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Posts posted by Admin

  1. So the upshot is because we're using the Twitter-style emojis, there is a slight delay which wouldn't happen as much if we used the default emojis.

    The problem is the Twitter-style look far better in my opinion.

    Happy to change though if this is something that's annoying for many people, but for me it's exactly the same as DXR: 

    7 hours ago, DXR said:

    It takes about 3 seconds to load on my PC - a bit of a delay, but not an issue for me.  ⏱️

    They should save to your cache as well so in theory after opening them, for the rest of your session here they should load even faster.

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  2. Pretty sure the Peeingcupid is quite inactive now - I have seen several reports of people complaining the 'women' on there are actually fake accounts, or at the very least no longer using the site. Sadly that is quite often the case with fetish dating sites, as the genuine ratio of guys to girls who join is so heavily one-sided. It's normally a red flag when you can't do/see anything without payment first. Of course, there may be a few genuine women on there, but it's probably not the best way to find someone. 


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  3. Unfortunately with the emojis it's all or nothing - it either seems like they can all be enabled or none can. I have made some enquires to see if there's a better system as I agree the smiley box can be slow to load.

    Having said that, there isn't really a lot of need to use it, as you can just use the emoji button on your tablet/phone keyboard instead. It's more there for pc users who may not have that option (and hopefully on a pc it would load a little faster too). 

    I will look into alternatives though if it is becoming unusable. 

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  4. PeeFans has just launched a quick survey to get your opinions on the site, so we can continue to improve it. 

    If you complete the survey, you will receive 5 tickets into the prize draw for 3 months free gold membership.

    So not only are you helping to make the site better, you might win a prize too.

    It shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes to fill in. So...

    Click here to have your say!

    Thanks 🙂 

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  5. On 7/1/2019 at 7:10 PM, EffertusVesicae said:

    Things I'd like to see added (if possible):

    'Age Range' = not everyone's comfortable sharing their actual age/birthday (which is understandable), so how about a rough age thing instead, like what Experience Project used (18-21, 22-25, 26-30, etc.), which has to be filled out in order to continue using the site.

    'Timezone' location = For those who may not be comfortable sharing what country they live in (UTC+1, UTC-7, UTC+8 etc.)

    'Achievement Trophy' badges = made 100+ posts/replies,  been a member for 6+ months etc. (similar to what Experience Project had).

    'PeeFans Map' (similar to what an OmoOrg member created using ZeeMaps) where members can choose to add their rough location with their kink(s), which could allow us to see how many like-minded individuals there are in their own country or in other countries.

    These could be shown either on our profiles, under the mini-profile avatars next to our posts, or both. Thoughts?

    Thanks for submitting some ideas, it's always appreciated. 🙂 

    Age - Added. People can now add this to their profile and be as specific as they want.

    Timezone - Added. It's worded as location/timezone so people can put whatever they're comfortable with. Both these fields are optional and a lot of people won't want to do them, but it's there for those who do. 

    Achievement/trophy badges - We actually used to have this a while back but it didn't seem like there was much engagement with them. If enough people express an interest in them in this thread I will add them back. @Peefreak99 all the ones you said are possible. 

    Peefans map - Added. Check the navigation bar. 

    Hope this helps. 🙂 

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  6. As long-time PeeFans members will know, we have run a variety of challenges and competitions over the years. Last year, it was The PeeFans Cup, which Spywareonya won. This year, she has decided to take a break from participating, and take over as the lead host of this year's event. 

    Starting on Monday, you will see a variety of different mini games and challenges posted in a brand new OlympEEc section of the forum. Some will be pee-related, some will be completely random. Either way, you can join in with whichever ones you want to. 

    Just like last last year, you will compete for tickets.

    The person with the most tickets at the end will be crowned the winner and receive their own custom user title, and forum bragging rights.😉 

    However, just like last year each ticket will also give you 1 entry into a lottery for the grand prize... 3 months free gold membership. The more tickets you have earned, the higher your chance of winning (but in theory someone with just 1 ticket could still win, so don't be disheartened if you're late to join in). For example last year it was Sophie who won the lottery, and this year it could be you! Anyone with a ticket is eligible to win (so even if you're already a gold member, you can get your membership extended for free).

    For anyone wondering what gold membership gives you: click here

    There is still time to register as a gold member right now so you don't have to rely on potentially winning the lottery. (And if you do win the lottery as well, then you'll just have even longer to enjoy all the benefits of gold!)

    I will now pass the baton over to Spywareonya who will be running the competitions, so please check back to this section shortly when she posts the first challenges. 

    Good luck to everyone, and feel free to message me if you have any questions.  

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  7. On PeeFans we previously held an interview with ThatPeeGirl, Dixie Comet. 

    We are now in talks about Dixie producing custom videos for this site. 

    If you're not familiar with her, here are 2 videos that give a flavour of her content:

    https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a995e8b9093a (Nonchalant promiscuous friends pissing on kitchen floor)

    https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a24588305a85 (New girl shocked that her housemates piss on the floor)

    My question to you is this:

    If you could direct one of these movies yourself, what would you have Dixie do? What would be the storyline? What would be said? How many girls would be involved?  You can be as specific as you like with any details, but I am interested to hear your ideas.



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  8. Yes, there isn't a notification for mentions in the live chat because obviously the idea is it's just live messages rather than something you would respond to at a later point. So if you have left the chat by that point, I think everyone would assume that was the case rather than that you ignoring them. 

    As mentioned turning on sound is the best option though to avoid missing anythiing. You can always leave a tab/window open with the chatbox too while in other tabs you browse the rest of the site. 

    When you go back any messages you'll have been tagged in should be highlighted slightly as well. 🙂 

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