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Posts posted by Admin

  1. 12 minutes ago, bpb said:

    I apologize for my computer ignorance, but how to you form two tabs??

    Generally: On a desktop/laptop, right click the link and press 'open in new tab'. On a phone/tablet, hold down the link and then click 'open in new tab'. Feel free to send me a screenshot if your device looks differently.

    Bpb, are you using an iPad too or is the chat disconnecting on another device? Or were you just wondering about tabs rather than having an issue with the chatbox?

    On a similar note, does the site still log you out at times or has that been resolved?

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  2. I've tried something that may have fixed it, but it's unlikely to have been the problem. I've contacted the chatbox developer in the hope they can provide some light on the subject.

    In the meantime, if reconnecting is a bit of a hassle, the other option would be to have a separate tab open with the full chatbox (open it from the navigation bar), and then browse the forum in a separate tab. If sound is enabled, you'll be notified whenever there's a message so won't miss anything, and since you're not leaving the page (on that tab) it shouldn't disconnect.

    Will keep you updated if I find a full solution - sorry about that. However, since it's fine for me on Windows, I do wonder if maybe it's an iPad/iOS configuration rather than a site issue?

  3. You can get so much more out of this site from participating in threads and chatting with others, so it's great you've decided to join. I really hope you enjoy using the site, and don't hesitate to message me if you ever have any questions. :)

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  4. A huge thanks once again to those who have contributed to help keep this site running (list updated). Being days away from the site being completely deleted was scary, so let's ensure it doesn't happen again.

    I am reluctant to keep going on about this, but I would just like to ask one more time that if anyone is willing to help out, please do let me know and we'll work something out. 

    Thank you.

  5. 1 hour ago, Brutus said:

    Pornado is currently my favorite. They update by the hour basically. The library is gargantuan, thousands and thousands of results from wetting to voyeur and everything between. The sight does not do that damn redirect bullshit either. You click a video, you get that video. In addition you get thumbnail previews by pointing and NO obtrusive ads blocking your screen and it's free. Total package for me. Honorable mention that I didn't see mentioned here are xhamster, elephant tube, notonlyporn, and mr stiff.

    That's exactly the sort of thing I was looking for. A spam-free site with a specific pee section (their piss category has over 80,000+ results!) that seems to be regularly updated. Thank you. :)

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  6. Interesting idea - I have no idea whether you'd find any pee stuff worthwhile that you couldn't just find from search engines, but I'd be interested to hear if you do.

    Firstly, not all of the deep web is dangerous, in fact the term just refers to sites not indexed by search engines. You can easily install the TOR browser (there are countless easy guides online for getting fully started) and browse sites perfectly legally.

    The issue is with some of the notorious sites on there ('the dark web') - you've probably heard of illegal activities ranging from hiring hitmen to child pornography. I'm sure it goes without saying that aside from accessing that kind of content being both sick and illegal, it can indeed be dangerous. I agree with you that a lot of talk about the dark web is over-exaggerated, though there clearly are all kinds of dodgy sites on there too. 

    Pee porn on the other hand is legal - as I said, I have no experience here so can't comment on whether you'd find what you're looking for, but I imagine it would be an interesting look. Again: if you're just browsing, and accessing sites that are legal, then there's nothing to worry about. Having said that, as always, be extremely cautious if downloading anything from an unknown site. 

  7. Has she tried resetting her password? Could you please ask her if any sort of error is generated?

    There's no known reason anyone would be locked out, so anyone who hasn't returned that you'd expect possibly just hasn't realised the site is back - if you have a way of contacting them to inform them please do. 

  8. On 19/04/2017 at 10:23 AM, Scot_Lover said:

    Could you advise when you have a payment option set up? ...... I'd also like to start a monthly donation. I'm guessing the previously used one was strictly temporary?

    Give us a s$$$ amount and we'll be in.

    Indeed. Thanks very much for agreeing to help support the site, I'll be in touch shortly once I've sorted something. 

    If anyone else is interested, please drop me a message. :)

    • Like 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, Ozabot said:

    Thanks a lot!

    And "This Month's Hot Images" section on the homepage will raise more interest in the gallery.

    Is the restoration of images over or it will be continued?

    I have copies of all my albums on my HDD except album "Pruz-Punz". I was going to copy images from the gallery but...

    Nevertheless I believe in miracles :6_smile:

    Yes, views are already far higher than before. So I would encourage people to please upload new albums and pictures on the gallery! :)

    Unfortunately, any images currently not working are irreparably lost/broken. I'm really sorry about this, but there is sadly nothing I can do. Please delete these images if you can so the gallery doesn't appear like it isn't working, and ideally replace them if you still have the images. I say this to everyone, though of course Ozabot and Steve, you have contributed the vast majority of pictures, so if you guys are willing to do that it would be hugely appreciated (by everyone, I'm sure).  

  10. 35 minutes ago, daemoniak said:

    Hi Admin, thanks for being back!


    Brainstorming about the videos section, I wonder if it would be possible to "offload" the material (and hassle) to a video sharing site.

    Of course, it's always possible to post videos on such sites and then link to them; however this makes "starring" and commenting a bit more difficult.

    On the other hand, many video sharing sites have an "embeddable" UI of sort, so I think it should be possible to tell posters to:

    • Upload their video on a specific site (I like eroshare, at least for viewing, since it's ads-less),
    • Post the URL to the videos section

    And then have the videos section display the posts (complete with author, description, preview, comment section, ...), but having the video being streamed from the video sharing site instead.


    I would be much more lightweight in terms of bandwidth of course, and also probably in legal terms, since all the hosting would be done by a 3rd party.



    Looks like we're on a very similar page! 

  11. 20 minutes ago, Ozabot said:

    The Members Album was only additional element for easier navigation but it was very useful. For example I want to look likesToLick's album mentioned above, but I don't know the category of album and have to seek it through all categories. Is it good?

    The only way now to find member's albums is to use "Albums" tab in member's profile - more time and more ckicks

    Surely if you're looking for a specific album by a member, it's quicker to go to their profile and look at their albums? As opposed to scrolling through the list of several pages of random uncategorised member albums? I appreciate that in the past what you're describing was maybe just as fast, but if we have over 1000 albums, surely it will make the process even longer, and finding the right images more time consuming. Besides, I would have assumed more people would be looking for certain types of pictures (e.g. golden showers) than a specific album by a specific member anyway. 

    Please correct me if I'm missing something here. Of course if people prefer it the other way I will change it back, but in that case I see no point in having categories too, since they had less than 100 images in them combined, as opposed to the other 12,000 images all being in 'member albums' folder. 

    (Just as a side note, 'members albums' is now 'uncategorised', so anything that didn't obviously belong in a specific category - e.g. likestolick's album - is still there).

  12. Whilst not a full solution, when browsing any album, you can select 'show as large previews' (it's the middle little icon to the right of the page numbers). You can then browse through them at a more reasonable size, and when you find one you like, right click and press 'open image in new tab'. Still not quite what you had in mind maybe, but a workaround that's seems slightly better at least?

  13. 4 hours ago, likesToLick said:

    I have opened an individual picture of the gallery that I have uploaded.

    My avatar and user name are beneath the image name.   Below that is the upload date,  then a grey horizontal line, then a link to "report image".

    I can't see anything near there that looks like an "add tag" button, sorry.

    The permissions are a mystery on this software; I'll keep looking for a solution but in the meantime commenting tags has the same affect. Better yet, when uploading the picture, describe it (e.g. Forest pee.jpg) etc. Though I realise that's not always possible. 

    1 hour ago, Sophie said:

    I never used the galleries to be honest, most of the photos posted didn't interest me and I find the current software annoying and clunky to use. The steps just to view an image full size for example. I would like to just click the photo and see it in full resolution. Instead of clicking a button which doesn't really do much, and then having to click again to view full size.


    But saying that, I hardly view the photo topics on the forum either. I go elsewhere for my photos.

    Fair point about the extra steps, I don't use it often myself so hadn't really noticed that as an issue. The logic behind it is obviously to keep the forum/community element within the gallery too, e.g. with comments, ratings etc. Though I agree in practice it's not ideal.

    Do you mind me asking what kind of photos you typically look for, and where you go instead?

    38 minutes ago, Ozabot said:

    Totally agree. Classic gallery format "thumbnail - 1 click - fullsized image in new tab" is the best.

    And if the gallery and the forum softwares are independent, I'll be highly glad to return to the previous gallery version.

    Unfortunately they aren't.

    21 minutes ago, Ozabot said:

    It's great!

    But where is the "Members Albums" button?

    The Members Album section has gone and those individual albums moved to the correct categories, because it had been wrongly labelled in the first place.

    In my opinion, the current system makes far more sense: we have different categories of picture, and you can start a new album either in any of those categories, or 'uncategorised' if somehow your pictures don't fit in any of them. This makes it far easier from viewing images than having 90% of all photos in the same section (Members Albums). I've moved the majority of albums to the correct place, but haven't had time for all of them. I hope you can see what I mean. All your albums remain intact though, just categorised. However, some images aren't working, and unfortunately will need to be reuploaded by the initial contributors to fix them.

    I guess for now we'll just leave the gallery and Pictures sections as they are and see how they get on? Then at least people have options. 


  14. 8 minutes ago, likesToLick said:

    I can't find any control or button to let me add the tags,  what should I be seeing please?

    When on an actual image page (i.e. a page with just one image and the comments section underneath etc), there should be a small 'add tag' button under the username of the person who uploaded it. Please let me know if you can see it, as it may only be possible for uploaders to add tags to their own content.

    Update: Yeah, currently not letting other members add tags. Will see what I can do.

    Update 2: I guess commenting 'Tags: x' would have the same affect in terms of searching. :/ 

  15. 8 hours ago, likesToLick said:

    I posted one album in the gallery with just a few pictures,  but received very few comments or ratings.  It seemed like not many members were looking at the galleries.

    By contrast,  when I posted images in the forum more people commented and rated,  so I concentrated on posting there.   I used thumbnails or hotlinks to image hosting sites in order to display high resolution pictures, and a number of people said they liked that.

    Later my user name became locked out of the galleries (it still is) and I could not use them at all, not even to see the images I posted.

    With the new forum software,  we can also have high resolution images in threads,  and we also have a search function for descriptions in posts.  I think with these new features we can live without galleries if necessary.

    One thing that would help would be if we could implement member tagging on posted images.   Say Ozabot posted a nice outdoor peeing picture of a woman in a forest,  then when I saw it and liked it,  I would add tags to his post like "outdoor",  "public", "forest" or whatever was appropriate.   Then any other member who wanted to see "forest" peeing, for example, click on the tag "forest", and it would give them a list of other posts with the same tag.   You can see an example of how this works on spankbang.com,  a video hosting site where members can tag each other's uploads.  It has the advantage that it makes no extra work for the person who posts the picture, since other members can tag it themselves.

    I also like your idea of having a single sticky thread with links to the themed image threads.  This would help new members to find them.

    The tag feature has been added to the gallery, which I have now decided we will keep as I have fixed the permissions problem. Obviously more people will view the images now it is accessible. 

    Please do add tags to posts you like, as often the uploaders don't have time to go through each image doing so.

    Please let me know if it's working okay. :)

  16. 10 minutes ago, Ozabot said:

    I've looked one more time to 2017 gallery statistics:

    Posters -2, Steve and me

    Posted images - better to ask Steve, let it be about 500

    Max views per image - 6 (SIX!)

    For example, any picture posted on reddit gets ~1000 views at first day

    And conclusion is: if you turn off the gallery right now, nobody except You, Steve and me will notice it tomorrow:)


    I agree with your conclusion to a large extent, but I really value the contributions both of you have made to the gallery, which is why I am reluctant. Though it's true, compare the views the Pictures section gets and it's clear that people would value your posts there far more.

    I think I will temporarily disable it to see how we get on without. I'll keep everything saved there (at least those images that do still work after the site went down) so we can potentially return to it - as if it were fixed and advertised better I think it could work. Right now though, let's focus on the Pictures section?

    If either of you need view to the gallery to access your pictures/albums in the meantime, please let me know. I'll also see if there's a way to fix the permissions problem and images that aren't loading.

  17. 9 minutes ago, Ozabot said:


    And we'll get the whole page of pinned threads? There are 59 albums in the gallery now.

    In this case it's better to create new section  "Members Albums" 

    But imagine any Steve's album of 1000+ pics in thread format(

    In the gallery it's 30+ pages of thumbnails

    I meant one pinned thread entitled 'Member Albums', and people can request their albums to be added to the list if they're a specific niche/category, making them easier to find. It was just a thought, as I feel having all the pictures together would provide a better experience, especially given there are currently numerous problems with the gallery.

    Since you and Steve have put so much work into uploading there though, I am happy to be outvoted on this if you both think the galleries are beneficial. 

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