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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Here is my response to Pete: 

    1. As far as things not working, all of the prior data has been successfully ported over. The software is arguably the best on the Market, and is used by companies such as the NHL, Bethiesda, Live Nation and others. I personally use this same software on two other forums that have a combined membership of over 80,000, and rarely receive complaints about the functions, features, or otherwise. This was admittedly a big change and will take some adjustment, but in the long run this is a much better platform. As to the issue of replies being submitted half way through by themselves, I've literally never heard of that happening in the 3 plus years that I've been using this software. There is a feature that remembers what you typed into the reply box so that if you accidentally leave the page without submitting the post it will reappear, when you go back to it. I am not sure if that's what you're referring to. In terms of mobile issues this software is actually designed to be responsive to mobile devices, where as the other one was not. You'll notice that the menu and formatting changes when you visit the site on a mobile device. 

    2. We have a "shout box" not a chat room. Shout boxes tend to vary in their feature set. I was actually a proponent of using a chat but when I asked most people indicated that they prefer a shout box. 

    This is first and foremost a forum. I understand that people enjoy the ShoutBox, but really I consider it an extra feature. If people truly want a Chat room there is a builtin chat feature that I can easily enable. As far as participation dropping that is normal after doing a change like this. It takes people a while to learn the new features, create new bookmarks, and figure out where everything is. It also takes Google a while to re-index everything. The two weeks of downtime didn't help either, but a drop in traffic after doing something like this is expected. Aside from Steve's apparent issue with posting I am not aware of any persistent issue with the forum software. As of late I've been spending a lot more time on here and I have yet to run into an issue with responsiveness or features not working. I appreciate your input and we are working to resolve issues as they arise, but its rather difficult to fix something if I am unable to replicate it. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

    I was getting Error 22 and Error 24 messages as well when it wouldn't load at all.

    And Pete2304 sent me a PM saying that it wasn't working for him either.

    Thus far things seem a little more responsive this morning but I have only just got here and it is very early days so far

    Where were you getting that message? Pete also sent me a message and was describing a different issue. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

    Is it at all conceivable that some malcontent from the past with tech know how could have hacked in and somehow sabotaged my account?

    I don't believe so. I don't think there is anything that could be done on an account level to cause the problems you're describing. If something was hacked it would effect the entire site. 

  4. 52 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

    I think my computer might be the problem. It is 7 years old and probably infected with so much shit now that it's unreal. Two of the three browsers I'd been using stopped receiving updates ages ago, automatic defragging doesnt work and I need to do it manually, my anti malware viruses no longer seem to respond and weird shit keeps happening.

    Been needing a new laptop for a while. Think I might go out and buy one now. When I get that up and running, hopefully everything will be ok.....if not then the problem won't be my computer. In which case it will be essentially unsolvable at my end.

    This is getting ridiculous now. Strange how this manifested itself so suddenly and so badly.


    It appears to be working fine for me and others. Nothing has changed with the site in the last few days. Wish I could help more, but there isn't much else I can do. I use this  software on my other forums with a combined user base of more than 80k and I haven't received any complaints of it not working because of the code or plugins.

  5. 9 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

    This forum is incredibly slow for me all of a sudden. It is taking an age - often several minutes - for any page I try to access to work......that spinning ring is a fucking annoying thing to sit staring at.

    It is taking just as long to post posts.

    I am not having any issues. Are you by chance uploading anything? 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Sephora said:

    I do find it too bad to read this news, most people here are friendly and have no bad intensions and for some, it's a comfort place to ask questions and information which you cannot find. Which is the main reason why I came here in the first place, my questions got answered which when came time to practice this fetish, i knew what to not eat and drink, and many other useful information.

    i really hope the owner will find a solution to keep this place running.

    I have no plans to shut the site down or to sell it. That is simply not in the cards. The biggest thing is that I did  a lot of work and spent a lot of money trying to get the site to where it is now, only to find out that we can't process payments because of some of the content that we have. I am exploring other options, but it's not a desperate situation. During this process I also learned that Scat, Menstruation, and AB/DL are pretty much universally frowned upon and may actually be illegal in many jurisdictions, which is why I want to get rid of those. I don't want to draw in unwanted attention or make it easier for people to cause issues for us. 

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, bpb said:

    I went to check on pictures in my Private messages.

    I just saw a note of where a picture should be.

    I was up to page 298 in my message series and now it is down to 234 pages.  I am reasonable sure the the difference is in the pictures that are not there.   We did have quite a number of pictures.

    The pictures wouldn't have just disappeared. There would be a string of text where the picture was something like: [attach]21434234.jpg[/attach]. Please provide me with the string of text from an image that is missing. Or PM me the URL.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, bpb said:

    If I find an item under POSTS and click on one I am taking to the first unread item.  Just what I want.

    However, if I click on Unread Content and see the same tiem and click on it I am taken to the very first page and I have to work myself down to the last page and then to the end of the page.  Why can they both act the same way and take me to the first unread item????

    I have been bugged by this action every since I started using the Unread Content label.


    I am not exactly sure what you're asking for. But there is a forum update that is coming later this week that adds improvements to post filtering and searching. This might address your concern. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Sephora said:

    I am sure the problems will get resolved soon as i also have issues concerning some private msgs that were sent with pictures and text. The recipient never received the msg at all. Its like as soon as you include a picture, the msg says it's sent except the person never received it.



    I just sent you a test message please let me know if you received it. 

  10. Update: Support said that attachments in private messages is not a feature that is currently supported by the conversion software which is why they weren't converted. However, they are going to attempt to restore them. As far as the double image attachments, it appears that we may be stuck with them, as the only known fix would be to re-run the entire conversion. However, support is going to look for a solution but it's likely that there is no easy fix. 

    - A

  11. I am compiling a list of current site issues. If there is anything else that should be added please make a note below.

    • Duplicate images in pre-conversion posts 
    • Missing images in private message conversations 

    Note: Both of the above issues are being addressed by support, and they only affect pre-conversion data. New posts and private messages are unaffected. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Sophie said:

    I don't believe this applies to personal messages? Just checked one of my chats and it still displays "[ATTACH=full]17105[/ATTACH]"

    It only applies to images in posts. Support is still working on images in private messages. 

  13. On 10/5/2016 at 1:35 PM, fannywatcher said:

    Since the site was changed,its reset all my settings.Ive lost my ignored user list for example.My followers,people i follow etc.Was it meant to be an improvement?

    Unfortunately, not everything can be ported over. These are two fundamentally different systems. We are still working on restoring images in private messages. 

  14. Support got back to me earlier today and said that they know what the problem is with the images not showing up. They will attempt to fix it today or tomorrow. I am waiting on them to fix the issue before attempting to fix anything else. 

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