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Posts posted by Admin

  1. As of today PeeFans has 20,000 members. Considering the forum is still less than 5 years old, this is a great achievement, so thank you to every one of you who has joined to be a part of the community. Whilst we've discussed before the fact most users are just here to browse rather than post, it's still nice knowing that there are over 20,000 people who share your kink, making the whole thing seem a little less weird. 

    I have considered a rule where new users have to make X posts before they can see the videos section (rather than just having to sign up), but am reluctant to force posting on people who don't want to as the quality likely wouldn't be high. Would be curious to hear other people's thoughts on this?

    Ultimately though, this thread is just a small celebration of hitting a great landmark. I'm hopeful in the coming year we can hit 200,000 posts (and that's excluding the thousands of private messages, club additions etc that you've all submitted) which would also be brilliant news.

    We want to push on and continue to grow though, so if anyone has any suggestions to improve the forum or bring new people in, as always please let me know.

    For now though, thank you to everyone for being involved in PeeFans 🙂 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  2. On 8/12/2018 at 12:04 PM, bpb said:

    I suppose that in theory one could go back and read all the old stuff, I don't know how one would do that.  There are multiple tons of material to wade thru.

    It would be good if more people did, as a lot of those threads are timeless (in the sense that the experiences and opinions shared are just as valid/enjoyable now as they were years ago). I can understand it as we're naturally all attracted to what's new and recent, but certainly if anyone ever feels that it's a little quiet here, I'd encourage people to just go back through the pages or get creative with the search button. We don't have a rule about bumping old threads either here, so feel free to revive any old topics you think could be worth chatting about again. For example, there could be an old picture thread you'd like to see added to once again, or a really good debate which you'd like some of our newer members to weigh in on. 🙂 

    • Agree 2
  3. Hi Riley, always great to see new members make such a positive impact on the community so quickly - looking forward to chatting with you more around the forum. 🙂 

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 8/18/2018 at 6:23 PM, fannywatcher said:

    Well,upon finding myself invisible i guess i would try to sneak in unseen to a ladies changing room in a gym.Hopefully try find a corner,or under a table where no-one would bump into me,and i could just enjoy the view.Maybe try follow a fit babe into the loos to hear her pee.Maybe try peek under the door..Obviously,i would be naked and very hard,but unable to tug due to semen suddenly appearing out of thin air might cause a stir,so i would have to just enjoy the views...i guess i could sneak into a stall in there and lock the door,if it opened they would assume it was the wind or something..Then maybe if any sexy pop stars were on somewhere i would try sneak into her dressing room,or hotel room,watch them change,shower maybe,then as they were on stage,i could quietly enjoy their underwear..

    It would be tricky if so aroused though and the star or stars in question bumped into me,as i was aroused and they kind of began trying to feel around what it was,this weird lump that was in the corner of their room,and they began to pull at it,if it was maybe a naked Mariah Carey,and id just watched her pee,and she discovered me.....oooops!!!😊

    Haha, my head went here first too!

    Although since I'm more of a fan of outdoor/naughty peeing personally, I think I'd head to some sort of festival or major outside event (that lacks proper toilet facilities). There are always spots where people congregate to pee, although of course normally you couldn't hang around and watch.

    Here's a video of the kind of thing I mean: https://www.pissrip.net/other/3120-the-galician-gotta-47.html


    After some pee experiences, I'd probably try and utilise my new-found powers for something more long-term, like making as much money as possible. I suppose if people can still see whatever you hold this wouldn't be a straight forward as just taking the money, but I feel like it'd be easy enough to come up with a plan to get rich under these circumstances.

    • Like 1
  5. Whilst we are by no means some big corporation or huge porn business (in fact the opposite), PeeFans unfortunately still needs revenue to survive and grow, and by now you've almost certainly seen plenty of mentions of 'gold membership' that recently launched. It is a way to support the site, but with a huge amount of features in return, including lots of great pee content.

    If you have already joined, many thanks for supporting the site, PeeFans wouldn't be possible without you!

    If you haven't yet joined though, it would be very appreciated if you could please vote in the poll just to give an indication of why that is. I appreciate many factors could be involved, but it would be helpful for the future success of this site to understand what people's thoughts on it are, and where changes may be necessary. 

    Please also feel free to reply (and be as critical as you want) instead of just voting - all input would be great. 

    Thanks a lot. 

  6. Would be curious to know if you have the same issue with any other Firefox themes in private browsing mode. If it's just that one custom theme though, it seems likely it's out of our control unfortunately. Other PeeFans' themes with different colours may fit your Firefox theme better, but it's really just luck as I have no idea what colours/code the Firefox theme changes.

    Likewise I've checked with the notifications popup, and there's no option for us to disable them sorry. 😞 Luckily it seems in most cases the decision is remembered even in private browsing. 

    If the two things are really bothering you though, for now the best workaround would just be a different browser (or theme at least) for viewing the site.  I appreciate that's far from ideal but hopefully it will only have to be temporary. 


  7. What theme are you using? Presumably you mean an issue with a custom Firefox theme rather than one of the forum themes? 

    As for the notifications popup, this is something done by browsers automatically rather than any sort of feature PeeFans has introduced. I get the same thing on most modern sites that have a notification system. On Chrome for me it remembers my decision even in private browsing, but you're right that given that the whole point of private browsing is that history/preferences aren't saved, I can see why it might ask you every time. Not sure if this is something I'll have any control of, but I'll take a look to see if it can be disabled, as I agree that would be a little annoying.

  8. Do you think it's possible to eradicate or at least reduce the intensity of a pee fetish (or indeed any fetish for that matter)? Or is it hardwired, always there?

    I wonder if by indulging in it (even if just looking at pictures/videos etc) it is simply strengthening it further and forming a habit, and whether abstinence would therefore do the opposite.

    Of course there is nothing wrong with having these fetishes, but in some cases I imagine it can negatively impact people's lives, and become too much of a focus rather than just an extra kink.

    • Love 1
  9. Promote your website, product, service, or message to 1000's of daily users.

    Whilst we are open to working with a wide variety of advertisers, adult or pee related content is of course going to appeal to the largest percentage of our audience. The campaigns previously run have been specifically for pee websites, and click-through/conversion rates have been exceptionally positive.

    If you have anything you would like to promote, and would like to immediately reach a huge audience of pee fans, please privately message me ( @Admin ) or email peefans[at]gmail.com with the subject 'Advertising'.

    We believe this can be a win-win-win relationship.

    > You get a huge traffic boost / potential sales from a large, loyal and very specific audience.

    > PeeFans gets revenue to help support the forum and its running costs.

    > Members continue to get free access to a fully-funded PeeFans, and also access to the relevant websites/products being promoted. (Our recent pee-related ads which have proved very popular are prime examples of this).

    However, if you are a member who is strongly against adverts, you can upgrade your account to remove them - find out more by clicking HERE. 🙂 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. As you have likely already seen, PeeFans has launched a new feature called gold membership. This includes access to the private amateur video gallery and exclusive new pissing clips, alternative forum layouts/designs, unlimited private conversations and message edits, the removal of all adverts, and much more!

    The full details (along with how to upgrade) can be found here: https://peefans.com/topic/9784-gold-membership-registration-whats-included/

    Whilst this has been posted about elsewhere already, I am only just making the official announcement as we have had a few issues getting fully up and running. However, I am pleased to confirm the upgrade process is now very simple and working for everyone. More and more content will continue to be added to the different gold member areas, and this is an extremely exciting time for PeeFans.

    Whilst it's obviously exciting for anyone who upgrades because there are some truly great benefits, it's also exciting for every single person who uses this site. At long last PeeFans has a sustainable revenue source, that will not only allow the site to survive, but to develop, expand and improve.

    For a site that has faced imminent closure and deletion, along with a variety of other obstacles and challenges, this is great news for everyone.

    • Like 1
  11. So just to clarify, the recommended way to now support the forum is through gold membership:

    However, if you aren't interested in these benefits, and have a smaller / one-off amount you'd like to contribute, of course all help is still hugely appreciated to keep us growing and secure. Please PM if this is the case, or if not check out gold membership if you haven't already so you can get something in return for supporting us. 😉 

  12. The chat here is hit and miss for sure - there have been nights I've seen it really active when a few people get deeper into a conversation together, but quite often it's just a few sporadic hellos throughout the day or even week. 

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to change this? 
    I think ultimately it comes down to each of us to try and start interesting conversations - regularly ask questions or throw out little updates on your day/life, pee related or not. Most people don't want to 'go first', but someone has to. Often just a simple hi isn't always enough to start a longer conversation, we should probably all try to get a little more creative and indepth so we can have more enjoyable chats. Although I'm not saying small talk isn't nice too sometimes, it just doesn't tend to stimulate too much chat.

    Little can be done about the timezone difference, although we do have members from all over the world (and besides, the chat is there to be used at all times of day!) 🙂 

    I would love to see the chat busier more often so am open to any opinions. The chat could be opened to unregistered users (guests/browsers) but I feel this is more likely to just cause spam, and it's so easy to register anyway that if they wanted to chat they probably would. It goes back to that debate we've had several times about the majority of people wanting to look rather than actively participate. 

    I don't know of any other pee chats that are more active, and surely there are enough pee fans online for there to be sufficient demand for an active pee chatroom, we just need to work out how to make it happen!  

    • Agree 2
  13. In the right setting it could be interesting. Put them in a nightclub and I bet girls would have a laugh trying them out, especially as it would save waiting in the long toilet queues. 

    My guess is that out of the population here, a lot of women would be up for it. And obviously I'm sure most of us guys like the idea of it. But more generally speaking, most would probably find it a little weird or be intimidated by them. For someone who has not tried peeing standing up before, I can imagine it would be a messy experience. One that I'd like to watch, but probably not ideal for most women who are out in public and don't want to pee on themselves.

    That said, this forum has taught me it's very possible for women to aim their pee very well whilst standing, so perhaps more female urinals are needed to start encouraging it. They do have them at some festivals etc, right?



    • Like 2
  14. Agreed, an interesting read - from my perspective it's a little odd, as you'd think I'd know the history better than anyone, but of course for the middle part I wasn't here at all and so have only heard bits and pieces from various sources. I'm very glad that everything is back to a good level now where everyone is seemingly happy and welcoming to each other. It has been an eventful 4+ years so far, but also a very successful and enjoyable time too. 

    I know the interim admin (businessman admin as he seems to have been called 😂) doesn't always get spoken of highly, but we all do owe a lot to him. My decision to stop running the site was quite sudden due to a change in personal circumstances (sorry for the vagueness!), and he was extremely unlucky that in his time managing the site such a number of arguments and technical issues arose. He was also extremely generous in handing back the reins when he realised he couldn't continue, and can be credited for the name and software change (both of which overall seem to have been the right choices). However, I'm very glad to be back and involved again.

    All that said, in the coming weeks, there will be a bit more of a commercial element to the site. You'll see we have ads now, and the reintroduction of a paid membership with lots of extra benefits has just been launched. Please don't fear though, I think the key difference is that as a pee fan myself, I will always have the community's best interests at heart as well, especially as this site still feels like my baby in a weird sort of way. The commercial aspect will never intrude into the forum - in fact the opposite is true, revenue allows us to not only survive but grow and improve. It's actually a little crazy that for a site of our size, up until a few weeks ago this was being run purely as a 'hobby site' relying on donations. 

    It'll be interesting to see where we're at this time next year... I'm confident the future of PeeFans is very bright. 

    • Love 1
  15. The changing the theme function is now one of the benefits being offered to gold members as a thank you for supporting the site. If you're happy to help support PeeFans, you'll actually get access to more themes than before, so hopefully you'll find one you prefer. The original blue one you mentioned is included in that list. 🙂 

    I'll see about improving the yellow though - it's unfortunate that the colour associated with pee really isn't the most attractive for a site design. 😛 

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