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Posts posted by Admin

  1. 6 minutes ago, Ozabot said:

    It depends of the future of the Gallery:

    "No" - if the gallery will be

    "Maybe" - if not

    I think it's two different types of content - gallery album is long-time storage and thread is current, dynamic and actual for 2-3 days without renewing

    What if we had a pinned thread to act as a sort of directory, allowing specific albums to be found more easily? 

    • Like 1
  2. 26 minutes ago, Ozabot said:

    Pros and Cons:

    P1. In the previous vesion of forum images, posted in threads were resized to matchbox label or even poststamp size without any opportunity to see full-sized image and the gallery was the only place where you could see normal picture.

    P2. I don't know about other posters, but in my gallery albums only about 5% of pics are repeated in threads because I've had my own conception of posting pics in threads and albums.

    P3/C1. Only the previous version of the gallery had user-friendly interface and functionality. In today's version you need 3 and more clicks to see picture in full size.


    C2. Let's look at the statistic of gallery visiting and viewing in this year. From January till March I was practically the only poster in the gallery with about 10-15 posted pics and with 5-6 views per picture. In April Steve had posted a lot of pictures with 0-3 views per picture.

    So the result is obvious - The Gallery is not interesting for the most part of forum memders at least in this version.

    But beeing an active poster my choice is "Both"

    P.S. Maybe there are not so many forum members who like pictures in hi-res?

    Would you be willing to repost some of those albums as threads in the pictures section?

  3. On 15/04/2017 at 3:48 PM, bpb said:

    I enjoy this site enough to contribute.  How does one go about it.   I have used others in the past and would have to learn how to do that at this time.

    What kind of yearly goal is needed?

    Thank you very much bpb, I have messaged you, and I can help you with any payment processors if you need a hand. 

    Underneath the contributors list there's a 'remaining target' which I'll continue to update. That's the amount remaining that should cover all forum expenses for the rest of 2017. :)

    • Like 1
  4. Will certainly look into gender/sexuality display.

    3 minutes ago, weeweefran said:

    maybe somewhere you can browse other members?

    You could do an advanced search - http://peefans.com/index.php?/search/ you can filter by only searching for members, and segment that by certain join dates / usernames etc. If you just wanted a list of all registered members, select a date range from present day back to December 2013.

    • Like 2
  5. Sadly, not all gallery pictures seem to have been restored during the reupload of images. There is no logical explanation for this that I can see.

    Since members are also reporting issues even accessing it for also seemingly no obvious reason, it does beg the question whether it's worth keeping?

    I appreciate this would be a shame, and especially disappointing for the members who have worked on building great albums, but perhaps they could be reposted in threads in the pictures section? A thread is essentially the same concept as an album.

  6. 4 hours ago, P-Spud said:

    I can't think of anything big. It would be nice if we had other choices than "like" for a post as we used to.

    What choices would you prefer to see if it were possible?

    I'll see if the feature is available with IPS, but sadly I'm not sure.

    3 hours ago, fannywatcher said:

    I think if we could have an indication no matter what page youre on that someone has posted a chatbox message..sometimes you can be browsing for 10 minutes or so,and people have come and gone from the chatbox.At least then you could click on and see who it might be,start a chat thread etc..

    Keep the chatbox ( http://peefans.com/index.php?/chatbox/ ) open in a separate tab and the notification should still come through. I'd be reluctant to give everyone the sound even if it's not open, as obviously some people don't want to use that feature. I've moved it to the top of the home page to see if that boosts activity.

    22 minutes ago, likesToLick said:

    Perhaps a trivial issue,  but it would be nice to have some better emoticons.  The set we have seem to be a bit weird looking. Look at this wink for example: :10_wink: It looks like the poor guy has facial palsy.

    I do like to award a few hot chilies to my favorite posts though :367_hot_pepper::367_hot_pepper::367_hot_pepper:

    Would be great if members could add custom emoticons to the repertoire.


    Like I said, it's trivial, and can go to the bottom of the priority list,  but would be nice to have.

    Any suggestions? If you can find me some to add I'll by all means change them. I do agree the default really aren't the best :8_laughing:

    • Like 1
  7. I do agree with all your comments about the video gallery, in my opinion it was always far more than just another tube site.

    Sadly, I don't think it returning in its previous form is viable. @wgpfan you did touch on a point though, if previous members were happy to chip in to cover the costs, then as long as it paid for itself I of course would happily run it as a private section (and simply not accept new registrations). Since very few people uploaded anyway, if just the core contributors remained, I think it could still be very worthwhile. I'm not sure whether people would be willing to pay again though since that wasn't part of the initial deal. 

    • Like 1
  8. It's often interesting to hear genuine stories from other (non-adult) forums where the topic of pee comes up, especially the various stories/places pee fun has happened. Here's an example:


    Though by the look of a couple of them, maybe they should be members here too, they clearly seemed turned on by it!

    Another link I stumbled across in the process: http://www.girlsaskguys.com/sexual-behavior/q1066674-girls-where-is-the-weirdest-place-you-ve-ever-peed-indoor

    • Like 4
  9. I like the gallery, it allows for more well organised content, proper picture discussion/rating etc...

    However, the Pictures section is a fundamental part of this site - after all, PeeFans is ultimately a forum more than anything else.

    Are these two things overlapping too much, or is there a place for both? How do people decide where to post / which to look through?

    There are pros and cons to both, and I'm perfectly happy to let both remain as they are, I'm just wondering people's thoughts about having two separate (and almost competing) areas for pictures on the same site?


    • Like 1
  10. @bpb sorry to bring back a feature only to take it away again, but I've decided that the current birthday system wasn't very effective. 

    The calendar remains unchanged if you want to see the full list as it was before, but the birthdays have now moved to the homepage sidebar (right hand side, near the bottom of page) and only display members who've actually posted content on the site before. A list of 100 names we've never heard of is useless, whereas a much shorter list of names of people who actually regularly use the site seems far more appropriate. Hope you're happy with this change. :)


  11. Have you ever done it?

    In theory it sounds hot, but does it all spill back out and make a big mess? And is it even safe?

    Would be interested to hear any stories and experiences with this, as it sounds like something I need to add to my pee bucket list! 

  12. At one stage I explored the option of trying to create professional pee videos, though decided it was a little too far out of my comfort zone and a very risky business. Though, I think many of us have had the thought before that it'd be great just to make our own videos, tailored the way we want them. However, my question is this: is running a paid pee video site still a viable business?

    Perhaps this is a rather niche question, but I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts, especially from anyone with experience in this area. It seems more and more sites are getting closed down or facing all kinds of issues ranging from legal problems to people simply not willing to pay. 

    • Like 2
  13. Whilst I'm sure this has been discussed before, sadly sites come and go and things change. I'm wondering what sites you guys believe are currently the best to access free pee videos?

    By best, I'm talking both in terms of quality and quantity, as well as general site safety (so many sites look good but are filled with spammy/malicious popups).

    In my experience, it would be eroprofile and tumblr. Though I'd loved to be introduced to some good alternatives.

    • Like 1
  14. A slightly deeper question that I've always been rather curious about...

    Firstly, can adults who don't have a pee fetish develop one (perhaps simply through enough exposure to it)? But also, can those of us who do have an interest in pee 'lose' it?

    I guess to answer this it would be interesting to know if anyone has developed their interest in pee in more recent times, as from what I've gathered from these forums before, most people have some awareness of it from an earlier age, but they just don't fully explore it until later in life. I guess I'm asking whether someone (already an adult) can go from not being remotely interested in pee to having a piss fetish?

    Likewise, can all of us somehow change our beliefs and 'lose' this interest (not that I'm suggesting in any way that's a good idea of course!) :15_yum:

    I definitely developed this interest in some form before becoming an adult, so can't speak personally on the first half of this question. As for the latter half, I've had experiences with girls who've happily engaged in these activities with me, but that has been because they enjoy/want to please me, rather than them getting direct joy out of the pee aspect (at least as far as I can tell).

    Would be interested to hear your thoughts and experiences on this.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, norfie654321 said:

    OK I may have spoken too soon. As soon as i came back to the site it asked me to log back in even though id previously chosen keep me logged in...

    Have you tried clearing your cache, site cookies, and then doing a hard refresh?

  16. 36 minutes ago, norfie654321 said:

    It was happening to me earlier when the site was reloading on the new server. After every topic i was clicking on it was forgetting i was already signed in to the site and making me sign back in again to reply to others comments. Since the site has reloaded though it doesnt seem to be happening. As a side note to this, is there anyway we could make the forum name a bit more work/public place friendly? Peefans in white against a yellow background is very obvious to those who might catch a glimpse at a screen/mobile...

    Glad to hear it's all running smoothly.

    You can still revert to the blue/white theme by pressing 'theme' at the very bottom of any page (if you felt this was more discrete). Whilst I could try to make a more subtle theme, I agree with Sophie's point that it's a tough ask to make such an explicit/adult site seem 'work friendly'.

  17. 2 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    As a mod I would like to say that one problem with the original system is that the Admin who inherited it could never figure out how to give mods the powers necessary. Apparently, it wouldn't allow mods to have the power to even temporarily ban people. This became a real problem when members with a grudge started incessant trolling. The forum has been a far friendlier place since mods have had the ability to shut down trouble makers quickly. It is essential that mods retain these powers.

    Also, the original format included a number of negative icons. Unfortunately, one or two members were using these for negative judgementalist reasons, calculated to dissuade newbies from making further contributions just because THEY didn't like their first posts. And at least one now banned member was blatantly using them for overt troll-like purposes. I don't think negative icons serve any constructive purpose at all.

    One thing I do like about the new format is that it generally allows for much larger pics.

    But the old format had it's virtues. It was - for example - easier to find the newest posts.

    Still, change is disruptive and maybe it is better to stick with what we have for now.

    All good points, though primarily all in favour of the new system. I know it's early in the voting, but the current system seems to be the more popular. To avoid further site complications, I think it's worth paying the extra anyway. I just wanted to check that generally people were happy with how things are. As I said, any features 'missing' can potentially be introduced on this new software too, just tell me what you'd like to see (as it seems we will be continuing with it).

    The one criticism of this system you mentioned is the ease of finding new posts. However, there's an 'activity' tab in the navigation bar ( http://peefans.com/index.php?/discover/ ) that has all of the latest posts/threads, you can even segment this by 'unread posts' and 'content I follow'. I can add recent posts to the sidebar too if people would prefer it, but I figured new trending threads was more appropriate. 

  18. Whilst the daily picture is great, this is surely a better system - as you said, it provides much more freedom for you, and likely more content for us (that is more appropriately categorised by niche). Sounds great, and I look forward to seeing the new threads. 

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