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Posts posted by Admin

  1. 7 minutes ago, likesToLick said:

    I have noticed when opening a thread, that it tries to open all of the images at once,  so if you are trying to look at a new image near the end of the thread it keeps hopping about and jumping off screen as the other images load.  In our popular, long running threads with many images, this is not really necessary, as people would usually be just trying to look at the latest images that they have not already seen.

    I have heard that forum software can offer a "lazy load" option that only loads images in that part of the thread which is currently on screen.  This could have a double benefit,  firstly that people can go straight to their pictures without the flickering and auto scrolling,  and secondly the forum can save on bandwidth,  as people would not be automatically loading pictures they were not going to look at.

    If this platform has a "lazy load" option,  I would recommend giving it a try.

    I thought so too, so much so that I introduced "lazy loading" on the forum not that long ago.

    The feedback was all negative though, so it was removed.


    Would be open to trying it again, but it seems that for many people it causes more issues than it solves sadly.

  2. So for the last few weeks @Dr.P has apparently been locked out of the site and completely unable to access PeeFans!

    Unfortunately, I was not receiving his emails until a couple of days ago when luckily it got flagged to me and we managed to resolve the issue.

    I just wanted to take this opportunity to properly welcome him back to the site, and apologise again for the error! 

    As a side note, if anyone is ever locked out, email peefans at gmail.com ! 

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  3. 2 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

    I can assure you iam NOT Lewis Hamilton hahahhahahahahahaha

    To be fair though, that's exactly what Lewis Hamilton would say if he didn't want us to know we're onto him. 😉 It's ok Lewis, we'll keep your secret. 😂

    • Haha 2
  4. I agree - given the amount of celebrities in the world, it seems a virtual certainty that a small percent of those must be into pee. 

    And same for this forum. When you consider the hundreds of thousands of different people to have accessed this site over the years, it feels almost inevitable a couple of them must have had some fame. Probably it's more likely to be some more 'minor' celebrities, but hey who knows, we can all dream that some A-Lister hollywood actresses are out there right now reading this. 😉 


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  5. 4 hours ago, holyknight3 said:

    Has anyone here ever played Trials in Tainted Space? And yes, I'm 100% sure that the name (which spells TITS) is intentional. It is a sci fi game that has you boldly cumming where no one has came before and trying to earn money and fame in the process. The idea here seems to be similar, except that he is willing to explore literally every fetish except water sports and scat. The lead writer on that project set the overall story, with contributing writers penning individual scenes, that they integrate into the whole story. He did another setting that was similar, but fantasy, which was a little less friendly to use. It would be worth it to look just to see their formatting, and not have to reinvent any wheels. I love this idea personally, and I think a game where you were juggling your finances, time, and relationships  while exploring your particular take on the fetish would be a worthwhile project. 

    If there was a fairly simple way to pay for it, I would put up 5 dollars for that in a heartbeat. They used patreon for monetization, with backers getting access to material a month or so ahead of others. I don't know if something similar is workable here or not.

    Thanks! Had a look at the game you mentioned as I hadn't previously heard of it - looks good fun and along the lines of where I hope this concept will end up for us. Whilst I envision several individual story/games like this one, I also picture one big 'main' story that many different authors collaborate on, creating a whole world and seemingly limitless pathways, collecting items and various stats along the way - essentially allowing people to live out an alternative life where there are less restrictions on their pee fun! We are just at the very beginning stages right now of course, but it's good to know there's already interest for something much bigger. 

    2 hours ago, wetwulf said:

    Not to take away from any other aspects of the already awesome site, but please permit me to say:

    This is the best damn thing that has ever been part of this site! I love this idea: it's sexy, interactive, and features some of @lesley's best writing yet! I would hope to contribute to a future interactive story, so long as I'm not swamped with schoolwork. But regardless, this is really incredible. I look forward to more!

    Would love to have you contributing on future stories wetwulf, and thank you very much for the positive feedback. 😄 As I said, this is hopefully just the beginning of this concept.

    16 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

    Loved the story - thanks @lesley.

    Only scored 113 cos got a couple of minuses. One of them I opted for her getting on the bus instead of going for a pee round the back because peeing on the bus was more naughty to me. Turns out the bus was too crowded and she had to get off at the next stop, lol

    I also failed to score anything like maximum points on a number of questions because my own preferences - squatting to pee on the cinema carpet or taking a standing pee on the floor in the baths, were not the naughtiest options available, but closely matched the naughty preferences I am generally known for.

    The write up for my bracket (45-145) includes the supposed fact that I would be "more at home on the loo than having a naughty pee somewhere daring." Lol. Anyone here who knows me knows this scarcely does me justice, hahaha.

    I loved the whole concept though and immensely enjoyed it. I think this sort of thing could be a big hit.

    There are two ways to play it, though. I knew that my preferences were not always the naughtiest options but played it with my own preferences anyway. But one could easily play for points by going not for your preference but for the answer you think will score more. I guess it depends upon whether your first priority is erotic pleasure or competitiveness. I'd rather go down the most erotically enjoyable - to me - route.

    I do hope this idea is a success and hope to see more of this.

    Haha yes, the score brackets should be taken with a huge pinch of salt of course, as I think we can all agree 'more at home on the loo' does not cover your tastes Steve! 😂 

    Very pleased to hear you like the overall concept and story though.

    As for your final comments, I would 100% recommend playing for your own pleasure, as sometimes the riskier options backfire and result in point deductions. The points are definitely just an added element. Having said that, once you've played it through once with your ideal choices, you can of course then replay with a different path and instead try to score higher (as even your secondary choices will likely result in some very fun stories to read!) 🙂 

    • Like 2
  6. A great idea by Sophie & Spywareonya was to have a paid lottery/raffle for a gold membership place.

    You'd pay - let's hypothetically say - £5 for a ticket. 

    When we reach enough entrants, the lottery is randomly drawn either with names out of a hat or an online generator (filmed for proof).

    The money used from the tickets would be reinvested back into peefans' running costs, and it means one lucky winner gets extremely cheap gold membership.

    Payment for the ticket would be upfront, and fully secure with no mention of any adult/gambling website.

    However, the question is, would you play? Please vote so I can determine whether to go ahead with the idea. 🙂 Thanks!

    • Like 2
  7. Old tag removal completed with the help of Sophie.

    Forum is tidy again.

    So from now on, when creating a new thread:

    • in fictional stories, you'll be asked what type of peeing is included
    • in news/ideas/help, you'll be asked what type of thread you're making (e.g. feedback, question etc)
    • every where, no tags will be used as they are not needed and just add extra confusion.

    Thanks. 🙂

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Sweets said:

    All though I'm not that bold to go pee in many of these naughty places. I would love too. So as a game I would pick the most naughty to live out my fantasy.  I love it.

    Yes exactly! 😄 

    1 hour ago, P_lovinguy said:

    I tried 3x; my highest score was 126 with my first game a mere 40. However, there should be a way for the game to tally your points and then show how you fair. 

    It was interesting; makes you use your imagination really well. These were well written.

    It does recall of being very naughty; some of the scenarios were creative and down right hot, like at the cinema or at the eatery in the mall. I would've like to read our gal connected with one or both of the women she met, Lisa and Maria, for a little pee party of their own.

    Obviously this is from a gal's POV which is fine an gets the imagination going for us blokes. It would be great though if in the beginning you could select what sex you were then take the scenarios from that gender's appropriate POV.

    Nice. As I said there will definitely be automatic points either in future update of this game, or at the very least in all future new games that are made in this style. 

    The good news is that the core story we have here can be expanded with other options if lesley wants to add more, or if she wants to work with another pee writer here and collaborate on extra pathways.

    And I like your gender idea too for some future games, although I think most guys quite like the idea of being in a womans shoes for the day when it comes to naughty pee opportunities. That said, a game where you're a guy and meet up with other women for all kinds of pee fun sounds like it could be great too. There's lots of potential options with this concept. 🙂

    2 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    Not enough time to do this justice before work. Will check it out when I get home later.

    Definitely best to wait rather than have to quit halfway through the story - let us know how you get on with it later though!

    1 hour ago, Sexismygod said:

    Really good fun.  I'm definitely in the naughty pee group but wouldn't be as bold in reality as I was in the story.  That said, I have peed in most of the situations presented, just maybe taking the less extravagant approach.  😂😉😎

    No idea how many points I got, especially with a few deductions here and there.  

    Love the idea.  Just wish I could spend a day like that, preferably with the leading lady in the story.

    Great. 😄 

    Automatic points will be introduced for those not wanting to count (or not realising the need to), but I just wanted to get the raw version out to share with you all. I'm very glad you enjoyed, and like Sweets said the story kind of gives you the opportunity to live any fantasies of being your naughtiest self for the day. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, GenericUsername said:

    I think the point deductions for the cleanups makes it more relatable.

    Haha yeah, that's why I still left in small point deductions, as otherwise always going for the most extreme naughtiness would surely get you the most points every time, whereas when there's a chance of losing points from the riskier options, it's not so straightforward.

    But the 'lose all your points' option seemed a bit much, so that's gone.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    I guess I'll be spending some of my free time on here just going through threads and applying tags!

    I used to add tags to my stories when I posted them, but like you said, there was no guidelines so everything was a bit of a mismatch.  Another welcome change, you're knocking these out of the park!

    Certainly not expecting you to spend time going through old threads Sophie - it was more that if you happened to be reading a story thread at some point without tags, feel free to add them. But no obligation/pressure at all of course!

    And thanks. I'll finish removing all current tags tomorrow and then we can make use of this new tag system both in fictional stories and in peefans news, ideas and help section.

  11. I am currently in the process of removing all existing tags on threads - we used to have a system where you could input tags of your choosing but it was widely misused due to there being no standardisation or guidelines, so it was removed. That's why some threads have little black bubbles next to them with random words, but no recent threads do.

    In the feedback survey it was highlighted though that in the fictional stories section, tags next to topics would be helpful, as until you actually read a story, you may not know what type of peeing is involved just from the title. And of course, we all have different interests and things we do and don't want to read.

    As of today, the fictional stories section now has the option to select a pre-defined tag from one of the core categories:

    Naughty  (so if you don't want any sort of piss vandalism/damage or wild peeing in unusual places, avoid threads with this tag)




    Golden Shower

    Pee Drinking

    Includes Male Pee (any male only stories should go in the male section, but if it has both male + female peeing please use this tag).


    @Sophie@steve25805@Scot_Lover - if you happen to be browsing an old story, feel free to add the relevant tag(s).

    For everyone else (without moderator permissions), please tag your own stories appropriately when posting new content in the fictional pee stories section, not only to make peefans more organised and enjoyable for everyone, but to help more people find your work.

    You can use multiple tags, though if the story is 95% golden showers, it is fine to just tag it as golden showers.

    Once this has been in use for a while, it will also be worth clicking on the tag bubbles - for example, you could click on 'Public' and then get a list of all stories that have been tagged as involving public peeing.

    Let me know if you have any questions or issues. Would also be happy to hear feedback on whether more categories are needed, but I feel most pee stories could be categorised using those. 

    Of course, the tag system is just an extra aid - you can always include a note before your story begins with any other details you want people to be aware of before reading.

    Thank you.

    • Like 3
  12. 14 minutes ago, Admin said:

    Update: Version 1.01 

    - Message added at the beginning clarifying to keep a track of points if you want to know score at end. As said above, future games will have in-built scoring.

    The most points you can lose from any decision is now 10.

    - Link back to PeeFans added at the end.

    The beta version was always going to have a few things that needed adjusting.  🙂

    Please if anyone notices any glitches/mistakes etc, let me know. Likewise, any further feedback is very welcome. Not only will it be useful for future stories, but in cases like the above then changes can be directly made to this story where appropriate. 

    Follow this update, I would also highly encourage anyone who has already played to not be discouraged by the losing points aspect (especially now it is heavily reduced). There are some real major detours certain options can take, meaning you can quite literally have a widely different experience on your second play with largely different story content.

    Have fun exploring!

    • Like 1
  13. 13 minutes ago, Peefreak99 said:

    Oh ok i see. This has huge potential and you could make good money of it if you make it a app that you have to buy this could solve the funding problem i think. This is next level stuff but just a tip make sure to claim it as your own by law so nobody steals it🙂

    Haha thanks! I definitely can't claim credit for the 'choose your own adventure' game idea though, they have been around a while (usually in book form where you flick back and forth between physical pages). So nothing to copyright I'm afraid, but as far as I know PeeFans will be leading the way in terms of pee stories that you can instantly interact with in this way and control the direction of. So not a brand new concept by any means, but hopefully something unique to the pee fetish. Having said that, if other people wanted to make their own, I definitely wouldn't mind - the more the better! 

    The only form of monetisation I have planned for it is that some stories may be marked 'gold members only' if they have videos from the gallery in it, or if I hire models to help create original content for the story (and in which case would need to recoup some of that money through gold membership upgrades). Most stories will be free for everyone like this one though - that is assuming the core idea is liked and that people want more of course. 🙂


    • Like 3
  14. 1 minute ago, UnabashedUser said:

    I enjoyed playing the game and the writing which is fabulous. The point deduction trap should go though as it cheapens the experience. Just allot  different amounts of points and a total at the end. 

    Yes that makes sense. Will let @lesley have the final say for this specific game as she wrote it (including the point gain/losses), but on future games I think solely being able to earn different levels of points for each option will work best as you said.

    It's all still a bit of an experiment at this point, but any feedback like this is great.

    • Like 3
  15. 1 minute ago, Peefreak99 said:

    Under 45 but the thing is that im not into naughty peeing im into desperation and the game is built in a way that makes you score really low if you don't love naughty peeing. That's my only complaint it is a great idėa and it will revelutionate the pee fetish world but if we could only add more options for us desperation lovers it would be great


    That's why I've tagged this with 'Naughty' and 'Public' as this is very much a naughty-pee centred story. Luckily a lot of people here do seem to be very into naughty peeing so will hopefully get more out of it.

    However you're spot on that this is just one of hopefully many stories. The idea being that there will be desperation-specific (and golden shower-specific, toilet-specific etc) games in future, that are tailored to specific niches in the fetish.

    Unfortunately for you you'll have to wait a little for a desperation one, but hopefully you can see the potential. 🙂 

    • Like 3
  16. 8 minutes ago, UnabashedUser said:

    Lost all my points at the end of the game through trick questions. Bleah. 

    Indeed. I think the plan with this new format is that there will be some less 'game-like' versions, where you are just playing the story for pure enjoyment without any sort of points. No tricks, decisions or elements of luck involved, just purely you directing the story.

    But then with some - like this one - the idea of losing points is there to encourage replays through different combinations to try and 'beat your score' and beat other people's scores too. Essentially, making it into more of a challenge. 

    Of course, the main thing is that you enjoy the story. 😄 

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  17. 1 hour ago, Sophie said:

    I like all of the changes except for this one. Having its own section was good to filter out what was essentially people wanting KIK/Snapchat contacts and adverts. 

    Sorry, I should have clarified better.

    The plan is to not allow kiks/snapchat threads, and move away from any sort of spammy dating/ads. Perhaps if we do get any new threads we will merge them with a previous kik thread and keep it all contained within one topic, rather than having a whole section which helps promote the idea of people making more. 

    That way, if people really want to post/ask that stuff they can. However, in general, I think it goes against what this site is about, and is also extremely ineffective. For anyone who was planning on posting a similar thread, I highly recommend reading my post in the following thread about 'pee dating'':


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  18. Hey 1up, welcome to PeeFans! You are most definitely not alone - in fact there are many thousands of us pee fans here! How'd you find us? 🙂 

    I look forward to seeing what you share around the forum, and I hope you have a great time here. Enjoy!

    • Like 3
  19. A few changes you may have already noticed. 

    Introductions and Forum News/Ideas/Help are back at the top of the site. The feedback survey we did really highlighted how it's the community that is key here, so I think having these as the first sections of the site makes the most sense. It barely adds any scrolling for those who are only interested in the pictures/videos/stories etc, and may also prompt some extra introductions or suggestions. 

    The Wet Zone remains the same, filled with all the pee-focused sections. 

    Next, we now have 'The World Outside of Pee' category for both the 'sex & porn' chat and 'general/clean' chat.

    However, the previous sub-forums are gone. Interviews is now just mixed in with general chat; you are still very welcome to make interview threads, but having it under introductions was confusing. Likewise, the dating/personal ads/marketplace section has been just merged into general chat, as the section was barely used, and wasn't an aspect of the site we wanted to build upon. Instead, having one big general area will cover anything and everything you want to share with the community that doesn't fit anywhere else (so you can still make a thread to try and buy/sell something if you wish, and ironically it will likely get more attention now it's mixed in the general area). 

    Executive Lounge is now Gold Lounge, which is being divided up. For gold members, I'll post an update there shortly explaining the sub-sections. This is basically just a way of organising everything better. 


    I know some people will be thinking 'why change it if it ain't broken?', but I believe the new/current format is the best option for now. It's also not really that different, so hopefully no real confusion anyway. I hope this all makes sense, but let me know if you have any questions. And if you do dislike it, well as long-time forum members will know, it will inevitably get updated again at some point! 😉 


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  20. On 8/31/2019 at 10:38 PM, Barelyserious said:

    The lovely and lewd "Sweets" mentioned this place so I had to check it out .... I'm extremely glad I did! Thanks Sweets!

    Great to have you on board! 😄 

    And thanks @Sweets for spreading the word and helping PeeFans grow - you rock! 

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