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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2019 in Posts

  1. Iam not out doing chores but iam working outside lol. Had to piss
    5 points
  2. It’s bluebell season and the dandelions are full. The woods near Hanbury Hall are dense with the last wild garlic. Tulips in the garden are blousy and drunken, and nature is everywhere. I’ve long identified as someone who casually spurned nature, agreeing it was too green and badly lit, but this year something appears to have shifted. Now I spend evenings coaxing cocks to grow and weekends at garden centres the size of new towns, flashing knowingly at strangers over their hopeful magnolias. A stroll on Sunday through the woods is mirrored by a scroll through social media, where blossom an
    3 points
  3. Oh God, I have to pee. Clary knew she should've went before bed, that was just a given. But sharing a hotel room with not only her girlfriend and some of her friends, despite all the work they've been doing for her bladdershyness, it still didn't really work this close to other people. So while they had all gone before turning out the lights, she suffered in silence. It was two am, no way she could go now! It was completely silent in the room, anyone would hear her get up and she really didn't want to wake anyone up. If they woke up, they'd hear her go. She whined softly at a pa
    3 points
  4. Amazing Marvellous Thank you... WOW that is impressive The love that emanates from you as you speak of it somehow flows through the screen and touches our hearts
    3 points
  5. 2 of my favorite sayings: ”Treat others how you would want to be treated.” ”You must be the change you want to see in the world.” Those 2 quotes are why I always try to be as kind as I can to others, and remain completely honest with others as I wouldn’t want to be treated any other way. Also, I would hope any of those actions might influence how someone else acts and behaves so the world could be a better place.
    3 points
  6. Pissing out of it at say 10 or 12 thousand feet would be a rush lol
    3 points
  7. MUCH harder to piss from, though!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
    3 points
  8. There was just a huge prostitution ring bust in my city. IMO if they made prostitution legal there'd be more protections put in place for the men and women who choose to partake. Thus making it safer for everyone involved.
    3 points
  9. And you will use your Cessna all year long lol
    3 points
  10. A brand new, really nicely equipped four seat Cessna is $307,000. 😂😂😂😂😂
    3 points
  11. The cost of equipment is out of this world. My tractor and airseeder together is around 1.4 million dollars. Combines are $750K
    3 points
  12. Thank you. I run case ih equipment. My quadtrac, the seeding and grain cart tractor has cruise control. I program my speed, I seed at 4.9 mph and the tractor picks the gear and rpm. It will downshift on hills. So when I set a 180 degree heading, iam on autopilot lol
    3 points
  13. Some from me, taken yesterday.
    3 points
  14. Hahahahah yes they will. Have you ever seen them jump a 4 foot high fence at a flat out run? Very impressive
    2 points
  15. DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them, once I tried to cuddle them but I just had them running away!!! So sad!!! But I learnt a lesson: if you run toward them screaming "YUUUHUUUUU WHO WANNA BE CUDDLED???" they will run away HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
    2 points
    2 points
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. We are trying to create such a world at least here in Peefans!!! And I am NOT joking!!!
    2 points
  20. Marvellous I reflect on them everyday Thank you for posting them
    2 points
  21. Word that I live by as well my friend. Imagine the world if we all lived by these words
    2 points
  22. At many airshows and fly ins, they have friendly competitions like flour bombing. Ribbon cutting. Balloon popping with the propeller. Spot landing. Stuff like that. I was practicing for a flour bombing in an airplane that didn’t have windows that open, as a Cessna does. It ended up NOT working as the door would cause the plane to yaw and slow down to a speed dangerously close to its stall speed. When I tried to speed up to stay safely above stalling speed, I was unable to open the door at all. I ended up using a borrowed Piper Cub with the side opened up. Lol. I was still complet
    2 points
  23. It's not surprising. Nine out of ten people hate their jobs and only work because they need the money to survive. I can't imagine sex work being that much different, except for the fact that it is so well paid that early retirement is much easier to achieve. It's certainly true that some of the customers are complete arseholes, and if a girl meets enough of these it will drive her away from the job. The ladies I have met were very appreciative of the fact that I was considerate of their feelings and treated them with respect and politeness. Apparently many customers are not like that.
    2 points
  24. I would be interesting from a social point of view to understand WHY people become involved in prostitution. Im sure that 99% of women DONT get involved because they like sex.If they do then its a nice bonus for them.But it will be the money that drives them in the main.Which is very sad really.Obviously men just like sex with many women as possible. I was a regular user myself long ago,and the girls i spoke to were keen to make enough money to stop selling their bodies.Sure enough,they did perhaps enjoy the sex and meeting loads of guys,but none of them seemed to think it was a wise
    2 points
  25. Tom cruiser's character in American made comes to mind lol
    2 points
  26. I doubt you could open the door. I’ve tried (not to pee, but throw something our😂😂) and the entire aircraft yawed uncontrollably to the left. I was trying to throw a large bag of flour out and hit a circle I’d mowed out in my pasture. 😂😂😂
    2 points
  27. Oh I am. She has learned to pretty much just embrace it now. Luckily she has never had any issues with wetting in public places or inconvenient times. Just lots of sudden urgency.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. I'll bet you can't wait until it's dark. Wish I lived closer to you, since it will be close to three hours until it's dark enough for me.
    2 points
  30. As do I lol. I would ask, who doesn't lol?
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. I agree I think that the core of what Fanny meant is that, in his mind, something completely lawful is something people bothered by it should shove it up their asses and keep quiet since "it's lawful" He prefers othering things to be kept such that if they I would like to state that in my opinions, even the most lawful of things should be ass-kicked by police if it turns out to be a serious problem for any reasons Public order and security should Always come #1 above&beyond what is allowed
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. Lots more lol. In time my friend. I will post many more equipment photos
    2 points
  35. My grandpa used to own trucks, too. He used to have a saying “You want me to tell you the secret to making a small fortune in trucking and farming? It’s really easy. You simply start with a large fortune.” 😂😂😂😂
    1 point
  36. Dairy farmers are hard working individuals. Starting their day at 3am isnt for the faint of heart, it's hard work You learn alot about life growing up on a farm. I've probably said this to you before, but I will say it again. Thanks for your service. Anyone who serves their country has my reapect
    1 point
  37. You can't beat the rancher and farming lifestyle if you as me. Its peaceful, it man and nature just as it should be Hell Sunday gunday is a tradition at our place lol. Sometimes its gunday during the week if iam caught up on the work for the time being lol. Freshly cut alfalfa, another breathtaking smell
    1 point
  38. I can honestly say I love being a farmer. I mean there is lots of stress, all jobs have stress. The smell of the freshly turned dirt, seeing a new day being born each morning, all the little ducklings and goslings, coyote pups and foxes running around. Just being one with the land makes it all worth while
    1 point
  39. No offtopics here One comment is obviously funny but these threads are stuff people killed and died for
    1 point
  40. I need a different pic then With a mighty lady spraying a nonetheless macho I'll see what I can find...
    1 point
  41. Hi all, my name is Rachael and I'd like to tell you about something that started for me two years ago; When I was 18 and at college I had a Saturday job at a local shop. It wasn’t a great introduction to working life. It didn’t pay well, they treated me like a general dogs-body but the main problem was the toilet. I didn't get a break as such and was expected to hold on until someone was free, but then door didn’t lock properly and it was always disgustingly filthy. I soon got into the habit of being very careful not to drink much so I could just about hold on and rush straight home afte
    1 point
  42. I take it as you are on this forum #clay6 that you enjoy your wifes accidents (which is fine) however as I know from experience she will need your support at these times. Please give her all the support she needs it is a terrible feeling when as a grown woman you wet yourself. After an accident I was really hard on myself thinking that I have toilet trained my little daughter and yet clearly I'm not. So enjoy her accidents and thanks for sharing with me but when she needs that hug be there for her. I tried for years to hide my issue and told no one. It was hard.
    1 point
  43. My wife will spray the bottom of the seat quite often too. Same reason. She has no control over where it goes when she first starts.
    1 point
  44. Your wife had my deepest sympathy I can totall epathise with her.
    1 point
  45. My wife is in her mid-40's and she has an accident about once every 2 to 3 weeks. She has flooded her panties in the driveway in front of tbe house. Very often she starts to pee before sitting down which is evident by her drips on the top of the seat. She also pees on the bottom of the toilet seat when sitting down. Many times I have lifted the seat and the bottom was drenched. I don't think it is splash back but pee spraying everywhere until the lips open up some.
    1 point
  46. So, today I was again near the buildings waiting to be demolished. I thought I would pee in a garage again and water some other stuff. However, I found that someone had broken the wooden board that covered the back entrance to one of the upstairs flats. Now, whilst I was a bit reluctant to do any breaking and entering, if someone else has done the breaking, I'm not too worried about the entering part. I squeezed past the broken board and was at the bottom of a staircase up to the flat. I stood still and listened as the last thing I wanted was to go upstairs and walk into the middle of
    1 point
  47. Sincerely, I consider a waste of good piss to pour it in the toilet ahahahahahahaha
    1 point
  48. @greedyneedygirl You are really a woman of peerless beauty
    1 point
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