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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Hi Sathuta, sorry for the previous issue - thank you for taking the time to re-share some of your posts and ideas. I completely agree with you on this too, it'd be great to get more people to the site, especially from other areas of the world. As I said last time, we are obviously an English speaking site so that limits the scope partially, but I'm sure there are plenty of fellow English speakers who'd enjoy the site. The big question though... how do we reach them? If you have some more ideas on this please let me know. Likewise, if you know of anyone or any places to promote PeeFans, please do go ahead :)

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  2. As a straight guy, I agree I'd prefer not to see dicks in avatars. That said, I'm all in favour of boobs and vaginas in avatars, and it seems extremely hypocritical to specifically say male nudity should go. As for banning all nudity in avatars... well, it's an adult forum, it's hard to get away from nakedness really, so it just seems a little unnecessary. I like people setting their avatars and showing some individualism within their profile, and I don't want to discourage that so we all end up with the generic letters as pictures. 

    Steve mentioned that it's my choice, but honestly on things like this I'd rather go with the consensus. My general feeling (and from the above, I think most agree) is that those of us who aren't huge fans can very easily tolerate them, and so we ideally don't want to go banning anything and placing unnecessary restrictions. I do completely hear what you're saying FW, but personally I can't say I really notice people's avatars all that much when browsing threads anyway. In the same way that in porn you focus on the bits you do want to see, hopefully the same can be done on the site. 

    Worst case scenario I could potentially add a setting so individual members can choose to disable all avatars on their account, but I don't think many people would want that?

    Happy for people to continue giving opinions on this though. However, unsolicited dick pics was mentioned, and I'm sure it goes without saying that directly sending anyone unrequested pictures is very different to having a small public picture of your choosing. 

    • Agree 2
  3. Bumping this old topic as would like to hear some more thoughts.

    I think most people in general pee in the shower (whether they admit it or not) - but surely almost everyone here at PeeFans does. What's your position for this?

    ... Or is there anyone who doesn't for some reason?! :D

  4. To all the veterans of the pee community, long before you used any pee forums, where did you go to get your pee fix? Were there any paid sites in particular that seemed to provide a lot of great content back in the day, or any eroprofile/reddit/peefans equivalents that acted as hubs for pee content?

    Would be interesting to see the sites and pee sources people remember fondly.

  5. Well if it's even running fast in Australia then hopefully it's nice and speedy for everyone! :) 

    I'm getting good speeds at the moment. When the site is particularly busy, these may drop a little, but again we should be fairly steady now.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Scot_Lover said:

    Not really an issue, but when I navigate away from the home page and return, chat box shows up as disconnected. I think it's a Safari / iPad problem, doesn't appear to do it on PC. Clicking reconnect works ok, I can live with it, everything else works fine. 

    Yes, can't replicate that on PC. The site is definitely tailored more to PC viewing in all honesty, but I'll certainly see if I can find out why it would disconnect. At least it's easy enough to re-connect. :)

  7. Although I think it's unlikely anyone will have much luck here posting snapchat usernames and hoping for responses, I do imagine a lot of pee content does get sent over snapchat - both in terms of videos for people in relationships (as it's so easy to take a quick video without worrying about how it looks*) and probably a lot of joke videos too.

    I remember seeing a snapchat story from a night out where a girl was filming her friend peeing outside while they were laughing. Similarly to youtube/vine, a lot of people post them as amusing videos, obviously oblivious to any sexiness of it.

    *Of course snapchat videos can be saved fairly easily, so thinking this way probably isn't wise!#

    Has anyone been involved in any snapchat peeing? :)

  8. A slightly less sexy side of pee: a shy bladder!

    Needing to pee and not being able to is very frustrating. Do you ever get pee shy when other people are around?

    I can't say it's something I regularly have luckily, but there certainly has been the odd occasion and I wonder if anyone has any tips for letting go freely in such situations... :pissing: 

  9. A couple of times I have found myself in a restroom with cleaners of the opposite sex. Although I'm sure they're not interested in pee*, it can be a little exciting being alone in a room peeing with them over the other side.

    assume this is almost never the case in women's restrooms (and given the fact there are cubicles instead of open urinals, it perhaps isn't quite the same?)

    However, has anyone else found themselves in a similar situation? Who knows, perhaps they have had a sneaky look over - if they actually were interested in pee at all, what a great job to have!

  10. I think anywhere involving alcohol and a lack of facilities is probably your best bet, but I was curious whether anyone has noticed any particular locations or events where public peeing is particularly prominent and easy to see? For example, not just somewhere we know peeing happens, but where it is openly visible?

    Any accompanying stories around this would of course be very welcome. ;) 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    Haven't had an issue :) 

    Now that's what we like to hear! :)  Of course do let me know if anything changes there, but I think we should be fine now.

    I've seen @steve25805has been busy uploading some more club images too (thanks Steve!) so all seems fine on that front as well. Hopefully others will follow suit - now that it's actually working as it should, I think we should try and use clubs to its full potential. I'll try and help with that over the next few weeks, but in the meantime, everyone looking for some extra pictures, you now know where to find them! 

    :peeing-in-the-snow: (A very apt time for that smiley for any UK pee fans!)

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