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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2019 in Posts

  1. felt naughty last night. so yay for you. 😇
    5 points
  2. While I disagree with having two chats, I do like the idea of the ignore feature being more known. There are a few chatters who just seem oblivious, never learn and are as subtle as a bulldozer. I won't be using the feature personally because I feel it would be irresponsible as a moderator, I'd hate to potentially miss abuse because I had the user on ignore! I feel this is a nice compromise, you can ignore the people who irritate you while still allowing everyone freedom to chat.
    3 points
  3. In your ignore settings, you can choose to ignore a member in chat only, along with four other options. Simply click 'Chat' and their posts will not show up when you're logged in. Done! 🙂
    3 points
  4. So the company for whom I work for has decided to make room for achieves, filing documents until the new sector opens. A while ago, I had to search info for a client which took longer because anyone who does filing in their job knows how fustrating it can be when there are no labels on the boxes and the file your looking for is misplaced. While there... I needed to go pee. Now please understand. The people who designed this place didn't think of everything because to access a sink or bathroom, we need to walk down the hallway, take the elevator to the main floor and walk about, i am not g
    2 points
    2 points
  6. I'd say that's a large🙂😜 though everything seems large compared to mine😂😂
    2 points
  7. I did this one again, I've been busy😂😂 So I was driving home and I did have to pee but could have easily made it home without much issue. But then I saw a turnoff for a very rural road that's no traveled much and went on it sipping my tea as I went. The road was still completely paved it just was very seldomly traveled and was the perfect location to try this again. I drove on the road sipping my tea until I felt my bladder getting very very full and finally pulled over in fear of getting my car wet. On the side of the road to add another element of danger I completely stripped down
    2 points
  8. I was kind of in a kinky mood a few days ago and as I walked into the bathroom of the library I remembered this and kind of wanted to do it. I was wearing black jeans and a black long sleeve shirt so hopefully even if my wet panties got my jeans wet no one would notice. The bathroom was completely empty so I chose a stall and pulled down my jeans. I had about a medium urge to pee. I had held it a little longer than normal but I wasn't desperate. When I sat down I let go and a hissing sound filled my ears as my panties became damp. I felt and saw my wet spot grow as I peed and heard the patteri
    2 points
  9. I masturbate mostly in my room, on my bed. I absolutely have to watch pee videos to get myself going and even then it can be quite a long process as I often get distracted lol! I do sometimes randomly get horny (suppose it’s the effect of going 4 years without sex!) so I’ll try to deal with that as soon as it comes up, as it tends to feel much better than just deciding I’ll be sitting down to do it. top secret: I’m actually masturbating right now!
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. So, the other night I held my pee for a few hours and decided to take to have a bit of fun! I sat on the edge of the bath, put a towel down and let it all out! I took a video and converted it into a gif which I’ve added in here as well 🙂 the gif does work, you may need to give it a moment to load!
    1 point
  12. Happened a fair bit ago that I went on a trip with a group of ~40 to a water park. Just about an even gender split on a 3 or 4 hour drive, made longer because the driver missed the obvious stop (there was a water slide that went above the tree line. I pointed it out and nobody listened) and went more than 20 minutes before turning around and hitting traffic on the way back. The bus was not one with air conditioning. And, again, it was quite a drive. In the summer. We drank a lot. This bus also lacked on-board toilets. You can see the issue that resulted. Pretty much the whole bu
    1 point
  13. Alright... Not to name names, but there's a few members here that are still asking 'Anyone need to wee' or 'Anyone gotta piss' or 'Anyone wanna hold.' I know some of these people have been warned a few times by mods/admins but maybe we've gotten to the point where we need 2 different chats. One for people that want to talk about nothing but piss and holds all day and for people that don't want to be asked about piss holding or bladder holding or 'needing to piss.' This has been an issue multiple times for awhile now and i'm sorry if i'm being harsh about this but multiple members are ext
    1 point
  14. So this story isn't entirely pee but the pee element wouldn't really make sense without the rest. So idk if I've actually said this on here before but I'm in a drawing class yet i still suck at drawing so rip. This story begins in Septemberish when I joined my drawing class. Another student joined as well and so we sat down next to each other at a table as the new people. She had long red hair, blue eyes, and was super nice as was pretty much everyone there. We started talking and kind of got to know each other a little bit. For this story I'm going to say her name is Brooke. Over
    1 point
  15. Hi folks, for all those who've commented on the previous Lucy story chapters, I couldn't keep you in suspense too long could I? If you haven't read the earlier parts, you definitely should. After Lucy discovered her fascination with the golden nectar, a day out with boyfriend Steve turned somewhat sour. Time to turn to the help of a friend and share her problem... Chapter Seven - Part One Jenny walked across the pub’s beer garden and placed a large glass of Chardonnay down in front of Lucy, whilst taking a sip from her own spritzer. “Here you are” she said to Lucy,
    1 point
  16. my stomach feels very full right now xD
    1 point
  17. also im kind of lazy right now xD sorry 😞
    1 point
  18. Excellent build up! Now we know there's more to come!
    1 point
  19. Feels good right?! I tend to be too scared to do that and I just end up pulling clothes down to mid thigh and sitting on the passenger door lip with both side doors open and peeing like that!
    1 point
  20. Thanks for sharing. Very hot
    1 point
  21. I'm thinking there's a small enough population of chatters (chatters?) anyway, without splitting off. Most people do chat about the everyday sort of stuff - there's a great conversation right now - I'm happy to reply gently but firmly to any one-trick pony comments, perhaps if we all do that? Nothing offensive, just expressing that it's not of interest and not helpful?
    1 point
  22. If people wish to say they have been holding for 15 hours they are more than welcome to. This is a pee site after all. People enjoy different aspects of the fetish and if they find desperation fun, so be it.
    1 point
  23. I find i can masturbate when any of our lovely ladies post pics of themselves peeing...😋
    1 point
  24. Thanks for clarifying @2prnot2p 🙂 I've added a link to the ignore page at the top of the chat, so hopefully this will be a nice balance of not censoring people, but at the same time allowing people to control who they chat with and avoid the type of messages they understandably don't want. Hopefully a better solution than two chats, as I feel that might confuse people further. And of course, we don't want to remove pee chat from the main chat completely, we just don't want 'need a pee?' asked every single day out of nowhere. 😛
    1 point
  25. I agree with all of the above - I'm not online constantly by any means, and very often just for fleeting check-ins. The chatroom and online user list is generally the first place I'll look upon logging in. Most often I won't recognise a single username -- not as a forum or chat contributor. Of course there's nothing wrong with that, but I'm generally less inclined to start a chat when it's likely to just be a lonely 'Hi' followed three hours later by another 'Hi'. If you see me online feel free to chat up - we will cover something more than just 'Hi, what's the weather like' and I pr
    1 point
  26. Oh Speedy, you must go! It's incredible! For you, it's a long trip, but only a few hours by car for me. The first time, I made it in 4 hours and we stopped for a half-hour for lunch. I'm in Detroit, right near the border with Ontario. I promise, you'll be so glad you went. 🙂
    1 point
  27. I lost it! About 70% made it into the toilet and the rest the bathroom floor and my pyjama shorts! Ooops!
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. I am seriously gonna lose this in a minute I think xP
    1 point
  30. I really have to go right now I'm trying to hold it in but I don't think I'll last much longer😬
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Good luck!! Think dry thoughts!
    1 point
  33. I just leaked a lot😬😬😬😬
    1 point
  34. Like I’m about five minutes off rolling around to try and keep it in! Lol, I don’t know how you’re doing it! 😂
    1 point
  35. My name's Sophie and I'm writing to share last night's experience with you. I hope the picture my boyfriend took of me isn't too rude - but I'm still buzzing this morning, so feeling brave enough to post it. To give you a bit of background, I'm 31 and teach in a high school near my home in Yorkshire. Now you'll understand why I can't show my face on the picture. When I was with my first boyfriend I discovered how much of a thrill I get from holding, but he thought I was a freak. Good riddance to him, my fiancé Mark is so much better. In fact he can't get enough and he's such a darli
    1 point
  36. Reminds me of two occasions - both of which I've probably reported here but: Once whilst travelling for work I was on a train that had those electrially controlled toilet doors. You press a button to open the door. Once inside you press a button to close the door - or if nobody presses the button the door closes itself. Once closed, you press the lock button, the door locks and there is a display at the end of the carriage seating area which shows "Toilet" and once it is locked, it says "Occupied" next to it. The toilet is designed to be large enough for a wheelchair user. The button
    1 point
  37. my thong from a few days ago.
    1 point
  38. Last year when I was going through my student placements, my staff room was absolutely ages away from any bathrooms. I’d end up holding my wee for ages and then finally unleash after four hours or so of holding. On the plus side, it let me get pictures like this that I’m happy to share with you 🙂
    1 point
  39. i was alone in the breakroom at work. so this happened.
    1 point
  40. when i took it off before getting in the shower
    1 point
  41. I like the odd pee at the side of the road by the car myself. Can be easy to do in the dark for practice too if you are going to try it
    1 point
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