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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Brutus, that is one of the most powerful posts I've ever read here, and I am truly sorry to see you go. I of course completely understand though, and genuinely wish you the best of luck in overcoming this. I am certain that with the attitude you have, you can. I doubt you will read this, but if you ever do, stay strong, and know that you will be severely missed. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

    Movies, Photos, & Stories are the top 3 things people like at pee sites. 


    3 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

    I think Pee Fans will continue to thrive because it's, well...a great site!  But, it's an exception to the rule.  Most pee forums will eventually die, sadly.  Just my opinion.  I could make a list of past forums a mile long, really.

    Thanks again for the kind feedback, but your poll data backs up why PeeFans is still growing whilst other forums have died out. The full site tagline is 'Pissing Pictures, Videos, Stories & Chat', so we have the 3 things that were voted most popular. In fact we have all 6 of the poll options on this site, meaning we can appeal to audiences wanting different things (or someone looking for everything in one place).

    That said, I believe you'd get different poll answers if it were worded a little differently. You're right, not a lot of people set out thinking they want a message board - that's just the medium, not the content. However, I am certain (and polls on this site over time back it up) that a lot of people really value the social and communication aspect. Although we have an abundance of pics, vids, and stories, I don't think we'd get anywhere near as many visitors if it weren't for the ability to talk to each other (either live chat, forums and private messages). Being the hub that brings pee fans together to connect is what people probably like most in my opinion.

    So, why have so many past forums died out? In my opinion it's really down to the owners losing interest or simply not having the time to run it properly. If the owner doesn't use the site any more it stops developing and improving, and the issues start to pile up, members get put off as well. Naturally they end up migrating to a 'better' place, which causes activity to decline further on the original forum. It makes sense there wouldn't be 100's of pee forums, because the forums that are most active are the ones that everyone else will want to be a part of too. Forums in general are somewhat dying due to social media , but for a private topic like this I believe there is still as much value as ever in a dedicated private community, as long as it continues to modernise and adapt. 

    We try to keep pushing the limits at PeeFans for this reason, as if you're not moving forwards you're often falling behind. For example, you mentioned the spam being an issue with your forum (and others), which is why PeeFans has brought in a wide range of anti-spam technology to stay ahead of the game. Likewise, when I knew I wouldn't have time to manage the forum for a while, administration changed (and luckily now that I have time again I have been able to return). This links in nicely with the thread about what people would like to see next at PeeFans though- although you mentioned not wanting anything to change, further down the line it's likely people will want something new, and my job is to be proactive in making that happen. 🙂 

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  3. Welcome to the site, it's great to have you on board! 

    Hopefully you'll find the mod team here are much more relaxed (ironically with the exception of underage content). I think you'll fit in very well here, and I look forward to chatting with you more and hopefully seeing some of the pics you share. 

    Let me know if I can ever help with anything. 🙂  

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  4. 18 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

    Wow!  This thread is sorta troubling.  I love this site, as is!  I truly don't think it's lacking anything at all.  I realize that this thread was started long ago, but...why any disgruntled people?

    Having been around the block quite a few times with pee sites, I think I'm in a pretty good position to evaluate things.  I moderated a big site's forum for years in addition to running a chat room and message board at my own site for years.  Pee fans might not realize how good they have it here.  That's just my 2-cents worth.  This site is fine!  Leave it alone.

    Thanks for the kind words, but do not worry, this thread is about potential additions and growing the site rather than making any major changes to how things currently are. The core of the site will always be the community forums, and as the poll suggests more activity in this area is what people want most anyway. That said, there's no reason we can't keep that and introduce other elements too (i.e. since this thread was made we have indeed brought back a video gallery for gold members, which is currently being revamped again as we speak).

    Even when things are good, I'm of the belief they can always be better, and so I'm keen to build on what we have so we continue to improve. There's no reason we can't cater to more pee-related needs and attract even more people, making PeeFans the home of pee on the internet. 

    Whilst I still have ambitious long-term plans for the site, rest assured I am simply focused on adding more, rather than changing the current setup too much. Again though, I do appreciate your comments about being happy as things already are. 🙂 

    • Thanks 1
  5. Since today is actually Halloween, just thought I'd bump this thread back up. Hope you all have a fun night whatever you're doing.

    Anyone going out late may encounter some particularly odd pee sightings - A zombie squatting in an alley maybe?

    In honour of Halloween, can anyone think of any horror movies that have pee scenes in them? I bet there's a few terrified pees. Scary movie 2 has one, but the pee is ridiculously yellow (although I imagine hydration is the least of her worries).

    Related image


  6. I do like the idea - I've even mentioned a similar thing before, but I think the reason it never happened was that it's hard to get people to come to a site like this at a very specific time. The timezone issue you mentioned is also a factor, plus how the selected time is actually communicated to everyone effectively. 

    You're right though, the chat can be great at times, but generally it's just 2-3 people talking or sometimes nobody at all with the occasional hi. This is partly on all of us to talk more and post more than just standard small talk, but I agree that's not always easy.

    All of that said, I'm happy to try this, as there's nothing to lose and if it means a few extra people have a good chat then it's worth it. Perhaps you could create a poll with say 4-5 different options for a date and time next week, and we'll try and host the chat at the most popular time? 🙂 10PM GMT does sound quite realistic though. 

  7. Hi all, not sure of quite how many pee website owners we have here at PeeFans, but I know there's a few.

    If you run a pee-related website of any kind and would be interested in a small closed area of this site to discuss things, share resources and generally help each other out (link exchanges, site questions/issues etc) then please leave a like on this post or comment below. Or of course, feel free to reach out via private message if preferred, as it would be great to hear more about your site. 


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  8. Happy Halloween to you all!  Hopefully you like the new 'Halloween theme' the forum is now rocking, but feel free to change back to the default yellow/lighter theme by hitting the 'Theme' button at the bottom of any page. 

    I have been pretty inactive here in recent weeks, as gold members will know  I've been working on an exciting update for the video gallery due to launch by 1st November. I look forward to catching up with everyone shortly. 🙂 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Scot_Lover said:

    I was just mindful of the storage requirements, I do client work on an Azure service, and I have to account for every byte, lol.

    Everything has to be accounted and paid for.

    Haha, very true.

    Luckily the picture isn't uploaded twice - only one file is used, it's simply inserted into the post twice through the glitch (so no extra space is used). You're right though that from a bandwidth perspective it's not ideal, but thar's not much of an issue/cost compared to storage. Thanks though. 🙂 

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  10. As Sophie said it's down to when the forum software got changed. Overall I think the current software is better, but this was an unfortunate side effect for a lot of the old picture threads.

    When you upload an image to this software, you have the option to 'insert into post' in a specific position, or if you don't do that, it'll automatically just add the picture to the end of your post. When the migration happened it seems that the previous attachments were all automatically added to the end of the posts, despite the fact that many pictures were already 'inserted into the post'. This created a fair few duplicates. Not sure how much sense that makes, but basically there is a reason it happened, but unfortunately solving it would be a manual process. If anyone reading this would like to tidy up their own thread though, just removing the duplicates in a single thread shouldn't actually take too long. 🙂 

    If not, there's some great pictures so I guess we'll just have to enjoy them twice. 😛 I would guess that given the amount of new pictures posted regularly, a large amount of people probably don't go back to the 2014/2015 posts anyway.  

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  11. Hello all! 

    Firstly, thanks everyone for participating in our month-long event, 'The PeeFans Cup'. I hope you enjoyed the variety of events, and some great stuff was posted (both pee related and not). This section has now moved to the forum archive, so gold members can still view all of the threads at any time.

    However, we now have 2 big announcements to make, both the cup winner and the raffle winner. 

    Firstly, the official champion of the PeeFans cup, which is the person who earned the most tickets throughout the event. Congratulations to...













    Probably not a huge shock to many given how many individual events she won, and I'm sure we can all agree a very worthy winner of the first ever PeeFans Cup.


    However, do not feel disheartened, as there is still another announcement to make: the raffle winner. This person will receive 6 months free gold membership (worth £60). All of the tickets won were assigned a number, and one number was picked out using a random generator. This means as long as you had 1 ticket (which a huge amount of people did) you have a chance of winning the prize. The more tickets, the better your odds!

    I can now reveal that the winning ticket...


    Belonged to...

































    Congratulations, gold membership has been added for the next 6 months!


    So there we have our two winners, both very deserving. However, please remember this was just a bit of fun, which I hope all of you had! Congratulations to Sophie and Spywareonya, but also anyone who won a ticket or event.

    If all this talk of gold membership has got you intrigued, remember you can easily upgrade at any time:




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  12. On 9/19/2018 at 2:06 PM, Admin said:

    Another great achievement - we recently surpassed 150,000 posts!

    We're also on track for our highest posting month of the year so far... so keep posting everyone! 😉 

    For anyone interested in these stats, we need 124 more posts to beat the best month in 2018 so far (and become the second busiest month since the site's creation).

    Very doable with over 24 hours left of September - you all know what to do 😄 

  13. Welcome to PeeFans! Yes, there's lots more areas you can access now you're registered, so I think you'll have a much easier time finding the sort of thing you want - there's certainly plenty of experiences and descriptions to enjoy. 🙂 

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