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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2019 in Posts

  1. I just thought of another idea. Sorry if your not supposed to post two! Ok so what if everytime you peed in public you got a tax credit or something similar. To prove that you did it you just have to post a picture of yourself peeing online and tag your local government in the photo and you will recieve your tax credit! An additional clause in that law to prevent the world from becoming very messy is that anyone also recieves a tax credit by cleaning up puddles. Establishments could also just install drains in the floor however to remedy the flooding issue that way. This would be a
    5 points
  2. I’m hoping to get lucky and be there one day and catch a female driver doing it
    3 points
  3. Idk im assuming your asking basically whether I like to watch a penis or vulva peeing more? Tbh both? I think I may like the vulva a little more just objectively because there are more parts to it than the peeing such as the sound, but there are so many other factors that go into turning me on so I think both still? Sorry I hope that at least was partially helpful xD
    3 points
  4. Got here a bit late but good questions........ 1. I love casual peeing and often put a big towel or blanket down in front of me so I can just let loose wherever I am, like under my desk, in front of the sofa, on my bed etc. Or if I'm outside and can get away with it I let out little squirts or just wee as I walk. 2. Almost every day - toilets are boring! I'm a bit of an opportunist ;) 3. Despite what I said in my point above, I do get a thrill out of peeing ON toilets and this is one of my most regular go-to spots (either mine or public loos) when I'm h
    3 points
  5. https://www.erome.com/i/R6OLNrdQ
    2 points
  6. This topic reminds me of a very old rhyme, or limerick, of which I can only remember a few lines. It begins, Upon my tombstone I want this wrote: Thousands of drinks went down my throat... ...And on my tombstone shall be written, I've had my share, and I'm not shitten.... ...And if you should pass by where I lie, Piss on me; I'm always dry... In connection with the last line, I have always fantasized and visualized one of my favorite, lovely gf's, in my life, lifting her short skirt, squatting, and pissing a gusher on my grave, with a smile on her face. My only wish i
    2 points
  7. I would travel the world. go to as many concerts as I could, starting with Eric Clapton and Santana. Try new foods and pee in new places. Have a camera man in mind to bring with me.
    2 points
  8. These stories bring to mind the world famous Notting Hill Carnival in the UK. They construct wooden huts with perhaps 5 cubicles with a sort of door for the ladies (up a few steps and peeing into 5 ft high rubbish bins) and an open trough on the back wall of the hut where 4 or 5 men can stand side by side in full view of everyone on the street. For girls who love to watch men peeing it is paradise! And I know for a fact that lots do love it. The amount of drink consumed is enormous so a fun time for all pee lovers who go.
    2 points
  9. It’s more fun to do that way, anyhow. Been a trucker for 25 some odd years and have had to “improvise” many times.
    2 points
  10. Had to do this many times as well. I used to be a truck driver.
    2 points
  11. This topic reminded me of my physical for the army when I was 19. All of the inductees were wearing just their underwear. We were in a single file line and went from station to station to check our heart, blood pressure, etc. As the line passed a wall into the next room, I saw 2 porcelain trough urinals built into an L shaped wall. At the entrance was a woman handing out jars and giving us a sticker to apply with our information. At the end of the urinals was another woman who collected the jars. My place was at the end of the urinals next to the lady who collected the jars and put them
    2 points
  12. No unfortunately she told me to not take any pictures. She is scared about her privacy and told me if I would take pictures, she would never chat with me again. So I didn't want to anger her. But dear Peefans, you won't belive what happened to me. I'm still chatting with this young girl called Miri in the app which I have mentioned. After the first time I have met her, it was clear to me that I have to meet her again to see her piss in a naughty place. After chatting with her about the first time in the changing room, she asked me what else I would like to see - or where else. So I
    2 points
  13. Anyone out there like the idea of playing 'cross-streams'. It was something that I have a strong memory of when 'messing' about with a group of friends as I was growing up. The idea is to find a partner, (male or female), willing to pee along with you, but the stream should cross. It's nicer to play the game outside, although I've tried it in an empty bath, or of course a toilet. The first time I did it was with a boy in a public toilet in a park near to where I used to live.
    1 point
  14. Good call lol. How fun would it be to be able to teleport to a friends place?
    1 point
  15. Have you traveled to many different countries? If so which one was your favorite to visit?
    1 point
  16. Here's a post that definitely needs bumping. It's been far too long since I've enjoyed this.
    1 point
  17. Definitly women's more but I have used men's restrooms out of necessity a few times relativly recently. In my experience with the men's restroom I did find like pee on the seat when I used it but the floor and sink area was surprisingly clean vs in the women's restroom I usually see a lot more trash just around for various reasons. In the gender neutral bathrooms though, the seat is usually relatively clean and people are a lot less likely to leave trash but thats also just my personal experience so it could be very different for others
    1 point
  18. These pics make me really horny
    1 point
  19. I can’t do any naughty peeing around work. One it’s a restaurant and two there are cameras everywhere but the bathroom. I did have a naughty pee in the bathroom where I peed on my hand and rubbed my pussy while I peed. The video is posted here
    1 point
  20. I like to see a guy pee anywhere besides a toilet. Since the toilet is where it's supposed to happen, and that does absolutely nothing for me, I guess it's the naughty factor that turns me on. I especially like when a guy pees outside, into a cup or bottle, into the sink or on the floor. I like desperation and pants wetting, but really need to hear the heavy breathing, moaning and sighing to go along with it. And yes, watching a guy masturbate and cum is also hot!
    1 point
  21. If the sexy mod @Sophie, or @spywareonya, want to piss on my grave they'd be more than welcome, lol. My only complaint would be, why the fuck couldn't you piss on me when I was alive? I'd have died happier, lol
    1 point
  22. I would love love love to try this, unfortunately I haven’t had the chance yet! Maybe one day...
    1 point
  23. Agree!!! Yet have to admit th the first time we did, I thought it to be very playful much more than erotic ihihihihihi!!!! Now you are making me see it in a deeper and more romantic way...
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. This is delightful to know. Plus, it works the same for me... But that pic was Amazing indeed, it has something... I completely agree with this!!!!!!
    1 point
  26. Thank you, Fanny. You words mean everything to me because the water stream one was shot during one of the happiest moment of my life, and the Halloween one, just a few hours before my life turned hell. This last thing I wrote is not a complaint: quite the opposite, is about the solemnity of the thing. In a single post you summed up two of the most meaningful videos I ever published. Thank you, from the heart.
    1 point
  27. That's what they deserve Porn is a cultural conquest It has a deep spiritual function and everything that denies porn must crumble, because porn is the enthusiasm of life, and without life there is only death
    1 point
  28. I cannot say anything but AGREE 101% You completely hit the bullseye ALL you wrote is true and it shouldn't even be different: a patrolled chat is not a happy and free space! What we need is
    1 point
  29. I missed you guys desperately And your ass pics!!!!! THank you for being so eager in welcoming me back!!!
    1 point
  30. fascinating can I answer? people that smoke in public I ask pardon, but I am a 101% pro-tobacco person. I don't smoke that much, but I adore to do it and I would even like Law to lift last decades prohibition of smoking in public closed places like pubs and theaters loud guys Yes, they can be bothering. I just discovered I was bothered because of a subtle envy: during my best periods of life, they mysteriously bothered me much less, so I investigated my own unconscious and boom!!! spineless parents with animal-like children ok, they're th
    1 point
  31. I missed you all, too, I would have been back earlier if I could have had I still love you so...
    1 point
  32. @Scot_Lover I first wanna apologize for being absent during this Now, back to important stuff How are you? And much more urgent, how's Maigh? She has Always been so sensitive… I really hope she is ok No words can describe how I feel for your loss, but sometimes, things are pre-destined not by Fate or Destiny, but by their inner structure If she really wanted a husband for her alone and children, it was impossible for her to remain with you What left me speechless was the fact she blocked you away from her new life, this indeed sounds like mani
    1 point
  33. This ritual was to harness the terrible powers manifesting on Earth on these days, but I really acknoledged that it had been better to let them just pass… I channeled them in my life and it was turned upside down to a point that is really hard to remain skeptical about the existence of the supernatural after this...
    1 point
  34. This is intended primarily for @steve25805 and @Potatoman since they already performed a previous one but it can be available for everybody It will be really powerful and heavy If anyone is interested, reply to this, I'll write it!!!
    1 point
  35. A sincere advice? Never believe ANYTHING said publicly, as anybody with a bit of real occult knowledge, craft his own words when speaking publicly, so to have the vast majority understanding only the non-Dangerous portions of what he personally knows But I am not forcing you on this subject. a kiss...
    1 point
  36. @Riley The equation you quoted was an adfirmation about quality, not epochs But your post was excellent anyway
    1 point
  37. What do you think is more accurate? Books written for non buddhists, or first hand twenty years experience? What I wrote upthere is the only truth buddhists really believe. Other are just self-(believe-to-be-)taught humans who know nothing Please, don't be that headlong when talking with people who explored these things from within for decades EDIT If for non-theist you mean that they consider the Gods only embettered versions of themselves and thus refuse to "adore" them on a metaphysical stance, then in that case you are right. The Gods are just the biggest fi
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Yes Steve I must say sorry. Two weeks ago I had been moved to a different spot at work (FINALLY!!!!) and this doesn't impair my chances to log in, but swamped me with work. While last week absence was not planned, I just got really sick with a bad flu. I am now better, and indeed I am really facing inner fights, positive uh but hard But for you Steve, I'll forever be there. Write me a PM and I'll reply as I can. I have no time for skrying or complicated things, but I would never leave you behind. A limitless kiss. For the ritual let's see, I don't know if it fits for a stressed person, ma
    1 point
  40. Yes, the problem you expose is real. I have mercy more than tolerance, which is different, but indeed I understand your point. Being ALL-TOLERANT is a slogan devoid of far-sightedness.
    1 point
  41. Debunking dogmas shouldn't be transformed into eradicating culural identity. It's just a phase, people are rebelling against old ties, but it will settle down in the next years I'm sure, like every other rebellious wave of the past
    1 point
  42. For love of truth, this too is real anyway I Always said you are a hero With this, I beg you to avoid past events cloud you!
    1 point
  43. Halloween is a modern celebration, but the original Samhain is from ancient celtic Heritage, from modern UK. It is also one of the most important spiritual holidays of the Whole year, surpassed originally by the Summer Solstice (which IS THE most powerful spiritual day of the year) but Samhain came 2nd AND IN ADDITION humans celebrate it all over the world since decades, and this altered the balances of power making Halloween the most important moment of the year (or anyway at peer with the Summer Solstice). Samhain celebrates and exorcises the fear of Death and monster
    1 point
  44. Sincerely tempted to fly to the place where you live and take you A virgin girl with your sensitivity and intensity would be the highest trophy and the most heart-touching dream-trip of my life External appearence is utterly meaningless
    1 point
  45. @Potatoman @Scot_Lover @Alfresco @nopjans @bpb
    1 point
  46. Singularity is un unreal concept We should talk of almost-singularity And an almost singularity keep the "quantum info" thus the amount of matter stands This means that a black hole contain only a microscopical portion of the amount of matter that could build a Big bang Also, a Big bang needs a deSitter space for itself to be ensufflated into, thus this means a 3-d universe can be born ONLY from an at-least 4-d string/membrane/universe, it cannot simply split from another 3-d universe
    1 point
  47. This was a music festival one summer. There were a line of port-a-loos near the front of the main stage. There was a gap between them and the chain link fence behind them. On the other side of the fence was woodland. I went for a walk in the woods and found my way behind the loos. There was a constant stream of people - in broad daylight - going behind the loos to pee. Both men and women. The women peeing there were too desperate to be able to wait in the queue for the toilets, and I saw many bare themselves to squat and pee on the ground. With me in the woods was a small group; tw
    1 point
  48. I've done it a few times with a hiking partner/girlfriend, but nowhere near enough. The first time was when she showed me she could pee standing up. I showed her my aim was almost as good as hers.
    1 point
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