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Posts posted by Admin

  1. On 6/29/2019 at 12:59 PM, Sophie said:

    We need to get peefans on the list! 

    To get on the list you need to link back to them... which is partly what this thread is 😉 Application has already been submitted so let's hope it helps some new pee fans find us. 😄 

  2. This is a very old thread I just stumbled across, but I thought it's such an interesting question that it's worth bumping it up to see what some of our newer members have to say on the topic. 🙂 

    I really find the psychology behind why we're attracted to this quite interesting, and it definitely seems an early memory/experience is often the trigger/catalyst.  

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  3. Let's say you've just come into a huge unexpected inheritance, of £100,000 / $100,000. 

    But there is one extremely bizarre catch.

    The money has to be spent solely on things related to pee

    How would you spend the money?

    For example... would you try to think long-term and start your own pee video production business where you direct videos, or maybe just blow all the money on buying a small island (with no toilets) and hire a bunch of willing models to come along and live on it with you for a little while?

    Get creative, as the best idea gets the £100,000...

    ... Well not really, but we can dream.  😄 

    (Thanks F.W. for prompting this thread with the lottery question... it just got me thinking how if someone was really rich and had a pee fetish, what would they actually do to fully indulge?)


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  4. The picture on this page: https://peefans.com/gold ?

    I believe it's Lia Lor, though I don't think she still does adult shoots. It's from a site that (as far as I know) is no longer active, Belladonna Experience. There's now a thread here on Peefans with the full pictures from that collection (including the image you mentioned):


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  5. On 6/1/2019 at 11:55 AM, Vassal said:

    I can't remember the forums as much but I did absolutely love the stories section. Leaky_one posted TONS of stories and was more active there than she was on peesearch at the time. I still go back through the wayback machine internet archive to manually rip her stories, along with some of badboy's.

    Leaky_one is here as @lesley, and you'll be pleased to hear PeeFans is currently collaborating with her on a very unique story experience coming very soon. 😄 

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  6. 5 hours ago, DXR said:

    It's now been 2 weeks since your post, and I've experienced no issues.   Thanks.

    That's really great to hear, thank you for providing the update.

    The monitors I setup show no downtime at all in these last 2 weeks either, so hopefully the problem is now fully resolved.

    Please let me know if any similar issues ever arise though. It can almost always be solved, but sometimes I don't notice it if it's only specific times.

    Thanks again to all who provided info. 

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  7. Hey there, welcome to PeeFans! There's lots of us here from the UK into outdoor and public peeing, so I'm sure you'll fit right in. I hope you enjoy the forum. 🙂 

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  8. A huge thanks to everyone who posted here.

    It's always helpful if people report problems no matter how small or infrequent as often I won't know about it otherwise. Spywareonya's questions also saved me a lot of time, so I very much appreciate that.

    In this case, I have actually experienced what you are referring to, and have been in conversation with our hosting provider about it several times in the last 2 days. I was surprised nobody else had commented on it, as like you I had experienced the brief 5 minute windows of downtime, before the site resuming as normal. 

    Just last night I made some settings changes that I am hoping will have fixed it (as I do believe it was caused by heavy server usage - not bandwidth, but simply lots of people doing lots at once).

    However, there's no guarantee this has resolved it, so please could anyone reading this reply to this thread if they experience any downtime/timeout errors at all (even if extremely briefly). It's very helpful to know roughly when it's happening to help pinpoint any issues. 

    I haven't had any problems today, but I haven't been online much.

    So upshot is... hopefully it's already fixed, but please let me know if you experience it again and I'll make sure it gets sorted as soon as possible. 🙂 

    Thanks again all.



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  9. 36 minutes ago, spywareonya said:


    The chance to carefully select a reaction is, to me, part of the reply I am gonna write, like a link to the incoming message

    I really feel there cannot be reply without reaction, unless the person wrote something I really cannot endorse, or so simple that I can't decide even if replying or not

    To me, reactions are like face-expressions at what I just heard, before verbally replying

    Really cannot reply without feeling the need to first thank the other for what he/she posted, selecting the kind of reaction I deem more fitting

    It's so spontaneous on my side!!!

    I definitely understand that, and I like that attitude. It's certainly fine to do that.

    But different people use them in different ways I guess (if they even use them at all). Personally my default position isn't to react to most posts, even though I appreciate and quite like pretty much everything I read here. It's not that I'm deliberately not liking something, I just wouldn't have time to do that, so it tends to be posts where I'm more directly involved or don't have time to reply but still want to show my appreciation, or a post that particularly grabs my attention as being great/unique. There's no set criteria of course, and just as with social media sometimes I'll react quite freely whereas other times I'll be so focused on reading/replying I might not react at all. It all depends. I also miss A LOT! 

    However, I agree with the notion we should all try to show our appreciation more for all contributors and contributions, especially in terms of written posts rather than just pictures and links.

    My point here was merely there's no hard and fast rule about how to use likes, so it's open to individual interpretation and preferences, which can cause some disparity/unevenness in how its used.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

    Well being Canadian and polite lol, how about a thank you button? I sometimes would like to see a smily face emoji in there to. I know it's in the text bar but sometimes it would be handier with the like buttons 

    Haha, we have a thank you option, it's the purple trophy one... perhaps not the best representation of 'thanks' though so I can see the confusion.

    The current ones are:









    I see what you mean about the smiley face, but my worry is it's basically the same as 'like' , no? The idea at the moment is each one has a slightly different meaning, even though they all show appreciation in some way. 

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