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  1. 20 minutes ago, UnabashedUser said:

    If verification involves giving a credit card, driver's license, or other personal info, you can color me (and many others) gone. Just sayin'.  

    That means being gone from ALL porn sites though. This is a law affecting any site with pornographic content. 

    However, just to reiterate what I said in that thread:

    • There will be no database or personal data stored. You can anonymously purchase a one-time code from one of thousands of shops across the country, which would provide lifetime access to all major porn sites including peefans.
    • I do not WANT to implement this system - in fact I am very against it. But the alternative is peefans closing down or being blocked completely. We are being forced to, not choosing to.
    • I agree VPNs are a very good alternative to getting one of these passes - that's also discussed in the above thread.

    I am sorry we have to introduce this but the system is not as bad as feared and there are ways around it, so I think it will be ok. 


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  2. I like the idea - sort of like the 'pinned tweet' feature of twitter.

    I'll take a look at what's possible, although I don't think status updates are used by the vast majority of people, and so if there's anything important you want people to see I'd definitely recommend posting it on the forum instead. 🙂 

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  3. Thanks for bringing this up, and I completely agree with your comments.

    For more details on how this will affect PeeFans, please see this thread where we discuss it:

    The short answer is: you will have to verify your age once, and then will have access to this site and most other porn sites. So Peefans should be fine.

    The worry though - is some pee website owners may not know about this or know what to do, and as a result do nothing, meaning their site gets blocked in the UK. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, Brutus said:

    The word "belief" may be defined as acceptance of truth, but realistically, no one uses the word belief as a synonym for truth or fact. We implicitly understand belief as perception, nothing more. 

    So my belief is atypical and remains aware that God may in fact not exist, but that also means that he could be real, and exist in forms that aren't commonly imagined. I just choose to not rule it out and choose to believe by default in higher powers, like creatures that could exist on planets we've never been on. I don't deny science, that's idiotic. I just believe there is room for both without clash. To anyone that doesn't believe, cool. It's obvious that many here are disgusted by believers, so I tried to throw a little butter on this rough bread of a debate and maybe we could all lighten up a bit. Some people seem personally offended by the mere question of God and there's no need.

    I won't have chance to reply to everything (and since we have both already explained our views I doubt it would add much anyway), so I just wanted to focus on this last bit.

    I certainly am not disgusted or look down on believers such as yourself, so apologies if that came across - I actually fully understand and respect what you said. I don't think any rational person could have contempt for your view. In fact, our views are notably similar: we both acknowledge there may or may not be a god, and that if there is it's unlikely to be in the typical form (i.e. a man with a beard sat in the clouds watching down). 

    I agree the word believe isn't always used completely literally, but you can't really be neutral on what you believe - you either do think something is true, or you don't. We can surely agree it doesn't mean 'maybe it's possible', as otherwise we'd all believe in almost everything. If you believe, you're saying you think there probably is.

    The difference is solely that your default position is to believe and say there probably is a god, whereas I am saying based on there being no evidence to support it and enough scientific proof to contradict it, chances are there isn't. I am not ruling anything out either, but after looking at both options, I've come to the conclusion that it's more likely there isn't one. 

    It would be arrogant for anyone to definitively claim there 100% is or isn't a god though. And I think this is why both sides can get so fired up. 

    But it's not that I am saying 'show me proof', I am just acknowledging that the god debate is one of the few where logical people will decide that proof isn't needed.  Sophie's pink elephant example might seem facetious, but in all seriousness I struggle to see how someone can completely dismiss that, and yet be convinced of god, when the basic principle is the same.

    And I do get what you mean about the mocking atheist vibe... but this is because everyone who believes in god is often put in that same category, as often it's the more extreme believers who are the most vocal. Can you really blame atheists for mocking people who dedicate their lives to an old fictional book and believe every single word of it, that god created the world in 7 days etc, and then try to push that on other people? Because as noted earlier, millions do. If all believers had a similar stance to you, I certainly don't think there'd be the same level of conflict between atheists and believers. 

    In my experience though, it is normally believers who are trying to convince others of a god, and then atheists will explain why they don't believe. I have never seen anyone on the streets telling people they shouldn't believe. Whereas, your post suggests atheists in this thread have been aggressive towards believers, when it is just people stating their own opinions... if it's regarded as an attack on someone's beliefs/god just to acknowledge the flaws we perceive in the idea, how can there possibly be a debate? 

    You say some people seem personally offended by the mere question of God, but from my perspective the case is far more often that people become offended once you point out holes in their argument or say that you are choosing factual evidence over faith. By very definition it's surely more rational to do that. It doesn't mean it's right though, and it certainly doesn't make one side better than the other, it's just a personal choice that everyone is entitled to. I think we will have to agree to disagree, but actually our stances are not that different, and I certainly have respect for you and how you explained your position. But hopefully you can accept mine too. Like you said, if someone doesn't believe, that's cool, but if they do that's cool too. It's a free choice, and this thread is more to just to express opinions than try to convince anyone otherwise. Hope my post didn't come across the wrong way. 

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  5. Whilst I have no issues with people believing whatever they like and whatever gives them comfort (providing it's not forced upon others),  I do not believe in any God.

    It is not that I am close-minded - if someone presents me with any evidence, I would gladly consider it. 

    But my starting point could never be blind belief when there's no proof, otherwise where do you draw the line about what else to believe in without any evidence?

    Whereas the big bang theory and evolution do have scientific evidence to support them, so seem the more logical choice to me if looking for an answer of how we got here.

    There's a great line from Ricky Gervais on this, when someone asked him "how can you not believe in a god?" - He answers that there are about 3,000 different Gods, and that most people don't believe in 2,999 of them, and he just doesn't believe in 1 more than them.

    And it's true that people do just pick one of the many gods to believe in that sounds best to them or that the people around them believe in (usually chosen by their family / birth location).

    I understand why though, it's a reassuring thought. But honestly I don't think not believing is as bleak as everyone makes out - it makes me want to enjoy life more and live it to its fullest, rather than spending time on religion preying that there's an afterlife that will be better. You don't need god to be a good person. In fact, I believe religion can cause a lot more problems than it solves. Certainly if there is a god, it must be quite sadistic to allow/cause all the injustices of the world. What benefit is there for not stopping babies being born with severe illnesses when they've done nothing wrong? 

    Having said all that, I don't mean to offend anyone who does believe, especially as none of us can know for sure. If your belief has a positive impact on your life, I'm all for it. 

    I'm just explaining why to me, I follow evidence, not emotions. I 100% accept there could be a god, but belief is not "something that could be true", it's defined as "an acceptance that something exists or is true". 

    I think it's good to have these discussions in a friendly way though - it's interesting to see other peoples perspectives. 

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  6. 9 minutes ago, hyde07 said:

    3 months, im a little short on cash at the moment, hopefully in 3 months i'll have the spare money to go for a year.


    Pm would definitely be easier for me?

    Sure. It's just a link that's sent to complete the signup, so it makes no difference whether it's via PM or email. 🙂 

    You should have received the details now, but just let me know if you have any other questions.


  7. 2 minutes ago, hyde07 said:

    I cant access the email adress i used anymore, i'll have to use a different one assuming that i need to be able to open said email, and its not just a reciept? 

    Is it the 3 month or 12 month you wanted? I can PM you the details instead if it's easier, as yes the email would need to be opened otherwise.

    But any email will work fine, regardless of matching your registered one (though you can change your registered email here too if you like). 🙂 


  8. Welcome back to the site, great to have you back! 🙂 

    You're right about scat for business reasons, but on anything pee-related there really is no limit or judgement. In fact, naughty peeing in particular is highly encouraged here! 😄  

    See you around the forum.

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  9. Zynga poker is the only one I've used. 

    Even though you'd be starting from 0 with zynga, same would be true for any new app you use, so you're probably best continuing with that one. 🙂 

    • Agree 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    I refuse to do this out of principal. I'm not embarrassed. I'll happily walk in and out of a sex shop, bag in hand. I'll tell the world i watch porn. It doesn't bother me.

    If I remember correctly, these passes cost £5. I don't want to pay just to visit a website that i would normally be able to visit for free.
    These passes are ran by Mindgeek. You know what else is ran by Mindgeek? Some of the largest porn websites. It's just a company asking for cash.
    I'm a grown adult, I shouldn't have to buy a pass to watch something I'm legally allowed to just because Karen is unable to control what her snotty little kid does on the computer.

    It's the same old story, everything turns to shit and it all boils down to bad parenting.

    Yes, just to be clear, I am still completely against this new policy and if it weren't putting the site at serious risk, I would not be implementing anything. 

    It absolutely won't stop teenagers accessing porn, and it is completely ridiculous that the company behind this new system is run by some of the largest porn sites.

    BUT I just wanted to reassure people who were concerned about not being able to access the site or having sensitive data potentially leaked.

    From what I understand, you'll also be able to verify online without paying anything, by entering your credit card... as far as I know you won't be charged this way., it will just verify with your bank you're over 18.

    I only mentioned the shop passes because that seemed like the best anonymous route for those with privacy worries.

    But yes, 100% the onus should be on the parents. I am still against everything about this new system, I am just glad it is not as bad as we first thought it might be. But it does suck. 

    • Agree 4
  11. Just want to provide some further clarification, as I believe we have all got a little carried away, and I now have more information on what is happening. 

    If you are not in the UK, you are not affected.

    If you are in the UK and use a VPN that can change your location to another country, you are not affected.

    If you are in the UK, you will be able to get a ONE TIME code from thousands of shops across the country. After entering this code, you will have access to all main porn sites, including peefans (and pornhub), with no need to ever enter another code. Your personal details will not be stored in any sort of database. This change will not mean that the government has any more access to your data than before. 

    Personally, I think this system will work well and cause minimal disruption. I foresee no real issues.

    If you are in the UK and still worried though, VPNs are cheap. 

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  12. 8 hours ago, Peefreak99 said:

    I will also thank everyone here this is not like any other forum and thanks for putting up with my bad english haha im better at speaking tho everyone is friendly here it's not like other forums where you hear " this sucks" " learn to write" etc i have never goten a rude comment here or seen anyone act like a dick and that kind of forum is hard to find

    This is so great to hear - I'm really glad you feel this way as you're a very important part of this community, and I've certainly never had any trouble understanding any of your posts. Sorry to hear you've had those experiences, but you're amongst friends now. 😄 

    All of you really do make this place something special, and I'm excited to see how we can continue to grow this community. 🤗

    But for now, we'll get back to @spywareonya....

    congratulations GIF

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  13. 52 minutes ago, Peefreak99 said:

    I joined in 2018 and the forum has goten more active and theres a lot of new members i haven't noticed any other changes i was lurking on omorashi.org for a while but i think peefans is better the users have more personality here and are much nicer and more social 

    That's really great to hear, thank you! 😄   

    I'm very glad you're liking it here, and we are running a campaign on Omorashi at the moment so will hopefully be getting even more members! 

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  14. We have had higher traffic recently, so it is almost certainly what you said, but please let me know if it continues to happen (more than just 'once in a while' or for longer than a minute).

    I often don't notice these things depending on when I'm online, so a heads up is always helpful. If needed, we can upgrade some things to hopefully stop this. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. Hey, welcome to the site, I'm glad you found us!

    It sounds like you'll fit in very well here, but by all means give me a message if I can ever help with anything. 

    Oh, and I'm sure we'd all love to hear more about that story with the Amish girls... 😁


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