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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Your first reply to this thread should state who your character is, and a description of them. Be as brief or descriptive as you like. You can include an optional picture.

    All future posts here should be you describing your actions of this character you've adopted. Use "speech marks" for anything they say aloud or to other people here, and italics for anything they think to themselves.


    It's a glorious sunny day, temperatures upwards of 30C. Although The Nude beach looks like paradise, it's also very small, which means there isn't exactly a lot of privacy. There also aren't any facilities - no cafes, no toilets, which means that when people come they tend to plan ahead for the entire day.  

  2. Whilst I appreciate it's a massive oversimplification to generalise an entire country's attitude to something, I was wondering if any countries come to mind as being a bit more liberal when it comes to peeing, and any that you think of as being extremely against it?

    Both in terms of peeing outdoors, and general taboo-ness of the subject?


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  3. Hi everyone, I've been doing some thinking...

    The main purpose of this site has always been to be an online community for pee fans. Although to some it's mainly a picture/video/story source, what separates us from almost every other pee site is that we also have a vast amount of like-minded people who actually want to chat and connect. 

    I'm normally in favour of expansion and new features, but recently I have been wondering:

    Should we go back to basics?

    By this I mean, have pretty much all aspects of the site run through the main forum again. We are, ultimately, a forum after all.

    More specifically, I mean ditch the clubs. Move all the threads into relevant sections of the forum. There can still be individual threads for discussing specific niches, for example a 'naughty peeing chat' thread or a 'UK pee fans meetup' thread. Do we really need the individual clubs? It was meant to unite micro communities, but I feel it may have just divided us slightly and left a lot of people confused. The other option is to put more emphasis on clubs so they become more popular and more well utilised, but as things currently are we're in an uncertain and unhelpful middle ground it seems.

    There have also been some comments about the chat. This will be even more controversial, but I wonder if 'live chat' should move to a thread on the forum? Posting a message takes less than a second and you're notified of new replies without refreshing. It's really not that different, and would bring more discussion back to the actual forum.

    My logic behind all this is that if everyone and everything is just in one simple place, it will be more used, and better for everyone.

    I'm in no way set on this idea, just wanted to run it past you all, especially after recent comments of things feeling a little quieter. 


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  4. Thanks for clarifying @2prnot2p 🙂 

    I've added a link to the ignore page at the top of the chat, so hopefully this will be a nice balance of not censoring people, but at the same time allowing people to control who they chat with and avoid the type of messages they understandably don't want. Hopefully a better solution than two chats, as I feel that might confuse people further. And of course, we don't want to remove pee chat from the main chat completely, we just don't want 'need a pee?' asked every single day out of nowhere. 😛 

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  5. Happy birthday Sophie, hope everything is going well with you and you had a great day!

    2 hours ago, Sophie said:

    I'll be back properly soon, I promise! Just need to get these next couple of weeks out of the way. xx

    Likewise. We'll have to have a forum party in a few weeks. 🎉

    Thanks spywareonya for the birthday shoutouts - that's awesome! 

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  6. 24 minutes ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

    Here's what I feel bad about.... So when I go over to peesearch I keep seeing posts about people being unhappy there. That it's a ghost town. I don't blame them that their unhappy. That site really is a ghost town. But what makes me feel bad is that there's a limit to how many you can private message so it's extremely hard to let people know on there about this site. I think people on there really do want a site like this, but how to let that site know about this one..is tricky. I sometimes go in their chat and there's like one person in there that ends up saying that they feel alone and there's no one to chat on there...

    As far as I know you can just 'delete' an item from your sentbox and that frees up space for sending more private messages. So in theory you could send an unlimited amount as long as you delete the ones you've sent (the other user should still receive it, you just won't be able to see a record of it). 

    I just had a look at the stats for PeeFans and it doesn't seem like there's been less posts or registrations but I haven't been here much and fully appreciate sometimes it can just 'feel' quiet - rest assured it's temporary.  It does happen here and there and then bounces back, especially once some promotion starts and we run some other competitions etc.I fully agree though that it's a shame there's so many pee fans who would like it here and make the forum a lot busier and fun, but simply don't know about us. 🙂  

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  7. 15 minutes ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

    Thank you! 

    I do have reddit again... I don't really feel comfortable pubically promoting but maybe i could private message a few people on the pee related subreddits about this place. 

    Yes definitely, or you can always make a separate account for adult posts so it's not linked to your personal stuff at all.

    Posting images with a peefans.com watermark works the same as the video thing I mentioned, or directly PMing if done in a non-spammy way. You can even link to direct threads/pictures here as long as long as the sub allows it, and it's visible to guests (which most things here are). 

    Thanks for your support.

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  8. Thanks for your help trying to get the word out - members telling other people about this site is THE best way to promote us. 

    Honestly, right now nothing is being done to promote the site. We're not a business, I run this site myself (with the help of the mod team for managing posts on the forums) and so aside from members sharing the link, no promotion gets done unless I'm doing it. And I'll admit that recently I just haven't had much chance to do so.

    We still get new members through search engines and people just stumbling across us, but if it has felt slightly slower lately this may be why.

    The good news is, I have a list of things planned, including our first ever paid advertisement, which should hopefully attract some new faces. 

    That said, I'm just one person. If anyone wanted to help, there is quite an effective method you can use:

    Download a pee video (that's not copyrighted) and at the beginning/end add a message saying 'For more pee videos, visit PeeFans.com' or something along those lines. You can then upload it for free to xvideos, pornhub and just about any other free porn site. People searching for pee videos on those sites then see the link, and some will come check out the forum. Many will come just for pics/vids, but you'll get a few who actually decide they want to stay and contribute as part of the community. 🙂 


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  9. Hey guys, sorry for my slow responses here, it has been a busy couple of weeks. Really appreciate all the suggestions and passion for that chat.

    So, to go through the things mentioned:

    More chatters

    This would make the biggest difference. More people posting, and also trying to start topics rather than just saying hi. I know that's not always easy but when the chat has taken off it has come from someone bringing something up. Unfortunately, there is little to be done for this other than more people deciding to add things more frequently. We get plenty of unique visitors every day who must be interested in pee - I guess all we can do is encourage people to join in. Sadly, likewise with the forum, the majority will always rather lurk and read.

    However, it's worth pointing out that I have been planning on doing some promotion for the site, which should bring in some new chatters. For a while now the site has been operating with ZERO promotion, so if it has felt like slightly less new faces finding us or posting, this may be why. The other reason simply may be more new topics are needed to prompt discussions, which I'll try and help with too, but is something anyone can do. The reason I say this is the stats don't show any decrease in members visiting, but show an increase in private messaging. Nothing wrong with this, but we want lots of public messages too.

    I can assure you though, although I've been a little more absent recently, the site is not dying, and I still have plenty of plans for the year ahead. 🙂 

    Daily Topics

    Really like this idea, the only reason it hasn't yet been done is it needs someone who is here consistently every morning or evening to update the topic. I will look at giving the mod team power to add a notice above the chat with a daily topic, but @Blackinksoul30 would you be happy to help with this too? As  not only will we need different daily questions/discussions but someone to draw a bit of attention to it and encourage others. 

    Specific time for chatting

    I tried this recently not too long ago, but it probably wasn't well advertised enough. It can be difficult with the different timezones, but happy to trial a few different times and see what works best, and will make a more formal announcement about it so more people see. We'll definitely do this. 

    Guests chatting

    It's not that I'm against trying this, but it's not my 'inexperience' that has stopped me. Here's why chat is currently for members only:

    • We are a bigger site than poolchat and the other pee chatrooms mentioned, which opens us up to far more spam and vulnerability. We have multiple security systems in place when people register to prevent spam, but allowing literally anyone to post removes that. This means that on the HOMEPAGE of our site, we are letting just anyone say anything. Whether that's the russian bots we get spamming virus links and nonsense, someone rogue posting illegal images, or just general trolling. When it's a guest, we can't even ban them. It would need 24/7 moderation, as otherwise we could end up with literally anything plastered all over the chat (and therefore most other pages of PeeFans). That's not only a risk to all members, but a serious legal risk to the site itself. 
    • Full anonymity can be dangerous. We already have close to that as we each have our usernames, but when you take away accounts too, it can be surprising how quickly things turn a bit nasty. Imagine that someone with a bit of a grudge against you can make limitless guest posts, using whatever name they want. They could even use a variation of your own username and impersonate you. There's no control over it.  
    • The guest-thing may work well on other places, but it's different when it's just a chatroom site. Besides, 2prnot2p has regularly referred to the poolchat as being some extremely active place, but whenever I visit I see the 3 same names saying 'hi' 'hi' 'x has left the chat'. That's no disrespect to that site, I'm simply saying it's hardly a thriving example to try and model.
    • Thinking guests will magically solve this problem is naive unfortunately. The reality is that signup to this website is extremely easy - like 30 seconds. If someone is not willing to go through that, are they really going to be a serious contributor here? We show almost all areas of the site to non-guests already; it's not like you can't see anything before joining. 95% of the site is viewable, including the chat, but we surely want people to join, so having the extra incentive that you can then post your own messages once signed up makes sense from all perspectives.
    • Which brings me on to the point about it being bad business to restrict some features to members. Aside from the security issues mentioned, I am certain that having people register to your site is better business than giving all of the same feature to guests. 

    @2prnot2pand anyone else who was calling for this idea, I'm not trying to dismiss it completely, just trying to explain that there is some logic behind the decision. 

    I really appreciate everyone putting things forward.


    So... moving forwards

    Site promotion and updates will be done shortly. Daily topics will be introduced. We'll test some 'chat hour' times and I'll make announcements about it to encourage others to test the chat.

    I think I am also going to change the chatroom system. When we had a poll on this the votes were fairly even, but our current one is very basic. I think more features and a more premium feel could help.

    Leave this with me guys, and I'll see what I can do in the very near future (next couple of weeks).

    But for now, please just encourage others to chat and make interesting posts, as it's still possible to have some really great chats. 😄 


    • Agree 3
  10. Love the idea, and can actually imagine that proving quite popular. It can definitely be hosted here. 

    I think the key would be if at least one of our female members is happy to be involved to make it more balanced, as actually hearing pee discussion and stories would be hot as well as interesting.

    Could also have quick updates on other pee-related news or updates from popular pee sites etc (e.g. the best new video releases and so on).

    Certainly potential here. Would be keen to hear other people's thoughts.  

  11. A huge congratulations to all the winners - very deserved! From the look of the polls, pretty much every single nominee had multiple votes each, which I think just shows how many great contributors we have here. There are some excellent posters who didn't even get nominated because the competition is so high, so a sincere thank you to everyone here for bringing this community to life.

    Really appreciate your kind words Sophie, and I completely agree with F.W that we couldn't ask for a better host. I know that a lot of time and organisation goes into running an event like this each year, so thank you from all of us! 🙂 

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  12. Thanks a lot for your feedback and votes - it has been really helpful for planning some ideas for the upcoming year. I appreciate in most cases there are a mix of opinions, but the main conclusions I've come to so far:

    Producing New Content

    • We are going to look for models and attempt to create some original pee videos. This is a much more long-term plan, so don't expect to see anything until at least the second half of 2019, but do know that this is likely to happen at some point in the future.
    • There is clearly interest in live webcam peeing shows. @Sexxycandyxxxhas offered to do a test show (thank you!), and so at some point in the new year we will try to setup a free live show for all gold members as a trial run, with the potential of opening up a full webcam platform if it proves popular enough. 

    Changes To The Forum

    • The general chat area will stay as one big section unless it gets far busier. However, this does not mean there cannot be more discussions about non-pee topics so we can get to know each other better. Please, if you wanted to see this, simply post new threads in the general chat area about things you're interested in. There's no real limits and will encourage others.
    • Some budget will be allocated to promoting the site, which should hopefully bring new people in and lead to new topics. The virtual currency hasn't been ruled out, but for now would probably cause more problems than it solves, and wouldn't necessarily lead to more quality content.

    Extra Features

    • If you would like to run your own pee website via PeeFans, please visit this thread (click here).
    • For now, the current chat will remain as a lot of people seemed to want this, but it needs people to use it for it to work of course. Later in the year, if activity hasn't substantially picked up, we'll invest in the more advanced chat system with more features.
    • Clubs will remain for those who want them, and an effort will be made to make them more integrated to the site and clearer to use.


    As always, please let me know or post a new thread about any other ideas. Cheers to a great 2019! 🍻

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  13. Would YOU be interested in running your own pee website through PeeFans? We'd set it up and host it all for you, either in return for placing a small advert on it, splitting any revenue from it, or simply taking a small fee.

    Whilst there's no limit on what this pee site could be, since Tumblr just banned all adult content from its site, I'm guessing a lot of people are looking for a home for their blog. However, feel free to think of other opportunities where a new pee site could be beneficial. Maybe you're producing pee videos and want your own site to distribute them, or you've got a more experimental idea, like creating a new pee movie list?

    Whatever it may be, if it's pee-related, please drop me a message so we can explore possibilities. We are not looking for things that the forum already has (e.g. a new pee forum, or a place to post pee pictures/stories unless it's radically different to what we currently have). The idea is to expand what PeeFans offers by teaming up with someone else.

    I look forward to hearing from you. 🙂 

    • Like 4
  14. On 12/29/2018 at 7:09 AM, 2prnot2p said:

    I'd like to point out a very significant statistic about Pee Fans.  You currently have 158,000 posts.  Steve has made over 45,000 of them!  That's 35% by ONE MEMBER!!!

    With all due respect to Steve, I literally could not and would not do that in a LIFETIME!  Seriously.  I'm sure Steve is a wonderful fellow and I like his posts. 

    So, there is much activity, but you have tons, and I mean tons, of people who have been members here for ages and have NEVER posted a single message.  Just mouse over the names of members who are currently here on the home page.  The vast majority have no content.  But...guess what.  It's like that at every pee site forum and has been since the dawning of pee sites.  And, it will always be that way.  Trust me, I've been around this scene since 2000. 

    Lastly, this is nothing to fret about at all.  It is what it is and that is...okay! 🙂

    I could be wrong here, but I believe that stat is massively skewed because:

    • Posts under a persons username include gallery uploads (i.e. the clubs). 
    • The 158,000 total posts statistic ONLY refers to forum posts (e.g. written messages in the main sections).
    • Whilst @steve25805has posted a lot on the forum of course, the majority of his total come from the thousands of pictures he uploaded to the clubs. You can bulk upload 100's of them at a time, and each single one is technically a 'post'. 

    So in terms of forum posts, which we're talking about here, I believe it's more evenly distributed between other members. 🙂 

    I do agree though that the majority of users never post at all, and unfortunately this is a reality of most forums as you said. A lot of people just want to read/browse. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. Welcome to the site! 🙂 

    I wouldn't say holding is the main interest here - honestly there are people who like all aspects of pee, and definitely plenty of golden showers and pee sex, so I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly!

    Have a great time here. 

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  16. Welcome to the site, I'm glad you found us! 🙂 

    Funnily enough, we're currently having a vote on site plans for 2019. and one of the topics is on PeeFans hosting live webcam shows right here!

    Would you perhaps be interested in doing a free public show at some point as a sort of 'trial run', and then if it proves successful I could look at taking the idea further to a pay-for-credits type system like other cam sites have, except of course all the cams here would be pee-related. 

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