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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2019 in all areas

  1. The chance to carefully select a reaction is, to me, part of the reply I am gonna write, like a link to the incoming message I really feel there cannot be reply without reaction, unless the person wrote something I really cannot endorse, or so simple that I can't decide even if replying or not To me, reactions are like face-expressions at what I just heard, before verbally replying Really cannot reply without feeling the need to first thank the other for what he/she posted, selecting the kind of reaction I deem more fitting It's so spontaneous on my side!!!
    6 points
  2. Funny, such words from one of the members I consider the most manly and unconsciously discovering they have the character to be on-a-mission themselves Unconscious doesn't work this way If obligation lasts enough, then it was secretely genuine Complete lack of genuinity brings immediate rebellion, no time for lip-service Everything this lazy humanity does is out of obligation, it's fine for me, as long as it does I just need people to realize what they can be My pics are just the salary I give you while I build my Legion I am here to find friends, n
    4 points
  3. Then how it comes somebody get so many? Anyway it's not hard: just be sure I get more! Consider it a salary for what I give… it's so sad I have to ask for something that should be given simply ou of gratitude for all the FUCK I DID FOR THIS FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just people that respect the amount of stuff I did for this place It's not that hard, come on!!! You are NOT the problem You are among the FEW THAT GIVE ME WHAT I DESERVE This place doesn't deserve me I treated it like a son, and I have been treat
    4 points
  4. I just found a vid off a youtube channel I watch here and there (they're weird, but awesome), and in this clip one of the guys has his girlfriend, a hot, kinky, weird but in a cool way redheaded girlfriend, pee while vlogging. Like, serious dream girl material... damn! Even looks exactly like the girl I used to hang out with in high school that I had a massive crush on. Wish I was him :( Fellas, if ya'll know anyone like her, put a ring on it lol
    3 points
  5. The like buttons are here for a reason, let's use them more often. If we all used them more often then who knows how many different conversations and possible new people/friends we will meet. I wish there were a few more diffrent like buttons.
    3 points
  6. Wow. I've never been brave enough to piss in a hot tub, good for you lol
    3 points
  7. The title says it all. What is (or was) your dream job? Mine is either photographer or movie director 😉
    2 points
  8. This happened last night, I feel so stupid. The family (hubby son and daughter) had spent a lovely day at a family wedding. As it was some distance from home we hired a family room for the night at a local hotel. Lovely room 1 double and 2 single beds with bathroom. We all went to bed, I usual just wear my knickers but as we shared the room with the children I wore my pjs as well. I woke up in the middle of the night, not wanting to wake anyone I crept in in the pitch black. As I felt the toilet with my toes I turned lowered my pj bottoms and underwear and hovered. As
    2 points
  9. And you are among the most good-hearted here But the topic is still open Visibility is moral authority: if people wants me here, they must put more likes to me, many more, and anyway more than to anybody else I am simply not interested in a place I cannot "use" to craft selfless-givers Self-less givers are the only kind of humans worthy of living, all Others are just parasites to this planet, all must give (pressing a button is no bid deal, isn't that?), and also all must give according to merits: the most important thing I gave you all are not my videos Is sens
    2 points
  10. @spywareonya I am glad you are reconsidering since you are a valued member here. Also your videos are very much appreciated by all who can enjoy them so please don't stop posting them. You are amazing for the amount you do for this place. I just hope you know that. 🙂
    2 points
  11. Iihihihihihihih!!!!! Kisses You are a good fella I am sorry of all this noise, but I cannot keep silent, I really long for a more intense relationship between me and people, which seems not to understand that visibility is the only un-bossy power (other kind of powers are a bit constrincting and overbearing, aren't they?) and after the heart I gave to this forum, I simply cannot accept competition I gave something which is peerless, not my pics or my videos, but the degree of affection I entitled this forum to reach in my heart I know you are skeptical with my Spiritua
    2 points
  12. YES YES!!! I just re-cycled the joke to pretend I was replying to it in an over-serious way!!!
    2 points
  13. Still dubious You guys for sure rule the world, but sometimes I am a bit scared by the power you guys give to some Dangerous stuff, like fanatics of various kinds Whoever visited my Gunpowder Club knows what I think of weapons!!! More "respect" than love, something misses to catch me, I know I deserve to be lynched for this, but sorry I prefer more violent sports!!! Like this for example Superbowl is shown on TV in my country at late night during the the week, I Always take the day free when I know it will be broadcasted ahahahahha
    2 points
  14. In a moment so dire, being so taken away from the forum was not a good thing In my case it was due to a switch in the Holding that controls my line… I use some hacker stuff to ensure serenity but I still anyway rely on the standard network so when it is fucked, I am too
    2 points
  15. Nobody is perfect But you are amazing Your good heart kknows no boundaries But I have had employement shit, relatives at home, problems with internet (offline from thursday to saturday) and I was also sad all of this is happening I AM sorry
    2 points
  16. Apologies. But I am insecure in my friendships sometimes, having been let down so often by those who seemed very close friends. One from the past - a member who years ago posted here under the name Angelgirl - I lent money to and took to be a very close friend but she immediately unfriended me and blocked me when I asked for it back upon discovering she'd saved $5000. So others in the past have abused my good nature which makes me insecure. You see, offsite I have no means of contacting you. No means of reaching out. For as long as that is the case our friendship opera
    2 points
  17. I understand deeply, likes to you are more a political action when something REALLY stuns you, it's a fitting way to use them, indeed to be sincere I had considered it, my push was to react to everything but considered to hold back for that reason as I can absolutely understand, do you wanna know why in the end I chosed to follow my instinct and react that way? Because I think patrolling is part of Good, and that nobody will ever believe Good rules this world unless we exert the power to make it go the way we want I patrol the likes people receive, and use my freedom to press
    2 points
  18. I definitely understand that, and I like that attitude. It's certainly fine to do that. But different people use them in different ways I guess (if they even use them at all). Personally my default position isn't to react to most posts, even though I appreciate and quite like pretty much everything I read here. It's not that I'm deliberately not liking something, I just wouldn't have time to do that, so it tends to be posts where I'm more directly involved or don't have time to reply but still want to show my appreciation, or a post that particularly grabs my attention as being great/uniq
    2 points
  19. I've been out and about recently and had the opportunity to leave some puddles behind in fitting rooms. It really in strange how your body immediately tells you "Wow, this is such a perfect place to go!" Like I felt like I could have peed in both fitting rooms lol. But they were both concrete and there were people around outside of me. So it was no go. But man, I'm gonna need to go again cause this weight is falling off of me fast. I've gone down two jean sizes since like December and I still need new clothes. I will have to keep you updated lol. The sears near me is closing too, maybe I'
    2 points
  20. Spyware we love you.If you feel you need to go,then that is fine your decision,you dont have to explain.We will miss you,but please stay where you are loved and respected.x
    2 points
  21. Office jobs are the worst! I've had a few of them, the routine that comes with them kills you internally after a while
    2 points
  22. Hello Members, You may have/have not read about the new regulations that are being introduced here in the UK in a month or so time. This regulation is designed to stop young people from accessing pornography on the internet. Basically you will have to prove that you are twenty one years of age if you want to access 'commercial' porn sites. I have two daughters, both of them over 18 who have viewed pornography on-line and have stated that any age verification will not work, as there are always loop-holes and they have downloaded music and films without paying for them. Personally I think that m
    2 points
  23. Soldier i don't wanna sit at a desk all day or do any other "normal" work stuff i rather run around in the woods and do tactical shooting drills etc
    2 points
  24. I like the idea - sort of like the 'pinned tweet' feature of twitter. I'll take a look at what's possible, although I don't think status updates are used by the vast majority of people, and so if there's anything important you want people to see I'd definitely recommend posting it on the forum instead. 🙂
    2 points
  25. If you ever decide to do something live again we have a thread for live action 🙂 I hope to see you there!
    2 points
  26. Then stay here with us. To all the main community members, you are far more than simply "around". You are a central part of our little family. This place would never be the same without you. You have touched our lives and changed them for the better. You have certainly touched my life
    2 points
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