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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2018 in Posts

  1. On Saturday I attended a large outdoor music festival.I may have mentioned this in a previous post and had hoped to get some good sightings.I wasn't disappointed.The day was warm and sunny and the music was fantastic.A great atmosphere with lot's of alcohol being drunk and people enjoying themselves.As I was driving,,I had to stick to the soft stuff and water.After watching a few bands,I wandered off to get something to eat.Once I got my food I found a perfect spot not far from the long queues for the portaloos which had by now built up.After a short while a woman probably in her 40's appeared
    3 points
  2. Recently I was at a nudist beach in the Canaries. As I was getting out of the sea a naked lady in her late 30's was running down the beach towards the sea. She was fairly well endowed and she was running directly towards me. When I first noticed her she had one hand between her legs and her breasts were bouncing up and down quite heavily. She put her free hand onto one of her breasts to try to stop the bouncing quickly followed by her hand that was between her legs onto her other breast. This was rapidly followed by spurts of pee coming from between her legs which continued all the way un
    3 points
  3. WIZZ AIR, We really take the piss
    3 points
  4. Really need to try out PIZZ AIR someday 😄
    2 points
  5. I understand and agree with you. If would have been on a plane called WIZZ AIR, I mean common, I would have peed as well except, probably knowing myself, there would be some all over the place.
    2 points
  6. This was back in my senior year of college and I was out one night with my friend Ashley leaving a party. Ashley and I were friends from the college radio station since her show was on right before mine, I asked for her number and we had started to go out frequently. We had also just started having sex recently, she was a virgin so we were taking it slow. Ashley was totally my type; she was 5'11", voluptuous features, C cup bust, and a toned, full-figured butt. We were headed back to the house her and her fellow journalism major friends rented just a few blocks from campus. Ashley, neve
    1 point
  7. So I filled up on some water and took off of course with another big water bottle with me. I went on finding naughty places to pee, it was a cold evening. I had a pair of black leggings on and no undies. First I went to a dunkin donuts and i let loose by the sink the edge of the toilet than walked out. Went down to the gas station and noticed there was already a puddle and piss on the seat so I added to it, than I went to the grocery store, there were 2 stalls so I went on the first one sat on the edge and pissed odd hitting the door I saved some went to the next one squatted and went in front
    1 point
  8. We've been away, trail walking in The Grampians (the Victoria Australia one) and decided to do a 4 hour hike to a waterfall, 2 hours in, make the appropriate ooh ahh noises at the rather spectacular waterfall, then a 2 hour walk back out again. Everything was fine, lots of wildlife: small wallabies, some Eastern Grey Kangaroos and a multitude of the most noisy birds on the planet. Weather was cold, but no rain, and we saw several other groups at different times. We were about 20 min from the waterfall when we met a group of 4 girls walking back out, they started giggling and laughing as they
    1 point
  9. So after a long wait here comes part 7. Thanks to Wetwulf and everybody else for commenting and wanted to read more. So I hope the wait has been worth it. Enjoy. After Linda and Jenny changed clothes. Both in dresses now. Was in the supermarket. Looking for something they could put on the grill. - Mom. What about chicken? - I don´t know. I´m not sure I want chicken today. - Yeah, now when you say it. I don´t think I want it either. But lets take a classic. A big steak. - Yes that´s perfect. And leats make some fries. - Thats great. Some salad please.
    1 point
  10. After making some arrangements, it was for sure that Susan was going to spend the night with the siblings. Janice agreed to let Susan borrow some of her night clothes if necessary and even a change of clothes for tomorrow. As they talked, Tommy stepped down the hall. All three girls peered at him, smiling. They could also see that Susan could not hide the redness in her face. “You sly dog,” Janice said. Tommy grinned, and he surprised all of them by taking a seat on the couch right next to Susan. She looked shocked until he touched her hand and she slipped her fingers between his. “S
    1 point
  11. It's about time I started sharing some of the pee experiences I've had. Unfortunately, I do not have a ton of stories to share, but a few that come to mind right now all involved one particular person I used to know. She was someone I used to work with (I'll call her Sarah in this post) and we ended up bonding and started to hang out outside of work. She was a social butterfly and a party animal, and while I'm quite the opposite, it was very fun to travel at her speed from time to time, even if it could get exhausting. She was also from the south, which evidently meant that she had no qualms a
    1 point
  12. I shall shortly be taking my annual holiday in Greece. I love the Greek people, and going there will remind me of an old website dedicated to 'pissing', called 'Athen's Girls'. I would never have associated Greece with pornography, let alone the depiction of urolagnia. For me pornography seemed more closely related to Northern European yet we know that the Greeks were rather fond of perversity in Ancient times. So, along came 'Athen's Girls' back in 2001/02 and here is a wonderful young woman called 'Angel'. The series starts with a unique take on the wet T shirt, and I love the 'yellowing' of
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  13. i think i've started. actually, i'm quite sure. but the bed feels sooooo nice right now, and i'm so tired, i haven't even tried to check. 😐
    1 point
  14. I work for some airlines, and just clearing up that airlines won't let you use the toilets (that i'm aware of) during refuelling and will also tell you that you shouldn't have your seatbelts on and no smoking. This is because if there is any emergencies during the refuelling phase, all passengers need to be evacuated as soon as possible and if everyone was busy with unbuckling the seatbelts or in the toilets, etc, it would cause chaos trying to get everyone out. Side note: I'd find it really hard to pretend not to be aroused if one of our lady passengers just pissed on the floor of our p
    1 point
  15. These girls were in mid to late 20's, probably drove the silver Audi that was in the carpark. Possibly the first time out of the city alone, lol. Never seen so much designer Lycra or expensive runners in one place.
    1 point
  16. It could have been sexual on some level but is at least as likely to have been immature humour at the very thought of people being grossed out by something they'd done. Sometimes the very wrongness of something combined with the rank audacity of it can be funny to those whose humour has never fully grown up. I can understand that concept with naughty pissing where there is also a sexual element. But the amusement aspect can exist without the sexual aspect. At school I knew this kid who once thought it would be funny to take a dump in the bike sheds. The gross wrongness of it combined with
    1 point
  17. I like this story. More sibling debauchery, plz. But if you need to, by all means take a break and write something about Kiki and her mum. 😛
    1 point
  18. Lol. This has upset the cabin crew mostly, it's not like she did it in the main cabin. The question I asked was who filmed it? Was it an elaborate set up? I've never heard of a toilet being locked when an aircraft is being refuelled. Last time we stopped at Dubai, the entire aircraft was emptied, we were herded like a flock of sheep into the terminal for 90 min.
    1 point
  19. I can understand some of what you say, we have left our share of puddles at more places we can count, and we like doing it, but due to the very nature of pee, after a few hours, or one rain shower, it's pretty much gone. Our backyard has had lots too, we have people over, walking on the very grass we peed on, and we are thinking 'if they only knew' lol. There is no smell, no evidence of what we did is left behind, but we still know what happened. Is this the same kind of feeling that these girls got? Knowing what they left behind, and not the rudeness of it? The other thing that Mary aske
    1 point
  20. Actually, it has happen to me several times really. After a while, there is so much pain a person can take.
    1 point
  21. HAHAHAHAH I actually sent that picture to my friend and she replied in Italian, which I had no idea what she said LOLOL her translation was, she would tell her man to be that he can now go his football weekend and take that weekend off to make appointments at the salon
    1 point
  22. Said from a man who got the literary capability of a million-copies novelist
    1 point
  23. Tell me too, so I'll ask for employement there… a kiss on the lips Seph… not exactly those on your face...
    1 point
  24. I have never stumbled across this, and I utterly understand how you feel In my mind, this is among the deepest reflection I usually make about our fetishes Urine is sterile in the first 30 minutes after emission, but after that, it becomes polluted, because is so rich in nutrients that bacteria consider it a five-star hotel We piss where we shouldn't, I personally do that very often, and Always ask myself about being the one pranked In my case, the thing is terribly complicated Because my most dirty and twisted side, remember with a vertigo-inducing sensation those old
    1 point
  25. Guess who went on the lake and got a topless sun tan ? This girl !! lolol Yesterday was a beautiful day and my best friend and her to be husband which I am the maid of honor and she has 6 brides maid.. Wow thats a lot. I have a feeling this is going to be a big wedding, plus they are Italian. However this is another story, so I went on the lake and at one point we had stopped, jumped in the water, came back on the boat, my BF had taken off her top and laid on her back so I decided, why not, let give these white ladies a tan. I was not shy because her man has seen them a few times before
    1 point
  26. Now an imagination game!!! Guess what's under my hat?????
    1 point
  27. Helloooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Nancy!!! Nice to meet you!!!
    1 point
  28. Nice... sexy and interesting...🤩
    1 point
  29. isn't that bothering when it happens?🤣
    1 point
  30. I love it. Thanks for sharing and I hope you get to enjoy something similar again soon. I peed in a multi-story carpark stairwell on Sunday, but that was as far as it went this weekend for me.
    1 point
  31. and people loves you because of that
    1 point
  32. This all happened going in to my senior year of high school at the very end of summer. We always had this large block party in my neighborhood to end the warmer months and plenty of neighbors my age were all around. I had noticed my buddies sister Natalia at the party and I had to admit she was looking pretty good. She had come up to me and asked if I wanted to play volleyball with them which I happily accepted. We had all been playing volleyball in our neighbors yard for a good hour or two so we were all very hot being in the sun for so long. The whole time I noticed Natalia was chugging
    1 point
  33. This happened about three weeks ago. I was sitting at a table around a swimming pool at a holiday complex. Two tables from me was a mixed group of late forty to fifty year olds who obviously knew each other and, I think, had been there a while. There was a lot of half full and empty beer glasses (plastic) on the table. One of the ladies attempted to stand up but had difficulty maintaining her balance. One of the men then got up and helped the lady maintain her balance. The lady was speaking loudly but not in English so I could not understand what she was saying and she was frantically po
    1 point
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