find it somehow possible to go down that route, we could become the naughty peeing porn vid suppliers par excellence.

    As I'm sure you know, the 'naughty peeing' aspect has always been my primary interest anyway, so this would almost certainly be the avenue I would want to go down even if there weren't any restrictions. I perhaps am naive to think it would be as easy as this, but in my head all we would need for such videos is a paid model (there are online sites to arrange bookings) and a video camera (potentially a cameraman, but honestly these days anyone with a good camera can produce a high enough quality video). I haven't looked too far into this, but it's definitely not something I've completely ruled out. There are some great videos out there already, but with the input of the forum, I really feel there'd be potential to make something quite brilliant. 

    • Like 2
  6. 14 hours ago, Sophie said:

    When you created this site, did you ever think it would become so big and successful? Many see PeeFans as a competitor to much larger sites such as Peesearch that has been around for a very long time.

    At the very very beginning, I didn't even know this was going to become a forum (as the original WatchGirlsPeeing.com domain frankly suggests). However, when I eventually decided upon the idea of it being a community site, I would definitely not have predicted the position we're in a few years later; 110,000+ posts and 16,000+ members, and still growing every day. Having said that, this site took off relatively quickly. I remember that just a few months in and the site already felt quite active, which inspired me to devote more and more time to it. I've always believed this site had a lot of potential, and seeing things take off quite rapidly definitely made me believe we could be successful. 

    Whilst it's true the site is quite big now, in all honesty it is not as successful as I'd like it to be yet. My vision for the site has always been to become the central online hub for pee fans, providing everything in one place. We already provide the chat/discussion ('community') side of things, and we've pretty much got the pictures aspect covered too. However, being forced to close to the video gallery was frustrating - the video link area is useful, but not the same. Likewise, there are areas we haven't even begun to explore yet: producing our own videos, live pee shows etc. Plus, I am aware there are probably hundreds of thousands more pee fans out there that we are yet to reach.

    To summarise that, the site has done better than I could have initially predicted, but I must admit I was always quite ambitious about what the site could become, and for me personally there is still a long way to go. When I took back control of the site in April, the decision was made to run it solely via donations and focus on the community/forums aspect, rather than the more commercial plans. Ideally, the site can have the best of both worlds, but for the time being I am happy to see what we can make of the current situation. Trying to be too many things to too many people may have been too difficult anyway. Instead, the emphasis is going to be on building a stronger, better and more active forum. After all, that has always been the core of the site.

    As for competitors, that's a tough one. As far as I know, there are the 3 big pee forums currently being run: Omorashi (which seems to have a strong focus on wetting/hentai, and thus is arguably in a different category altogether), PeeSearch and us. The parallels between PS and PeeFans are very obvious, and whilst I've always maintained there's room for both and that having two options is a good thing for us all, there's no question that the two sites do take members from each other. PeeSearch is about 10 years older than us, and thus is undoubtedly larger, but I'd agree with Steve that in terms of activity it is much more even, possibly with PeeFans having a slight edge at times. What PeeSearch has done is incredible, and it still remains a great site. From what I gather though, the PS admins aren't very active there anymore (understandably), and the site is unlikely to change any time soon. For many, it is already pretty perfect, so that's fine. PeeFans is still growing and changing though, and for me personally represents a more modern approach to things. I don't know exactly where we'll end up, but I'm very optimistic about this site's future.

    • Like 4
  7. 5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    I remember donating what I agreed to donate for the months of May, June and July, plus a little extra. But my next pay packet at the end of July has fewer than usual outgoings, so I will probably then send another three months' worth - my August, September, and October contributions in advance - near the end of this month or early in August.

    Excellent, thanks Steve. Our running costs have increased since being back due to the need for additional disc space (for all the new pictures etc), bandwidth (from all the new traffic) and RAM (which was part of the reason the site was running slower before). I (and everyone using the site) really appreciate your contributions - without them, this site likely wouldn't be viable.

    If anyone else can spare anything to help support the site, it'll allow for us to continue improving, expanding and providing the same ad-free experience. 


    • Like 1
  8. Very true - there seems to be a major lack of millionaires with pee fetishes unfortunately!

    When we decided to stop the video gallery, I don't think to many it was a huge concern, because a) we were at least getting everything else back, and b) there are plenty of other options for videos. The bigger selling point here was more the community aspect.

    However, our video gallery was the best I'd used in terms of being able to find videos (due to the way they were all labelled and described). Plus, as more and more sites seem to close down, it becomes clearer that we really did have a relatively large gallery compared to some of what's left. Obviously there are still a few big sites remaining with pee categories (eroprofile is still great etc), but our own video gallery would be great.

    Sadly the reality is that even aside from the additional costs (which could potentially be doable), there are a lot of other logistical and legal problems too. I am looking into some sort of alternative, though. 

    • Like 1
  9. It seems you're really onto something with the toilet-free house concept; I completely agree that's right up there with my own top fantasies. I think many of us would love being a fly on that wall! I realise you wouldn't want it to be any sort of reality (reali-pee?) TV, but damn that would be a good show to watch.

    One more question for you Sophie - how far into your relationship did you and your husband first mention the topic of pee (as something sexual)? Having had the 'pee talk' myself before, I'd be interested to hear roughly how the conversation went. For example, was it you who brought it up, and if so what reaction did you get? 


    • Like 1
  10. Intriguing - a few questions spring to mind, but I'll start here:

    Who was the most interesting person you interviewed? (If it's even possible to pick a standout interviewee from that many). 

  11. It sounds like you've managed your fair share of peeing in unusual places, but do you have a particular favourite experience of this? 

    I'd also be curious to know if there's anywhere left that you'd most like to pee? :toilet:

  12. 27 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    I'll probably make a longer post this evening which might be a bit of a word vomit, but there are two things that spring to mind. Not essential but they would be nice.


    • Being able to search through Private Messages 

    II don't believe you can search through a conversation for a specific message or phrase. One of my conversations has 10,500 posts between us and it would be amazing if I cocould search for specific content inside that instead of going through 100s of pages to find what I'm looking for .

    • Linking the bottom popup notification with the bell at the top 

    (Yeah I know that didn't make sense) When I get a notification I get a little popup bar at the bottom of my screen saying something like "X liked a post in the topic Y" and if I click it, it takes me to the thread. Fantastic. 

    However, the notification still appears at the notification bell at the top of the page. They're not linked together so clicking the popup doesn't set the notification as read. I hope that makes sense 

    Great, the more ideas the better.

    Nope, currently you can search private messages to find a specific conversation (e.g. typing in a phrase will show you all conversations with that phrase), but other than the search included in your browser, there isn't currently a way of locating individual messages. For some reason this isn't part of the software, but I'll see if I can find some sort of workaround. 

    Yes, I completely get what you mean and agree that's not ideal. I'll investigate.


    @fannywatcherdo you have an example? The problem is likely that the term is too broad or you're not using criteria in the advanced search. There are millions of words on this site, and the search sometimes just needs more info to go on. It's not perfect, but for a site of this size usually you can find what you want with enough specificity. 

    • Like 1
  13. Seems down to me unfortunately. Such a shame, it really was a great site. Unfortunately as mentioned above, they didn't have much of a business model and as the site grew so rapidly I can only imagine how hard it would have been to sustain. This is very frustrating, but hopefully people had time to get the files they wanted at least. 

  14. 1 minute ago, nopjans said:

    The site has been much faster for me over the last week or so. I believe your efforts to improve load times are paying off. 


    The login page still seems a bit slow. Is there a reason there is not a login widget on the main screen?

    Glad to hear it - the page speed testers vary, but the consensus seems to be the site is now faster. Please do keep me updated if that changes for anyone.

    As for the login part, I assumed most members would stay logged in (as I do myself), so hadn't really considered it as an issue. I can look into adding a login widget to the home page, though. 

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