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Posts posted by Admin

  1. This thread will help you get used to using PeeFans and its features. If after viewing this you still have a question, please do reach out.

    You can either post a new thread in the 'PeeFans News, Ideas & Help' section, or you can directly send me (Admin) a private message.

    Firstly, PeeFans.com is fundamentally a community forum. We have different sections related to pee where all registered members can post their own content. This includes: Pictures, Videos, Stories and lots more. You can access all of these sections from the main page - PeeFans.com - which is always accessible from clicking the logo or navigation bar at the top of every page. 

    Inside every section are threads which group related posts together. For example, in the pictures section, there may be a thread for 'girls peeing on tables' - this is where people will post pictures of girls peeing on tables. You are welcome to add your own posts to any thread you want if they are relevant. However, if there is a topic you can't see a thread for, you can use the search bar at the top of the page to search for a keyword related to it. If you still can't find anything,  you can press the 'create a new thread' button and make your own thread for that topic. 

    As well as the forums, we also have a live chatroom for short messages that have been posted very recently. This is better for chitchat. Again, this is accessible from the site navigation bar, or at the bottom of the  homepage.

    The final way to communicate with members is through private messages. Click the envelope icon at the top of any page to go your inbox. You can create group conversations or one-to-one conversations that only you and that member can see. Think of it like an internal email system for the site, whereas things posted on the forum can be seen by everyone.

    This may all sound daunting, but a little experimentation will quickly get you used to using the site.

    Please do read the site rules & guidelines before posting. 


    Useful things to know: (click the question to be directed to the answer)

    How to use activity streams to find new content you like more easily

    How to customise your profile

    How to change what notifications you get / what emails you receive and when

    How to more accurately find what you're looking for (advanced searching)

    How to stop seeing posts from a certain member or block them from contacting you

    How to use reactions

    There's an award for the person who receives the most reactions each day

    What is gold membership and how to upgrade

    What to do after you've paid for gold membership (what you get included)

    How to see a list of member birthdays

    Who are the VIP's are how to become one

    How to see who the forum staff are (press the message button underneath any of their usernames to contact them if you have an issue or an unanswered question).

    How to upload - You can only upload images. This is done by pressing the 'choose files' when making a post/thread which is found under the main textbox you type in. To upload videos, please upload to a video hosting site without popups (such as eroprofile, erome, pornhub etc) and share the link in the relevant place on the forum.

    How to report a post/message - There is a faint 'report' button in the top right corner of every single post and message on the forum. If you see a rule breaking post, please do use this feature so moderators can deal with it promptly.

    How to delete your account - Private message Admin with this request. Due to it disrupting threads on the site, please provide a valid reason. If you simply don't want to use the site any more, you can simply log out, or we will deactivate your profile. You may wish to return though, so don't burn any bridges. 

    Enjoy PeeFans! 🙂 

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  2. It may look like a rainbow has just thrown up over this section, currently titled 'PeeFans News, Ideas & Help'.

    Whilst this section is basically for 'anything directly related to this site', that is quite a broad range of topics. So, we now have something called 'prefixes' when posting a new thread here, meaning you must choose what sub-category it falls into. This should hopefully keep things more organised. It also means when viewing threads you can click on a prefix - such as 'Official News' - and just see all the threads related to that (same for new ideas etc). 

    I have manually updated recently posted threads with prefixes, but older threads wont' have them. All new threads will require a prefix. 

    Just so we are all clear on what each category means:

    Official News - Only posted by me for site changes, updates and things you're best of reading to avoid missing out on the latest PeeFans developments. Please read.

    Tutorial - Again posted by me with details on using the site or certain functionality.

    Feedback / Idea - Select this if you have a suggestion that could improve the site, or something you dislike / would like to be considered for change etc.

    Site Error / Bug - If something isn't working right, you're getting error messages or something seems a little wrong with the site, report it with this.

    Site Question / Help - Confused about how something works or where something is? If searching doesn't answer your question, ask the community here or PM me.

    Member Updates - For your own personal updates that are related to PeeFans, or news about another member (that you have permission to post). Quite often these threads are better off in General Chat though.

    If you're not sure what prefix to pick, please just guess which of those best relates, or more likely the thread is better of posted in a different section.

    Thank you.

  3. Seems there is a bit of a pee community on Twitter no less. 

    You can follow @PeeFans on there for our posts with some links to other accounts, and from there just click from different posts to other profiles and go down the twitter rabbit hole of pee! 

    Any pee-related twitter accounts you think we'd like, please share below.


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  4. The fact I haven't seen any other messages about this implies the problem has indeed been fully fixed, and so hopefully nobody is getting any errors or downtime whatsoever.

    Please always let me know if anything seems wrong though so I can get it sorted as quickly as possible.

    Thanks guys. 

  5. Yes, the emoji appearance has changed slightly. We'll get used to it don't worry. 

    We're just trialling these anyway, as now after clicking on the emoji button once, in theory the emojis should then load faster every time you click it in future. (In fact on a powerful computer I am getting them all almost instantly now). It had been pointed out before the emoji button was quite slow to load, so hopefully this will help...

    However, on most devices it is probably easier not to use the button anyway - you can instead simply use the emojis on your device, e.g. the emoji button on phone keyboards, or often right clicking in the textbox on a laptop will have an 'emoji' option in the dropdown list. It will still work the same.

    However, what you won't get on your device's keyboard, is the 'extra' emojis we have on top of the standard emojis. These are our peeing smileys, like this:


    ... I thought now might be a good time to see if anyone had any smileys they think should be added to the list - especially anything pee-related?


    The reason behind all this emoji business is I am tying to optimise the site's loading speeds wherever possible. A few very minor adjustments have been made, but I really wanted to pose the question to all of you:

    Does the site load at a reasonable speed for you?

    Obviously certain parts of the site are very image heavy, so inevitably a bit slower, but generally speaking do you notice any slowness relative to other sites you visit?

    As always, any feedback is really appreciated.


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  6. Fast forward a few years, and female urinals are now becoming a standard at certain festivals to try and reduce notorious women's queues. I think you often get given a disposal paper shewee and then go stand up to pee in a urinal like a guy. 

    Not sure if anyone here has used one, but I've heard they can be a messy (albeit funny) experience. 😉 Much more convenient for girls who can use them successfully though. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Craggles said:

    I'm the same mate, I have to watch about 10 but unfortunately running out of new material, there's just not enough out there or I'm not looking in the right places lol

    Would definitely recommend a look through the Videos links section if you haven't already, or maybe even the Pee Websites section. Sometimes one link can really take you down the rabbit hole and from that site you find all kinds of other things you like. There's definitely plenty of great content out there, but it can take a bit of digging around to find. Good luck! 🙂 

    (or, shameless plug: that's we have the gold member video gallery if you don't want to do the digging!) 😉 

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  8. Yes would strongly recommend avoiding this site. 

    2prnot2p has just posted an affiliate link to Alt.com - it's not his site as he implies, he's just trying to profit of people joining via his link, hence the marriage stories.

    I see a lot of people (understandably) looking for someone to share in their fetish with them. For anyone wanting to meet a 'pee lover', here's my advice:

    • Firstly, understand that pee-specific dating sites are always flawed because the male:female ratio is incredibly one-sided, and always will be. Even on this site the ratio isn't balanced, and so you can imagine how few females are not only into pee, but also actively paying to list their profile on pee dating sites. They don't need to.  
    • So instead, meeting people indirectly through pee websites is great - for example, although this site is not for dating, genuine connections can be made with likeminded people, which could lead to something more potentially. 
    • For a more direct approach, you could try FetLife. I've never used it myself but have heard several good reviews, and it's one of the largest fetish communities for people looking to meet others, and most of the site and features are free apparently. Be very wary of any 'dating' site where pretty much everything costs money to do - otherwise how do you even know if the profiles are real before paying? (and quite often they aren't).
    • The other option is that you don't try to meet a 'pee lover' - instead meet someone in real life (or through a 'normal' dating method/site) and then at the right time tell them you're into pee and see if they can get on board with it. This forum is proof that quite often partners are willing to indulge even if they don't have the fetish themselves. They can 'learn' to enjoy it if it makes you happy. 

    Perhaps not the answer people are hoping for, but I would hate for people to be throwing money at websites that really aren't going to give them results. Then again, there must be some women out there on these dating sites actively seeking a guy into pee, so if you do have money you want to spend on it and understand the chances and scam-potential, you never know, you might get lucky. Just be wary. 

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  9. Definitely open to the idea, but my policy on new sections has always been this:

    If a particular sub-niche of content is filling a section, it can get its own section.

    So for example, if general chat got filled with sports topics, let's have a sports section.

    If the pictures section gets filled with art/drawing threads, have a dedicated section for it.

    But for now, I would recommend posting a thread for pee art (or threads for pee drawings, pee paintings etc) in the Pictures area. If the threads are popular, we will add a dedicated area for it. 🙂 

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