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Posts posted by Admin

  1. On 23/01/2018 at 7:34 PM, Monkeygirl said:

    I googled and stumbled upon it that way!  Glad to be here... just wondering if there are active members?

    Glad you found us - at the bottom of the main page you'll see who has been active in the last 20 minutes or so :) But yes, as Grizzly Man said, you'll find lots of active pee fans here to chat with. :D 

  2. Welcome!

    I've heard about Experience Project - apparently it used to be pretty good for pee stories but then they got very strict about what was allowed? Rest assured all pee chat is very much encouraged here.

    I look forward to chatting with you around the site and reading any of your stories and contributions. :)

  3. Hi all,

    Curious to know how site speeds are for you in terms of the time to load pages etc. Please also specify where you are browsing from.

    Of course your speed will largely be determined by your internet connection speeds, but relative to other websites does the site browse fairly fast, normal, or quite slow?

    It's also worth pointing out that since the server is based in the UK, the further away you are geographically, the likelier it is that your speeds are a little worse (sorry @Scot_Lover!)

    I ask this because I am experimenting with having slightly more content on the homepage (recent threads, popular club images this month etc) and am wondering if this has much of an affect on people's browsing? In theory on pages that aren't picture intensive, things should be running very smoothly now.

    Please let me know your feedback/thoughts so we can optimise things where needed.

  4. Sorry for yet another thread on this (very unenjoyable) topic, but it seems the 3 main site problems are finally solved. 

    > Internal 500 server errors - Definitely fixed. We've moved server, we have more resources, things don't crash anymore.

    > Unable to see textbox for sending a private message (and for half a day: unable to post either) - Seems to be fixed, but this was always a sporadic issue.

    > Unable to post images in the club - Seems to be fixed, but needs further testing.

    If you still have these issues, first please clear your browser cache and any cookies for this site (please google how to do this if unsure so you are not logged out of all websites). 

    If the above issues still persist and it is not yet 28th February, our new nameservers are still propagating - basically, you'll need to wait until then and keep checking back.

    If you have any of the above three issues (or other technical problems) after doing the above and it is 28th February or later, please let me know immediately.

    Sorry for all of this - hopefully we are back on track. There are no guarantees everything is perfect, but we are definitely heading in the right direction and things should be better.

    • Thanks 2
  5. Yes, as the others have said this should not happen. 

    You can control your notifications from your setting pages.

    More information would be useful here though, as I think what you may be referring to is Chome push notifications; after a fairly recent update to Chrome it often asks users if they want to receive push notifications on sites that have some sort of notification system such as Facebook. However, you can just press allow or block, and block will stop them appearing again.

  6. The downtime was extremely minimal, but if you were one of the unfortunate few members to register in the past few hours then you will need to re-register. Sorry!

    Likewise, any posts made or messages sent will need to be re-sent, but given the time of the upgrade I think this will be extremely few.

    The upshot is we are on a new server. I am hopeful this will mean we no longer have those '500 Internal Server Errors' (or any errors for that matter). 

    It also means we are in a much better position to facilitate many new features, such as the re-launch of the video gallery - stay tuned for more information.

    Clubs have also relaunched and should be working. It would be good if someone could confirm they can upload to clubs they are a member of.


    An example would be the random private message issue some people had on select messages where they couldn't type in the textbox.

    Hopefully things will run much smoother now.

    Thank you.


    • Thanks 2
  7. On 10/01/2018 at 9:55 AM, Ivy1989 said:

    I really liked the winter theme, that was used during Christmas, depends on how much I like to talk about buying the theme permanently for my profile if all possible :)

    Sure, I'd be happy to offer custom/exclusive themes for donations to keep the forum running. Just message me if still interested. :) 

  8. Thank you all - really appreciate your comments. :)

    As always, I'm very open to any feedback or ideas. I'm not here as much as I'd like - 'real life' often gets in the way as I'm sure many of you can relate. I do check in regularly though and it seems everything is ticking along nicely? Some new members and lots of great content from the old gang. 

    That said, if there are any issues / technical problems that have arisen in the last month or two since I was last here more regularly, please do let me know. As far as I know we don't seem to get the errors/downtime (much) any more?

  9. Hi all, as we rapidly approach 2018 I thought now would be a good time to ask for any site feedback on the previous year - both positive and negative.

    What have you liked/disliked? What's missing or you want more of? What can we do better next year? Any input at all would be appreciated. :)

    Have a great Christmas and New Year!

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