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Posts posted by Admin

  1. No need to close the thread - please all see rule 9.

    The morality of 'naughty peeing' will always raise questions, and that absolutely is a topic for discussion in its own thread, but rule 9 was designed so that every other thread about it doesn't get hijacked in this way. I can definitely see why some people wouldn't like the idea, but I think from the title it is clear this is not a thread you'll enjoy, so it's best not to get involved.

    It is not illegal to discuss the idea, and therefore this thread is allowed on the site - but there are things for the contributors (and especially performer) to think about if it goes ahead. For example, a donation to the library could perhaps be factored into the cost - when split between contributors it would be very minor.

    In general, I am very much in favour of the group chipping in together for custom videos. I see what fw is saying in terms of paying lots of money for a single video when there is such vast amount of content out there for free, but I do agree with Steve that often the best and most niche content does come with a price. Having a little group fundraising solves this - people still get the original, custom content they want, but without the hefty price tag. I'd be happy to see more of these threads on the site as I believe it could work well, whilst still fairly supporting the producers of the videos. 

    As for this specific case, I think doing a little negotiating on price would be best @thedario (as Sophie pointed out) - if you can come back here with an amount she wants, then people are going to be more likely to contribute. Don't give up on the idea of getting people to chip in for custom videos, though. 



    • Agree 2
  2. 23 hours ago, norfie654321 said:

    I still think it should be down to the users preference to when and how often they want to change their usernames though. Given that after all, they are the ones using the site (albeit on a free basis i admit). Other similar free sites and forums offer this ability as standard with a timer limit of 28 days before you can change the name again, can something along these lines not be implemented for this site?

    I realise it isnt something the PFF has introduced, but there are other sites i can name privately that stay well clear of public Google searches despite searching for specific usernames (i've tried searching for myself and at present this site is the only place my usernames show up freely). What is it those sites have that yours doesn't? I still think privacy and public security for all members be it paid or not, should be at the forefront of the Admins mind at all times. I do appreciate that it is down to users discretion with regard to usernames and usage of the website, but even so, for such a public forum as this security MUST be paramount for all.

    I will PM the Admin shortly.

    Users can get their username changed when they like? It just needs to be requested through staff. This policy is in place for very good reasoning, and just because another free site does it differently certainly doesn't mean it should be a standard everywhere. Besides, having everyone changing their usernames regularly would be confusing - the whole point is it is a single identifier for each member. This has literally never been an issue before, and I doubt it will be again. Pick an appropriate username when registering and there'll be no problems; if there are, just drop me a message to get it updated. 

    You seem to be under the impression being visible on Google is a bad thing - on the contrary, it's how over half of our users have found the site, and we are actively trying to increase our exposure on Google to grow our memberbase. We do take privacy seriously, but you're confusing the two terms. Providing you take the recommended steps of using an original username not related to any personal details or other accounts, and don't publicly reveal your private information, again there will be no problem. This is fairly standard procedure for using the internet in general. 

    Unfortunately we have no plans to change either of these policies. Of course, this site is provided to users completely free of charge, and there is absolutely no obligation to use it.

  3. 21 hours ago, norfie654321 said:

    The site needs more security options and editable/definable settings for its users. I have made the point to the admins of the group already that this site is Googleable and every users activity including topics posted and commented on can be found by doing a search for it. It means that for users who have used similar/the same username on public domain websites, your activity will also be attributed to those sites and be found. Bear in mind this can be found by anyone ranging from the Police to employers...so where you think it might be innocent posting about how you want to pee in public in a certain location etc others may use this in evidence against you if it ever needed it.

    I admit it may be down to user error using the same name on varying sites, but we should not be forced to have the option to edit that information taken away from us. The same goes for deleting and deactivating your account for extended periods. Users need to have their own choice and freedom!

    The terms and conditions you agreed to when you registered will have explained this, and further reasoning has been clarified in this thread before I believe.

    However, a member of staff can of course change your username for you if your account doesn't yet have sufficient privileges, just message me what you want it changed to.

    You talk about being found on Google as if this is something PeeFans has introduced - this is simply how search engines work, and will likely be the same for every site you ever use. I'm sorry, but using the same username here that you use on personal accounts is not our fault; in fact, we strongly emphasise picking something anonymous. I understand the concern though, and as I said I will happily change your username if you let me know what you want it changed to.

  4. Welcome to the site, I'm glad you decided to join - as long as you don't give away any information that's overly personal, I'm very confident you won't have any problems. 

    I'm pleased to say PeeFans has a pretty big following of naughty pee fans, myself included. You're certainly amongst like-minded people here, and I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say that I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories. 

    I hope you both enjoy the forum.

    • Agree 1
  5. Hey, welcome to the forum!

    Aside from being able to access more areas of the forum (pictures, videos etc), you will hopefully find being able to interact with like-minded people to be one of the biggest benefits of having an account. I hope you enjoy it here. :)

  6. Hi bpb, thanks for making an interview topic! :)

    You mentioned that up until finding this site via YouTube, the whole pee fetish was pretty unknown to you. Does this mean that up until seeing the video you'd never really considered pee as anything sexual?

    • Like 1
  7. Of course, this works for any site. Whilst I didn't use Peesearch, I'm sure some members here were there from the early stages of that forum.


    This is PS before they hit 1,000 posts, way back in 2004! Gotta love the fact it still looks the same :4_joy:. Great achievement how much that site has grown, gives us all extra faith that we're not alone in our weirdness. :11_blush:

    Feel free to link any other pee related sites that have archives.

  8. Allow me to take you on a brief PeeFans history. 

    On December 22nd 2013, WatchGirlsPeeing.com was founded. 

    By 15th January 2014, we had 625 members and 2000 posts. The site rocketed into life, uniting pee fans through the site's forum.

    Click here to be transported back to 15th January 2014 - the original look of the site.

    By October the same year, we'd grown a lot more and things had started to develop, as you can see here.

    From that time up to the present, we've seen the forum ownership change (and then change back), the site's name change, the forum software change, countless great members coming (and some sadly going), and a vast amount of great pee content shared. However, I think it's always interesting to look back at the forum changes, especially our very early beginnings. 

    Using the wayback machine archive, you can go back and see how the site looked a few months back (before the latest update), or even how it was just a few weeks ago

    I look forward to seeing how much the site will have improved by the time I make one of these threads in another 3 and a half years or so.

  9. Even within forums, there may be some things it would be easy to miss:

    • Sub-forums, such as the Forum Archive or Marketplace. These are available under the names of the 'main' forum sections. Our newest sub-forum is the Interviews area where you can ask and answer questions with other members. We recently had adult star Dixie Comet participate, and are open to suggestions of other guests we should have in the future.
    • Polls. When creating a new thread, there is an additional tab where you can also add a multiple choice poll to easily get users' opinions on essentially any subject.
    • 'Mark forum as read'. You can use this either for specific sections of the site, or for the entire forum. It is a very useful tool for managing content, especially as the site grows bigger and more and more is shared.
    • Our picks. Content promoted by staff members, featuring some of the current best threads.
  10. Every single day, one member of the forum wins an award. This is automatic, and determined entirely by who receives the most reactions to their posts. This will show on their profile.

    You can see current standings, previous winners, and far more at:



    Remember, reactions are a way of showing appreciation for posts you like by marking it with 'a thanks', 'like, 'love', 'laugh', 'cheeky', 'hot' reaction depending on which is most relevant. You give a reaction by clicking the relevant reaction icon in the corner of every post. 


  11. Please note, that the page you are on will affect the search. For example, searching from this page will only search this thread (useful if it were a particularly long thread) unless you change the setting. Likewise, searching while on the homepage of a club will only search that club, not the entire website (as would happen if you searched from the main homepage).

    Remember, if looking specifically for a member, change the drop down menu next to the search bar accordingly. Doing an empty search with 'member' selected should show a list of every member registered. 

    If struggling to find something specific, try playing around with the settings on advanced search, and feel free to ask if that doesn't work. 

  12. From your Account Settings, you can click on 'edit profile' to update your profile with additional information to help other members find you and understand your perspective. When you first join, you will be assigned a letter avatar based on your username, but it is highly recommended you replace this with something more unique, ideally with a cover photo too to make your profile stand out even more. However, there is now also room in your profile for answers such as 'gender' and 'hottest pee experience'. 

    Click here to update your profile now.

    Additionally, when looking at other members profiles, look out for this extra information. 

    • Thanks 2
  13. From the account settings page - http://peefans.com/index.php?/settings/ - you have total control of when/how you see notifications.

    Additionally, should there be one specific user's content you really don't want to see, you can in extreme cases add them to your ignore list from this page. However, if there's a problem (either with a member or just with specific content on the site), it is recommend you contact a member of staff. The staff list is available here: http://peefans.com/index.php?/staff/. You can also use the 'report' function to help us keep PeeFans tidy.

    Thank you.

  14. www.sneakypee.com is good for public, outdoor peeing in reasonably naughty locations. As the name suggests, generally more 'sneaky' peeing than very public, but still day time pee's in areas the women could be caught .Videos certainly do vary in naughtiness, but there are plenty of gems. A wide range of models used in these videos, which are usually a couple of minutes long each. It's a British site, so if you like women talking during the videos, there is some of that too.

  15. Please use this thread to link to your favourite naughty peeing paid websites. The focus of most of their content should be on girls peeing in inappropriate places. One link per post.

    Please also use reactions such as 'like' and 'love' to show that you can vouch for sites posted by others. This thread can then act as a directory for the best naughty peeing sites, along with real user opinions on them. 

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