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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2018 in Posts

  1. One year after high school I was DDing for my parents' friends while they went out to a party and since they weren't supposed to need a ride until after midnight I decided to hold and wet my pants while they were gone. around 11 they called and said their friend got sick and needed a ride home and would give me $50 to pick her up. I decided to do the good deed and hold my pee a little longer. Fast forward to driving back home after dropping the lady off and I am so desperate to pee I accidentally sped on a road I was unfamiliar with and got pulled over by the cop. luckily he immediately asked
    3 points
  2. We aren't offended by penis's that's not St all what's going on. But that's like introducing yourself to someone with a doc pic. As a girl I like it when guys are flirty but I find it weird and a huge turn off if they just show their penis right away. We are a very close community and we like to share parts of this kink with each other but we aren't pornhub. Find a photo you like or something you really connect to. You could always make your own avatar as well, just don't use a penis. We aren't mad at you or offended, we just want to guide you in the right direction to become an integral
    3 points
  3. https://peefans.com/topic/7910-site-rules/?do=findComment&comment=116533 5. Please consider and respect the views of others - for example, if several members request you remove your avatar for a reasonable reason (e.g. extreme content). As I can remember it was Admin's request not to use cocks, cunts etc. as avatars
    2 points
  4. Always remember, there are more than three thousand million people in the world who have below average intelligence. There will always be someone who does not appreciate you. Even among the above average people, there are many with bad manners, and many who get pleasure from whining, criticising or being cruel. It is best not to care what other people think. To thine own self be true. Be glad of those who like you, and ignore the rest if you can.
    2 points
  5. I was mowing the lawn and needed a quick low profile pee , I must admit it felt nice and before you know it !!
    2 points
  6. Feeling naughty at my local the other night. Went to the ladies but didn't use the toilet. I was hydrated btw was drinking energy drink before.
    1 point
  7. This was my last outdoor pee. About 15 minutes ago
    1 point
  8. "Alright two more beers, coming up," Maia said with a smile, grabbing two more glasses. It was another long night at the bar, but she couldn't help but be in a good mood. She had gotten an A on an exam, the subway wasn't late, and no one has caused any trouble yet. What more could she ask for? Maybe a bathroom break. The second she got to work it's been nonstop, not getting a single break. On top of that, customers always want to have a drink with her, and alcohol really always makes her have to go. But she could make it, she knew she could. After shifts like this she always peed ex
    1 point
  9. G'day all. We are no longer living in a 3some relationship. Mary, who we've loved and lived with for the last 13 years, has called it quits and has moved back to Scotland to live with her ailing sister. She is 39 and apparently wants a baby, something that Maigh and I had no interest in. This started a rather bitter fight that resulted in her parting, and leaving the country. She left her phone on the bed, blocked us from Facebook, the usual spiteful last word things. We are getting things sorted, both of us have been rather blown away over the entire thing. Maigh has been inconsola
    1 point
  10. Do you find people with glasses less attractive than people without glasses? In my personal opinion I think glasses can be really cute and add character to a person's face but I'm also biased since I wear glasses🤷🤷🤷
    1 point
  11. I was in Cambridge last night and took advantage to have a wander round to see the “sights”. It was raining steadily, so not the best night but it was Halloween and quite a lot of people out. I had 10 genuine sightings and at least three that I knew peed but I didn’t see the act. First sighting was when a young lady and her man crossed the road from a nightclub queue and went down a path that leads to a car park. They. went all way down side of car park and round the corner. I followed at a distance and rounder the corner just in time to catch The tail end of her squatted down and was
    1 point
  12. Felt like being a bit naughty
    1 point
  13. Perhaps in this kind of game,females could be given a maybe 4 inch handicap,to compensate for lack of a longer urethra.Or penis....😉
    1 point
  14. Who can pee the highest. Men and women pee against the nearest wall. On this one men and women would have to have separate categories because men have an anatomical advantage. They can aim upwards more easily. But it would be a lot of fun to observe the ladies standing and pissing against the wall.
    1 point
  15. This ritual was to harness the terrible powers manifesting on Earth on these days, but I really acknoledged that it had been better to let them just pass… I channeled them in my life and it was turned upside down to a point that is really hard to remain skeptical about the existence of the supernatural after this...
    1 point
  16. I love the Beatles! I've been listening to them ever since I was a little. I was like raised on the Beatles and across the universe.
    1 point
  17. Although my head was in too bad a bad place for this, I am curious. Had I been in the right frame of mind for all this, what would the ritual have achieved? What effect would it have had on me or my life? Would Lilith have contacted me again?
    1 point
  18. I used to do this.It is a bit of a leap of faith,that you are getting what you pay for.I did find one genuine girl that lived near me as a student,i played clever and promised to pay double but she had to not meet me as such but just go to a place where i could see her without meeting so i could see she was who she said she was.She agreed and i cancelled because she was willing to do this i knew she was real..She would send me selfies etc....Of course you ask them worn to your taste.Either they might wet them,or i preferred them just lightly worn kind of.Just slept in so they just had a slight
    1 point
  19. Why would anyone buy panties that have been peed in? Okay, let's assume that they are real and genuine. All you're going to smell is ammonia! You will have purchased panties that smell like cat urine. Then, there's the likelihood that they aren't authentic. So, either way, why would anyone buy these? Yet, I see them on the web. Just another 'hmm' moment, I suppose.
    1 point
  20. Riley, I don't know your age, but I assume you're young. Do yourself a favour. Download, borrow, or buy one Beatles album...either Rubber Soul or Revolver. They're both wonderful. Give them a few listens and then post back here when you're done. Thanks! 🙂
    1 point
  21. Fanny Watcher, I learned at a very early age that if someone is right, don't argue. I couldn't agree with you more. Rap is NOT music. It's a drum machine with words 'spoken' over it, plain and simple. No need for melody, harmony, musicianship, or... talent, for that matter! Musically, we have regressed in the last 30 years. Oh boy, I'm gonna get some hate mail on this one! So be it. LOL!
    1 point
  22. with me its more what i hate rather than i like. I hate stuff like EMINEM(he shouts over a kind of musical backing).ALL what is known as "R&B",to me "R&B" is Carl Perkins,Chuck Berry etc,but nowadays its Kanye West,Snoop Dog ad nauseum....Anything that is the product of a "talent show" like X Factor etc...Basically anything produced post 1999..
    1 point
  23. Sorry for not responding, @spywareonya. I have sent you some PMs. I am just very distracted at the moment due to going through a bad patch in my personal life.
    1 point
  24. Yes, he was in Procol Harum for their first five albums. His playing with them and after is wonderful!
    1 point
  25. I posted it in hopes that someone would enjoy it. I posted it so..if someone was having a rough day.. maybe my story could make them smile. maybe they could get 'lost' in another world like the writing made me feel. also... in hopes that.. maybe they'd find a character they could relate to. basically they are love stories... it's always... lead female has a difficult life... and the lead male saves her in some way. and makes everything perfect for her. That's all i feel comfortable saying.
    1 point
  26. It's true! I am a man. It's occurring to me that I might've wanted to explicitly say so in the opening post, although hopefully the reference to my swimming trunks will prevent any straight guys from getting a mistaken boner about it. 😋 I've heard it often said that in England, you get something like one week of proper sunshine in the summer and then it's right back to the gloomy gray usual. I feel like that would encourage people to swim indoors a lot more, which also means they might swim in public pools more. Here in America, outdoor backyard pools are pretty much a way of life, but be
    1 point
  27. Thank you, everyone. I don't think this will ever be fixed, Maigh thinks it started when the were both in Scotland a couple of months ago, Mary was on the phone a lot, whispered conversations she kept from Maigh. Mary even left Maigh one night, no explanations, just went out and never returned to the hotel until the next morning. We are pretty sure her sister has put her up to this. Maigh is getting a little better, nights still get her down, thinks about things we used to do. There is a rather large hole in our lives, but we are working on getting over it. Thank you all, agai
    1 point
    1 point
  29. I'll just say this with truly no offense intended at all. I'll take the words of several Buddhist monks AND the Dalai Lama over yours when it comes to anything that pertains to Buddhism. Fair enough? 🙂
    1 point
  30. I'm the same way. It doesn't have to be like crystal clear but I do like lighter shades rather than yellow
    1 point
  31. I was skeptical since the beginning about this ritual Not because I think you guys are beginners, but because there was too little time actually I am almost glad nobody answered: at this point, I officially declare that I won't go any further in detailing it, this actual thread remains open for questions but I won't go on with the ritual explainations A kiss to you all
    1 point
  32. Mine started very very young. I never was a bedwetter or anything like that but I remember being so fascinated with the ideas of nappies for seemingly no reason. My mother childminded for years while I was small and one of her kids was going through potty training so I was there seeing her learn to pee in the potty. She never wanted mum to help her, she always wanted me, so I saw her pee all the time. When we got older, I helped her transition to the toilet and for some reason, when we played together, we were very open about our peeing needs. We’d often pee openly in front of each other while
    1 point
  33. it was so peaceful last night, i only put on socks and a jacket to have cocoa on the porch. i guess i shouldn't have been surprised as much as i was, but 2 bicyclists rode by and i didn't have time to react, sooo they may have had a glimpse of my muffin. like since i was sitting how i am in the middle pic when they went by. 😳😇
    1 point
  34. The other day I decided to hold my pee for fun so I drank a lot of soda and watched videos of girls wetting and when I couldn’t hold it much longer I got a towel and folded it up. I put it on the ground and straddled it. I was sitting with my crotch pressed against the towel and I had to go so bad I was shaking. I pushed the towel against me and let go for a few seconds. My pee was warm and it felt so good but I decided to lay down on the carpet with the towel folded up underneath me. I was laying flat and face down when I released my bladder again. I soaked through my panties and pressed the
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. "See? I told you this was the perfect time to go to the movies," Izzy said, squeezing Clary's hand as they entered the theater. She had to admit, she was right. Outside of a few other people, the room was empty. Which really was the best time to go. No one around, they were free to laugh and react how they wanted to. Or make out if they got bored. "Fine, you're right," Clary agreed, taking her seat about half way up the rows. She put her large drink in the cupholder next to her and took a sip once Izzy sat down, getting comfortable for the movie. They didn't get to go out much, and
    1 point
  37. Showing of the wife. Lol
    1 point
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