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Posts posted by Admin

  1. 1 hour ago, Riley said:

    I was wondering if it's possible to create a club? Sorry if this isn't in the right section! Thank you!

    Steve answered and I see you've already started a tiny bladders club since (great idea by the way), but here's a little more info on it all: 

    Now you've created your club, you can add different areas to it - these can either be galleries for pictures or forum sections for chat and discussion. Please just let me know if you have any other questions. 🙂 


  2. 17 minutes ago, Ponme said:

    Ohhh damn.. i am sorry lolol. I was refering to people i use to speak too. Most never replied since a while.

    Well thats good that things are increasing..  i shall make new friends 😉

    Definitely no need to apologise, I was just wondering what you were measuring it by, and people you used to talk with frequently obviously makes sense.  

    Were there any people in particular you had in mind? Unfortunately it's true that some of the older members here have moved on, changes in personal circumstances etc. You should be able to see on their profile when they last visited, but as you said, there are plenty of new friends to meet too! 😊

  3. 9 minutes ago, Ponme said:

    Where did everyone go? Is everyone on vacation? Did some leave from here? I notice less people.. did something happened???

    What do you mean by less people? When are you comparing to? 

    In the last 30 days we've had some of our highest ever stats for new registrations and members logging in. The chatbox has been active every day and we're averaging well over 100 posts of new content every single day too.  

    If you mean right this minute, it says we have 43 people browsing the site right now, which I'll admit is often higher, but it's 4pm on a working day - evenings tend to be busier. 🙂 


  4. 20,200 now (don't worry, I won't keep updating you all every 100 members, you can see the stats for yourself at the bottom 😉 ).

    However it does seem we've had a little activity boost lately, with lots of new (and returning) faces, and a huge amount of great new posts and chatbox activity too. 

    Please keep it up everyone. 😄 

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  5. 25 minutes ago, Potatoman said:

    Wanted to ask this all the time and decided this would be a fitting place.. 

    @Admin, is there an app of peefans? 

    Or is it planned for the future? Would be great 🙂 

    Great idea, I really like the thought of that.

    Currently we have a 'mobile friendly' version of the site when you visit the link in your phone/tablet's browser, but unfortunately no dedicated app at this time. I suppose the app would be similar, but just with additional features and the option for push notifications etc. It's certainly something to consider for the future if other people think they'd prefer having a PeeFans app? 🙂 

  6. Sorry to hear that Steve, although Scot's right, it's very unlikely everything is lost. If the hard drive wasn't even the problem, you can probably still access everything on another PC. 

    However, either way, it seems some good can potentially come from it if it means you have more time to focus on other areas. Plus, I imagine a vast proportion of your collection is already uploaded on PeeFans, so it will always be accessible. In particular, your club uploads where everything is categorised. 

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  7. Welcome to PeeFans! We'd love to hear all of that, so please feel free to share whatever you like. I'm sure you'll fit in very well here, and I look forward to seeing you around the forum. 

    7 hours ago, wettingman said:

    I have to learn what the policy is here about nudity. I don’t want to upset, or offend anyone, nor will I knowingly violate the rules or accepted site practices.

    I appreciate that. 🙂 We do have site rules https://peefans.com/topic/7910-site-rules/ but in all honesty we're fairly relaxed about most things and will always talk to you about it if there's something wrong. In terms of nudity, generally if it is exclusively made nudity, it would be posted in the male section: https://peefans.com/forum/35-men-peeing-pictures-videos-stories/ - however since female nudity is all over the site, there isn't a hard and fast rule about this if it's applicable somewhere else.

    Enjoy the site!


  8. Little unsure about whether or not to upgrade? I thought this thread could be useful to clarify a few things that may concern people. Of course, if there are any other doubts or questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

    I don't know if I'll like the content...

    There is a huge variety of videos and pee content for gold members. Whilst amateur content is the focus, this is by no means the extent of what you'll find. We have videos of almost every type of girl you can imagine, peeing in almost any conceivable place, from pretty much every angle. There's everything from old vintage clips, to selfie videos, to HD high quality professional videos (there's even a couple of movie clips). Oh, and plenty of videos of girls filming each other pissing in naughty public places! The point is that there should be something for everyone, even if it's specifically wetting or toilet peeing (or something more niche) that you're into. However, gold membership isn't just about the videos anyway, so even if you don't like them all there'll be plenty of other benefits of upgrading.

    I never pay for porn on principal, there's loads of free stuff anyway...

    Very true and understandable, but gold membership is not a porn subscription. Yes, there is a lot of great pee content included (including exclusive videos not found anywhere else on the internet), but there's so much more to it. As well as all the forum perks such as additional features, removing ads and access to exclusive areas, gold membership is about supporting the site. If you like PeeFans at all and don't' want it to close down, please understand that gold membership is the only way this site is funded. If we don't get enough gold members, the entire site and all of its content will be permanently deleted. This very recently nearly happened, and as our costs continue to rise, it becomes more and more important we raise money to survive.

    I don't like paying for things online as I'm worried about the security...

    The payment is handled by an extremely secure and reputable third party payment processor, meaning your details quite literally couldn't be safer. Just ask any of the members who have already successfully upgraded.

    I'm worried my partner / someone else will find out about the subscription...

    As per the above, there is absolutely no record of any adult sites in your order history or on your statement. It's untraceable to PeeFans, so there's no need to worry about that. 

    I'm worried I won't be able to easily cancel...

    You can cancel your subscription at any time extremely easily, you're not tied into a contract and there's no fine print. We're not a big business, just a hobby site run for the members. If you want, you could immediately 'cancel' after purchasing, meaning you will get your 3 (or 12 months) but then it won't renew. Otherwise, you just decide if/when you want to stop renewing and you won't ever be charged again. It's all nice and simple.

    I'm not sure it's worth it...

    With the current offer, the price works out at just £5 per month (and can be paid with any card in any currency no matter where you are in the world). For the exclusive pee videos alone this seems fair, let alone the fact there are about 20 other benefits. As mentioned above, if nothing else, you can rest assured knowing the money is being used to keep the rest of the website running and improving. However, if you're still not sure, you can always test it for just 3 months and then cancel if you're not happy. Of course, feel free to ask other gold members too about their experiences. There is really very little to lose though, and a huge amount to gain.

    I can't afford it...

    Whilst I think everyone with a bit of effort or reshuffling of finances can manage just £5 per month, message me if you're genuinely interested but can't manage the payment right this minute. Any other doubts, drop me a PM too and let's see if we can figure it out. Maybe it's not for you, but certainly none of the above reasons should hold you back! 🙂 


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  9. 22 minutes ago, littl_one said:

    i found you at Fet Life via a link in another pee lover's profile.  i've been more and more interested in it lately, both as a submissive and as a little, not really a diaper lover, but lack of control and desperation wetting and from a golden showers perspective.  i'm really hoping to find some dominant and/or mommy/daddy types to chat with.

    Glad you found us - welcome to the site, and good luck with your search. 🙂 

  10. Welcome to the forum @Potatoman! 🙂

    I share your interest in naughty peeing (as many of us do here) so I'm sure you'll fit in very well. It's great you've decided to share some experiences and stories of your own now, and I certainly look forward to reading them and chatting with you.

    Let me know if you ever have any questions about the site or if I can help at all.  

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  11. I see you've been here several years, but I'm glad you decided to introduce yourself - getting involved can definitely make the site more fun. 🙂

    Have a great time here, and I look forward to chatting with you around the forum!

  12. 3 hours ago, spywareonya said:



    I was glad to see all the women in the video (and the vast majority of the public poll) were very much in favour of it. Whilst not a sexual thing for them (in most cases at least), there clearly are other benefits of it, and for us hearing about them nonchalantly weeing in the shower on live TV is quite fun. 😛 

    • Hot 1
  13. The debate on squirting has been going on a while, especially around what it actually is.

    Whilst clearly different from what we all think of as peeing, given the similarities I'm sure many here are turned on by it, and getting someone to squirt could be a lot more realistic than engaging in pee fun (at least initially if you haven't yet had a conversation around fetishes etc).

    What are your experiences with squirting, and does it turn you on similarly to pee? Since it seems some women can do it easily, some occasionally, and some never at all, I'd also be curious to hear from both men and women about what results they've had with making women squirt, since scientifically there still seems to be some mystery around it all.



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  14. Hi all,

    The previous topic asking for donations was taken down once gold membership launched fairly recently. However, we have a fair few costs upcoming, and as we continue to grow the running costs continue to rise - just think of the incredible amount of storage space the site requires to host every single picture, video, message etc ever shared here over the last 5 years or so (and then all of the bandwidth needed to send that content to 1000's of people every day).

     It's not a fun topic to talk about, but PeeFans does still need money to survive and grow. It's easy to think someone else will help out and we'll get by because we always have, but that's the kind of thinking that would result in us missing our hosting payment and everything getting deleted (which has been scarily close more than you'd think). If you would miss having this site and interacting with everyone, and being able to access all of this pee content completely free, please consider either donating or upgrading to gold membership.

    Although there are clear benefits of becoming a gold member, if you're not interested in paying for those, please still consider upgrading if you are a supporter of the site and want to see us continue.

    I don't want to panic people, but the reality is that we do need more money for PeeFans to keep running. Please get in touch if you'd be willing to help out, no matter how small.

    Alternatively, post gold in the below thread so you can get some great benefits in exchange for supporting the site.

      Thank you.

  15. You joined when the forum was less than 1 year old, so you've been here for pretty much the entire ride. Glad you're still liking it here, and I'm sure there'll be many more fun years ahead!

    I agree with you though - sometimes it's nice to take a step back and appreciate the great people we have who visit and contribute here. For anyone brand new, with 100,000's of unread posts, I really don't know where you would start...

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  16. Haha yes, not an ideal choice of words there. 😛 

    Well remembered Sophie, it did look very familiar. Unfortunately the way it's cropped leaves us very little to go on in terms of identifying who it is (although as this forum has proved before, not necessarily impossible).

    I wasn't here when the whole CrissyP incident unfolded, but I remember there was a lot of confusion/mystery around the whole thing.


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  17. Brilliant idea, I would love to see something like this. Please keep us updated on any progress. 🙂 

    If you (and others) are happy to write the content, I can try and put it together in an intuitive way to link it all together and make it feel more interactive (rather than just standard posts one after the other). 

  18. (A very late response, oops)

    Yeah, I am struggling to find many other pee resources that are forum-based. Quite a few of the old ones seem to have slowly faded out.

    In terms of ones fairly still active, it seems there's just the big 3 of Omorashi (but key focus on wetting and hentai etc), peesearch and peefans. 

    Would still be great to know of any other pee forums people still use if there are some out there. 🙂 

  19. What were the best pee sites (both for paid videos and just general pee content) that have since died or stopped selling/producing content?

    It's not a video site, but I still think the pee movie list was a huge loss.

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