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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2019 in all areas

  1. This is a question for my fellow ladies: Do you ever accidentally wee over the toilet seat or have your piss shoot through the seat? I find that when I'm drunk and in desperate need, sometimes if I don't angle my pussy backwards, my wee will spray onto the seat or through the seat. I'd be curious to know your experiences with this, especially while you're out in public!
    3 points
  2. Can’t speak firsthand but my wife has peed through the seat on many occasions when at home. Maybe in public too but I’m not sure.
    3 points
  3. I'm guessing @Peefreak99 that the topic has arisen because of some occurrence - either somebody has hurt you, or something you've seen. Out of context it does raise the question of whether crimes should have differing levels of punishment. Is animal abuse worse than mistreating an elderly resident in a care home? Is driving a car whilst drunk and killing someone more forgivable than being a school shooter? At the point where we question whether the death penalty would be justified is I guess where we decide that some crimes are more severe than others and deserve a stricter punishment
    3 points
  4. Randy's Story (Short) I'd gone to spend the night at my girlfriend's house after the spring semester. I'd met Christina's parents before and they seemed nice. Her mother Debra is basically a forty-three year old version of her, a five-foot nine hottie with more curves and a bigger rack. She's quite a sight to say the least. We were sitting on the sofa when Debra came through the front door, having just returned from the gym. She smiled and said hello while rushing up to the bathroom, joking that she was about to pee on herself. I loved seeing her desperation and tits bouncing in he
    2 points
  5. Many times as I was growing up, I would either be sitting around, getting ready for the day or for sleep, I would walk over to the middle of my room, right next to a vent and I would pee. I wouldn't even have to pee that bad or anything most of the time. I just didnt feel like walking to the bathroom next door. I squat and aim onto the vent and hear the noise of the pee dripping down and hear it echo throughout the vents. I feel so sneaky whenever I do it because no one will ever know how amazing that it feels to have the pressure of pee just being released and feeling that immense relief 😉
    2 points
  6. I disagree.I think hunting is wrong altogether.In the modern world WHO NEEDS to hunt to eat meat?Theres meat 24/7 in supermarkets etc.Obviously in the jungle etc,then the tribes there of course hunt for their lives,and that was our own heritage thousands of years ago...Im not a dog lover myself,so whilst i disapprove of all cruelty per se,their fate gives me no nightmares,its wildlife i care about,the casual destruction of wildlife for fun and profit,like grouse shooting etc,done not because the shooters like it,but because it HAS to be done for the good of the birds.OR SO THEY TELL US.....
    2 points
  7. Posting as an ordinary member now. I as a carnivore accept the necessity of killing animals for food though it should be done humanely. But wanton cruelty to animals either for sadistic fun or just out of pure meanness is unacceptable. I think - certainly here in the UK - the sentences handed out for such cruelty are often utterly derisory. I would like to see stiff prison sentences involving many years behind bars for the worst offenders. But a death sentence is going too far. I oppose death sentences anyway for a whole variety of reasons but that's another topic all
    2 points
  8. Women go together because one usually announces her need and the other feeling a slight urge decides to follow suit. When I was younger and went to more popular clubs we would often shared a cubicle but other than maybe discuss a boy it was just a pee. As we get older I have tended to use my own cubicle especially if I have wet my knickers or have to change my pad because I have peed in it. It's not something you want someone to know about. (She says telling everyone in the forum)
    2 points
  9. When I know the toilet is clean I always sit and I pee onto the front of the bowl when my stream at its strongest. When hovering i have wet the seat numerous times even myself if i haven't pulled my knickers down far enough
    2 points
  10. Quite a few of the members here have an interest on so called naughty pissing or naughty peeing, essentially peeing in naughty places. I am certainly one who seriously gets off on the notion of girls peeing in naughty locations - all over the floor, on the table, on the furniture, on the bed, against the wall, in or over all kinds of things. It really floats my boat. I love pics or vids showing this, and true tales and fictional stories featuring this. @Sophie's true account of pissing on her kitchen floor, or @lesley's awesome fictional tales especially of carpet pissings are just two example
    1 point
  11. This is for any of our lovely ladies.Please dont be offended,its only a thought,something fun and totally optional,if it ever happens that is! If i ever won the Lottery,i would offer any of our ladies,the following. All travel expenses,all hotel bills,any extras they might fancy like a spa,massage,make over etc,PLUS £5000,or whatever in Dollars,or the currency of your choice,if they were willing to come to my town,stay overnight or a few days,in return for allowing me to come to their hotel room,and watch them have a wee.Thats it,no messing,no touching,in a safe environment.It would
    1 point
  12. I am sorry. But that is manslaughter not murder. He didn't deliberately set out to kill. I do not approve of death sentences in any case, and certainly not for manslaughter. A stiff prison sentence should be in order instead.
    1 point
  13. I've often thought about the fishing argument - people opposed to cooking live lobster in boiling water, yet ok with fish being hauled out of water and effectively suffocating on land? That said, it's not something I've got enough of a conscience about to stop me eating it - not that I'm a big fish eater though.
    1 point
  14. I went on a walk with some girl friends on a trail through the woods. It was a breezy day but it was silent throughout everywhere. We were about 3 miles down the trail and I had to pee so bad. I tried ignoring it and joking around with my friends. But I felt a little trickling down my leg and I knew I couldn't hold it anymore. Without telling anyone, I ran behind a tree, lifted my leg and peed on tree. It was absolutely silent in the woods so i could hear the pee just streaming outside my pussy down the tree and onto the ground. I couldn't stop myself: I exhaled so deeply that i moaned so loud
    1 point
  15. It is nothing sexual, we have seen our parts before. It also gives us a reason to have coversation. At times we will do silly things while peeing and other times, we just pee because we have to and then move on.
    1 point
  16. Something that you may not know Steve, is that in Australia a significant amount of meat sold in shops is actually hunted. In particular there is a large kangaroo meat industry, but there are no kangaroo farms. Since European settlement, a lot of water bores have been installed to supply cattle troughs, and also many crops have been planted. This has led to an absolute explosion of the kangaroo population, since limited water and feed kept the population down in the past. Of course, if the kangaroo population is allowed to grow unchecked, the sheep and cattle will starve and the farme
    1 point
  17. I think animal cruelty - whilst it includes cruelty to pets, hitting a dog, etc - also encompasses hunting, which should also be illegal. Cruelty to wild animals is no more acceptable than cruelty to tame ones in my book. We do not after all hunt for meat or need not anymore. Most meat we eat is reared domestically on farms.
    1 point
  18. Let the punishment fit the crime. An eye for an eye!
    1 point
  19. I agree. We no longer live as hunter gatherers. Hunting to eat is utterly unnecessary. Hunting is usually done for "sport". But what the fuck is sporting about shooting animals with guns just for fun, or still worse chasing it on horses and with packs of hounds so it can be ripped to bits for the dubious "pleasure" of sick fuck upper class participants? I'd happily see hunting banned.
    1 point
  20. I understand but please in future just quietly report it and it will be dealt with.
    1 point
  21. MOD NOTICE @2prnot2p, if you disagree with someone do it in a friendly manner and do not infer madness or craziness or stupidity. It is unnecessarily unfriendly and provocative. And @Peefreak99, responding to such provocation in an aggressive and insulting way instead of merely reporting it is also unacceptable. I have deleted the offending posts. Please bear in my that this site values it's reputation for friendliness, and we all have a part to play in maintaining that.
    1 point
  22. @Alfresco, There is nothing like the unique thrill of smelling underwear of a hot woman after it spent all day on her. I've done it a few times myself as well.
    1 point
  23. A new adventure I've had is I was doing the laundry in the basement. I bent down to take out the clothes and I felt like I had to pee. So i saw the cat litter box, I just didnt think I'd make it to the bathroom from feeling how much I had to pee. So I just decided to go to the litter box. I put one leg on each side and I squatted over the box. I smiled because i felt like i was a cat and i pushed my ass back more so my hands were on the floor. I couldn't help it, after I stood up, I smiled and said "meow".
    1 point
  24. We all have our fantasies of what goes on in there, or in the changing rooms.... that sort of thing, but the truth is probably a bit more disappointing. Facts are that 99.999...... % of people, pee is just pee. Everyone does it, sometimes a nuisance but just a thing. Chances are when you stand at a urinal and there's someone next to you, if you know them you'll talk to them. If you're in a pub / college / restaurant or whatever, talking to your mate and you both go for a pee at the same time, you'd carry on the conversation - just second nature. Why would it be any different when
    1 point
  25. Yes, I definitely do this😂 if you want to make something that is very absorbang and won't slide around you can always take toilet paper and fold it over itself to whatever thickness you desire, set it in your panties, and then take toilet paper and wrap the piece in with toilet paper by wrapping the entire bottom of your panties together. Then you take the top part and fold it into the toilet paper roll you basically just made and you have a hyper absorbant pee proof panty layer😂😂
    1 point
  26. Yes I do when I have run out of pads. Not as effective but better than nothing it does offer some protection from leaks. Also used if I have started my period unexpectedly
    1 point
  27. Anything in nature more fascinating than the female slit?😍 Puddyls,youre awesome!
    1 point
  28. OMG this has happened to me several times mainly when pregnant but it still happens even know. This is one reason I always carry spares. Did she have any other episodes? Did she have a weak bladder or was she just holding to long. She may have liked the feeling of needing to go. Thanks for letting us know.
    1 point
  29. So, as I mentioned in my previous post, these experiences are from a time when I was living in Paris. So, I was dating this amazing and very beautiful woman named Michelle (not her real name) during the late 80s. We had wonderful chemistry together. The sex mind bowing. I was on third date with her. She was wearing a beautiful navy blue thigh length pencil skirt along with a navy blue blouse. we were out from our shared apartment at about 3 o'clock. The sunset was beautiful. We went to the cinema at around 4:30. I noticed that she had drunk a bottle of mineral water by the time we had rea
    1 point
  30. Unless I sit back with my legs spread I don’t, but I aim my stream to the front so it doesn’t go straight in the water because I don’t like the sound sometimes lol but with public toilets I never sit on them, I usually stand or hover and can get some drops on the seat sometimes (I don’t drink so I’m always sober haha)
    1 point
  31. - When they pee a lot! - When they laugh while they pee. - When they pee together, and some girl comments on the big stream / huge pee of some other girl - Girls that are proud of their huge / powerful bladder and that like to show off with their peeing abilities
    1 point
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