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Posts posted by Admin

  1. 7 hours ago, Peefreak99 said:

    Is there any way to track the bots? If you can find the source you could find who sent them 

    Sadly not really in this case. Even if we could, we need to take action to prevent it happening again. 

    1 hour ago, Pissfantastic said:

    CloudFlare is your friend...

    Annoyingly it wasn't our friend when we tried it before - it actually caused as many problems as it solved (long story). If absolutely necessary we will look into it again, but my hope is we can add our own measures instead. 

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  2. Welcome to the site - it is always great to see new members make such a brilliant impact on the forum so quickly as you have done. It seems like you have already settled in very well, but just let me know if i can ever help with anything. 🙂 

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  3. So ironically the update one you saw was in response to your first post.

    I just updated the software in the hope that solves the original error message issue.

    If you experience another error from this point on, please let me know here, as it could be something else causing it.

    Thanks a lot for letting me know though - always appreciated. Hopefully the update has helped.

    • Haha 2
  4. On 8/2/2019 at 10:41 PM, Sophie said:

    Since the site is getting little fixes and things at the moment, I thought I'd bump this 🙂

    Just an update for you Sophie  - this is indeed a glitch with the forum software (affecting all sites using this software, not just us). I've reported the bug and the developers will hopefully update this for the next version of the software. Good spot!

    • Thanks 1
  5. We don't really need much technology to make a pee game though, I am sure with enough creativity we can come up with some that can be played right here on the forum.

    Here's one off the top of my head, sort of like a mini murder mystery game - it might make zero sense, but is an example of something people could easily run using the forum threads and PM functionality.


    One person signs up to host the game. 

    A group of people (say up to 7?) sign up to be players.

    The host randomly selects one of those 7 to be the mystery pisser, and sends them a private message telling them they've been selected.

    The mystery pisser then sends back a short fictional pee story which the host of the game posts for everyone to see in a thread, keeping the author still a secret.

    All 7 players can then discuss who they think the mystery pisser was.  

    The aim for the 6 non-pissers is to be detectives and correctly guess who  the mystery pisser is based on the writing style, the location of the story, the type of peeing. Can they deduce which of the group wrote it?

    The aim for the mystery pisser is for the group to not correctly guess it was them who wrote the story, and so they will likely try to throw people off when writing the story (although doing this too much may be suspicious), and likewise throw people off the scent in the discussion thread (by implying it wasn't them / was someone else).

    After a day of discussion, a vote is held on who each of the 7 people thinks is the mystery pisser. The mystery pisser will of course lie. 

    If the majority of the 7 votes are for the mystery pisser, the game is over and the winners are whoever correctly voted for the mystery pisser.

    However, if the majority of the votes are for someone other than the mystery pisser, that person is then out of the game.

    The mystery pisser will then write one final fictional story, send it to the host of the game in a PM, and the host posts the second story in the thread.

    Discussions then repeat of who the mystery pisser could be, now of course with two stories to use as clue/evidence, and the ability to see who accused who in the previous round. 

    A final vote takes place as to who the mystery pisser is.

    This time the mystery pissers vote is not included in the total (although they do still vote for appearance sake). 

    If 3 or more of the remaining votes are for the mystery pisser, anyone who voted correctly is announced as the winners by the host. 

    If not, the mystery pisser reveals themselves and the host announces them the winner.


    If anyone wants to attempt to run/play something similar (and adapt as you see fit), by all means go ahead right here on the forum. 🙂 

  6. Certainly very open to this, but the question is what kind of games? Let us know some more details of what you have in mind.

    In terms of pee challenges (e.g. who can pee the longest etc?) that's the sort of thing we already do in our official forum competitions, like the olympeecs we just had. There'll be more events like that in future, but not too often that it gets overly repetitive. That said, there is nothing stopping anyone posting a pee related challenge on the site at any time.

    In terms of 'forum games' we actually used to have a section for that, threads like 'lie about the poster above you' or 'would you rather?' etc. Those type of things are all very welcome in the General Chat section.

    However, if you're referring to a playable computer game type of experience, whilst I'd love to do this, it is far more complex and would likely need a game developer for it to be any good. If anyone has any experience in this field, I'm happy to help integrate it into PeeFans, but it's not something I could easily build myself. Even if I could, I'm not really sure what the game would be anyway - did you have anything in mind?

    If you search the web, you'll find some old-style flash games of things like 'which urinal should you pee at?' and silly thing like that. But I'm not aware of any games that are particularly sexual that are specifically pee-based. There are free game makers out there, but sadly I highly doubt many of them have much functionality built in related to peeing. I guess in an ideal world we'd have an online sims type world with realistic 3D avatars you could control, but with the tasks/purpose based around achieving different pee goals.  

    The best consolation I can give you for now is that we have an interactive story coming very shortly which is unlike anything I've seen on a pee site before. It's going to start out basic, but if popular, there is real potential to build a 'pee game' of sorts. I have some big visions of what it could become, and I think it might be a little in line with what you're hoping for, so stay tuned for that.



  7. The Olympeec Games have now been moved to the archive with all of the other PeeFans past events, and so is still visible to all gold members. However, if you had any stories/pictures from the event you wanted to share on the main forum (in the appropriate section), please feel free to re-post.


    • Thanks 1
  8. Apologies to anyone who experienced problems with the site today.

    Due to a technical issue, PeeFans was not correctly loading for anyone who was logged out of the site. 

    If you stay logged in to PeeFans, you likely never noticed a problem, but to anyone else this has hopefully now been fully resolved.

    Please let me know if you experience any further issues. 


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  9. Hey, thanks a lot for the idea!

    Funnily enough, as mickymoist said, this idea was suggested quite recently and caused a little controversy. Whilst we don't want to turn this thread into a repeat of that, if any women reading this do feel something like this would really appeal to them, please PM me. We have no plans for segregating the site, but if there is real demand for this from female members, I will try to find a fair middle ground solution. 

    Until some of the women on this forum have their say on this either way though, I don't think us guys need to debate it again. 

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  10. Hey!

    For selling anything (including videos and panties), we have a personal ads and marketplace area where you can post them:


    For live cams, we don't currently host anything like that. You are welcome to advertise that in the marketplace too if you find somewhere else to host it, or alternatively we have plans to host our own live cam shows in the future. That is a little way down the road though. 

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