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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Having said that, the number of active returning users is actually pretty high, but it feels like less because, as you said, a much smaller proportion of those actually contribute regularly. Different people have different uses for the site, I guess...

  2. I'd say the key reasons are:

    1. The site is now actually operating under a whole new name, and the original WatchGirlsPeeing.com domain has gone. Anyone not aware of this update may simply not be able to find us. 
    2. Members 'giving up' after the various periods of downtime we've had, again possibly because they do not even realise the site is back. Whilst all is good now, there has been some downtime over the years. I wasn't here when a lot of the biggest problems arose (the software change etc), but things like that can be damaging.
    3. The member count quite literally decreases when unactivated accounts get deleted after so long of not being activated.
    4. Members simply forgetting the site - whilst likely not the case with the members you mentioned, I am sure for those who don't become a big part of the community, it is possible to simply lose the link or forget it even existed.
    5. Members getting what they need and moving on - sometimes people just want to see a few things here and aren't looking for active membership. Certainly the vast majority of forum users (no matter what the forum) tend to be readers rather than contributors. 
    6. Members getting bored of the site - I hope this is rarely the case, but for some pee perhaps isn't their biggest interest, or this site doesn't have quite the right kind of content for their tastes, and they go elsewhere.
    7. Members decide to use the site as a guest for anonymity reasons instead (or use the 'anonymous' login setting, and are actually still here!).
    8. Things come up in people's lives. This is probably one of the most common, and has happened to me. Sometimes using a site like this regularly just becomes impossible, and you are forced into essentially leaving.
    9. Choosing to leave for personal reasons. Wanting to spend more time with their family, wanting to cut back on their porn/pee content intake etc are all very plausible and real reasons members decide to leave. As you said yourself, this was the case with MissPiss, and quite likely some of the others.
    10. They're crazy. PeeFans is a great community, so maybe they're just a little mad for not sticking around. :)
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  3. I'm pleased we have such great contributors here at PeeFans, but I figured a thread was owed to actually name some users who have come and (seemingly) gone. 

    Is there anyone you remember as being a particularly great addition to the site, or anyone you miss chatting with and seems to have disappeared? 


  4. On 22/07/2017 at 6:38 PM, bpb said:

    Yes I have noticed that YouTube does not have the quality of desperation to wetting scenes that it did back in 2013.

    Yes, to get good results from YouTube you generally have to put a bit of time and effort into the process. When there's so much free content elsewhere, it's often not worth it. But there surely are still some gems out there. Hopefully with forums like this one though, those gems can be made easier to find. :)

    Anyway, back to promoting the site - I just posted about attempting to beat our forum records here: http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/7869-lets-beat-our-record/ - so promotion this month is more important than ever. Please help spread the word about PeeFans, or feel free to throw out any suggestions of where I can advertise the site. 


  5. Yes, consensus seems positive for the way the pictures display now. The fact the Picture section is now neater is probably another mark against the argument of having an additional gallery. 

    The poll seems pretty split, but hard to say with such a small sample size. Would be keen to know what everyone thinks on the gallery and whether it should be kept. 

    Having said all that, the introduction of clubs utilises the gallery somewhat if club leaders opt to have images within their club, so maybe we keep thing as they are a little longer?

    I only continue to ask all these questions because I feel it's best to go with what the majority are thinking when making these sort of decisions, as I really don't know or have much of a preference.

  6. On the VIP subject, as I said, please feel free to nominate members for VIP status by sending me a private message. Once we hit 17,000 members - hopefully in the next month or so - we'll select another forum VIP.

    I plan on adding more and more perks to VIP status too, such as the ad-free element mentioned above.

  7. On 24/07/2017 at 11:25 PM, Sephora said:

    OMG, Thank you for adding me to the VIP section. I am actually looking forward to the awards and perhaps some games we can play or a quiz type to get the people more involved. 

    I will help as much as I can, for now, with the wedding preps and all, it does not leave me much time. :-)

    No need for thanks, it's deserved! Agreed, awards and quizzes etc would all be a good way to get people more active on the site and to have a little fun. 

    Having said that, mini quizzes etc certainly don't need me, if anyone is up for running any sort of games or activities, by all means just post a thread to gauge the interest. My guess is there'd be a fair few people interested!

  8. Nice to see all the positive comments, it seemed people genuinely missed this site quite a lot, and I'm pleased to say everything has been relatively smoothly recently (and measures have been taken to ensure it stays that way). 

    As for videos, I hope to have some sort of solution in place by the end of the year, but unfortunately it is unlikely to be exactly how it was before - it simply wasn't practical or sustainable. But yes, if the video links section isn't quite doing it for you, there will almost certainly be some additional video content on the site in the not too distant future. I'll keep you updated as I have any more news. :)

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  9. Would just like to say thanks once again to everyone who has contributed to help this site. I don't want to sound like a broken record of asking for donations and thanking people, but member contributions really are so important to the site's survival, and appreciation is very deserved. We're now into our 4th year, and thanks to your help, we are continuing to grow. Here's to the next 4 years! We have some exciting things planned for the future.

    As always, anyone willing to help support PeeFans.com, please do get in touch. There's lots of easy, secure and anonymous donations options available, and all contributions really do help.


  10. Just bumping this thread - as always, I'd be interested to know you discovered PeeFans (even if you're not even a new member anymore!) 

    It seems we're getting increasingly more traffic from search engines which is great, although if anyone can remember specifically what they searched to find us, that's even better!

  11. Steve, what are your thoughts on UK politics at the moment? Based on your favourite politician answer, I'm guessing you're not exactly happy with how things are, and I don't think many would dispute that Brexit is a bit of a mess. Would be interested to get your summary on things. 

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  12. On 07/07/2017 at 7:36 PM, glad1 said:

    Shortly out of college, I met a young woman who had a very relaxed attitude about peeing and, in turn, helped me get over my shyness. On our first hike, she peed in front of me three or four times during the day. Seeing how she had no inhibitions about what she described as a natural act quickly relaxed mine.


    Do you think she was 'into' pee, or do you think some women really just are that free and open about it despite there being no sexual connection whatsoever?

  13. Just to follow up with the above, I am going to make an effort to at the very least look into the possibility further over the next few months. At least then I can assess how realistic the idea is. One thing is for sure though, I do plan on expanding PeeFans further, and turning it into something far bigger and better.

    Any other site questions, please do let me know.

  14. Since the credit card number question is off the table... How did you end up on a web series like that (if you don't mind me asking?) Did you see it advertised online and just decide to get in touch with them? Sounds intriguing...

  15. I've actually seen a couple of mid-pee interview videos over time, and all were pretty great. Whilst not really the point of this thread, please do add the links if anyone has any. 

    I'll also use this as a reminder to start your own interview thread. :) 

  16. I'm with both you and Steve when it comes to ladies peeing in naughty places. However, since you described your real experiences as relatively tame, I'd be curious to know what your ideal pee sighting would be? What sort of scenario would you find the hottest? 

  17. Some PeeFans stats for you:

    In December 2014 - a year after the forum's creation - we had our most active month with 5,122 new posts. 

    The record for most new members in a month currently stands at 1008.

    I want to beat both of these records this month (August 2017), and to do so I need your help:

    • If you currently just read/browse the site, please contribute! We want to hear from you, and you'll get more out of the site by participating.
    • If you already do post, please try to think of some new thread ideas to generate some new discussions. Likewise, don't be afraid to go back and answer some older threads; there are some great topics that have simply fallen down the list over time but could do with being revived
    • Consider ways of promoting the site - posting the link to places where appropriate, reminding people you know to use the site (or recruiting them if they're not already members), etc. Every little helps.
    • Let me know what else you think the site needs, so it can be improved further.

    Why should you care about any of this? Well, aside from improving the community and thus meaning a better experience for everyone (and one more people want to use / contribute to), better statistics certainly helps in negotiating advertising deals. The better the advertisement deal, the better funded the site is, meaning more upgrades/growth etc, and less asking (and reliance) for donations! 

    Essentially, posting more and promoting the site is in everyone's best interests, and I'd love for August to be a record breaking month. Both of those statistics are extremely tough to beat, but definitely doable with a conscious effort from us all.

    Let's do this.


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