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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2018 in all areas

  1. The ex wife and I have been working things out. She was over Saturday night. I made a comment to her about peeing in my mouth. She was drinking some wine she had at the house from her birthday earlier this month. She also drank water which she often does so I knew she’d have to go after a while. She also has no problem using me, my mouth, or the floor for relief. During some intimacy in the guest bedroom she mentioned having to pee. I told her my mouth was available as it always is. I laid out on the floor with my head right at the foot of the bed. The room was dark except for the light f
    3 points
  2. Yesterday (Sunday) when I got home from church there was a massage on my answer phone from a neighbour, I returned there call and was asked if I could go and look at her daughters toilet as it would not flush, I said that I would after I had had my lunch. So after lunch I picked up some tools and went down to the daughters house. She let me in and we walked along the passage, passed the back door to the yard through the kitchen door passed the kitchen window with the kitchen sink and into the bathroom door. The toilet was full to the brim with water, it was blocked not that it would not flus
    2 points
  3. Oh my Goddess this is PARADASS!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!
    2 points
  4. I recently discovered this site, quite by accident: https://stripchat.com/ Again a mix of professional, (you can tell by the makeshift sets, designed to look like domestic spaces) or genuine homes and apartments. Sometimes you can see women camming from cars and public transport. Women make money from tokens, so it is a form of prostitution, with the majority filmed live in countries like Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Romania. I have discussed this in part, in my post on the female orgasm. Many women fake 'ejaculation', by offering 'squirting' when it's most likely to be piss.
    2 points
  5. Many of these similarities are what I call "CO-co-incidental" because they are incidental or simply coincidence, but also not, let me explain Witchcraft relies on Entities, and Entities, though being NOT the personification of human archetypes, are indeed quite similar to them, and sometimes uses them as masks to present Themselves to humans because of this, every author delving in his own unconscious even without studying stuff, will un-avoidably ends up producing stuff which is similar to the Gods, because it is archetypical Witchcraft is NOT a religion of archetypes, but inde
    1 point
  6. On going through this thread, I'm struck by the similarities with the striking resemblances to some movies and books. The Spider - Lord of the Rings Conan, The Barbarian Even a loose link to Harry Potter (Unicorn is eaten, not a deer) Have all of these authors been associated with this too?
    1 point
  7. I can verify this one, I cannot remember how many times I've done this, or how many times the girls have done it to me, getting so into it, then being told to stop, and go on her. The feeling is almost overpowering, and the orgasmic finale is always the most intense.
    1 point
  8. I love it. The more the better. Once she starts I want her to keep spraying until she’s done. Starting and stopping is sexy but not as sexy as a straight stream, splashing, pooling, and running all over.
    1 point
  9. So sexy, great collection of pics...
    1 point
  10. AAhaaaa, well.... let's see what others are saying....
    1 point
  11. OK is a bit complicated for me but these are kind of things I have too much respect of to chit-chat about it
    1 point
  12. I don’t mind. We just rushed into things which I told her some years ago which she still pushed anyway. Now she realizes and we both have grown. But sometimes people just don’t get along, no matter how attracted you are to them or how much you may love them. This isn’t one of those cases though. I do have an ex girlfriend who her and I have a relationship like that. She is referred in a few of my stories.
    1 point
  13. What is the better posture for women to cover a long distance ? I mean the flow of pee stream.
    1 point
  14. All about getting up and dusting yourself down...and start new chapters.. You'll be fine and before long new stories will be here for ourvreading and pleasure.. I love this site...
    1 point
  15. You must carry on explaining the scene..very intrigued to know more
    1 point
  16. Especially when totally naked and feeling that breeze....as well as other things....
    1 point
  17. Growing up we moved to a terraced house close by to the centre of town, my room overlooked the street with a row of houses to the left on the opposite side of the road, then a 60s built community centre and a pub on the crossroads, then I could just about see a row of shops off to the right. Up until then I had seen my contemporaries and even the odd bloke peeing outside on occasion, but had never seen a grown woman do so and assumed they just held on longer, I'd seen puddles on the pavement and assumed them to be men's. One night I was up reading or something when I heard a group of people w
    1 point
  18. I feel quite opposite and love to pee AND masturbate outside.. Normally in local woods. The thought if being seen excites me even more
    1 point
  19. Lots of good stuff here. Thank you all. My horsey story goes back to 1992. I had recently started my first job after university and part of this included training in small groups. This was a two year training programme that involved being split into groups of six newcomers who would have a mentor. We worked on developing various skills in our own time and then once a month would get together in a hotel to discuss progress and do presentations and the like. My mentor was thankfully a gorgeous lady called Pippa with lovely breasts and a superb backside that seems to be quite common w
    1 point
  20. i like Dixie Comet aswell she has a nice pussy and feet 😁
    1 point
  21. And I simply ADORE this!!! Daring and happy!!!!!
    1 point
  22. Oh, what a wonderful day... naked female friends and Nature... really need something like this...
    1 point
  23. Oh... ...this left me speechless Beside trouts (I LOVE FISHING!!!!!) these places can really enlight a heart... thank you!!!
    1 point
  24. Oh, I love these places, they are both adventurous and romantic!!! Grass and trees everywhere... love love love!!!
    1 point
  25. Places like this holds powerful forces The constant streaming water generates and liberates great amount of quantistic energies, perfectly conveyed by the actual H2O (among the best conveyor of energy) and the overall trees Among the best places of the world...
    1 point
  26. Oh WOW this is marvellous Really my mood is getting better!!!
    1 point
  27. Oh My Goddess this landscape makes me dream... I can see knights riding all around in ancient times, and fairies hiding in the little bushes, afraid but curious...
    1 point
  28. Mediterranean seaturtle I saw one of them in an Aquarium, and though I couldn't directly interact with it, I can swear to you all she (it was a female) was the cutest and most gentle creature I have ever seen!!! Plus it was HUGE!!!
    1 point
  29. Do you allow another question that may sounds rude but is indeed asked with the utmost humility and embarass? If the two of you get along so well... why breaking up? Sorry again for asking!
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. And more than once indeed Many times during parties with friends, on a big balcony, simply squat in the dark and pissed there, dry by morning Also, now in my man's house there is a balcony, peed DOWN from there many times onto the back garden Just once I remember down a balcony which was not mine, many years ago, lesbian lover house, do not even remember the correct circumstances, I was drunk Back in those time I was drunk really often, I am in no way a drunkyard, it serenely happens I do not drink anything from a saturday to the next friday, but I really love to party
    1 point
  32. My man is the real handyman at home I love a man who can fix things by willpower, skillfulness, and knowledge of their functioning But I am moderately good myself
    1 point
  33. The story is incredibly hot, but I have a question that will probably disrespect you like "Oh dear Spywareonya how does it come that you still did not got it???????" but sorry, I even checked your previous story before daring asking this so brazenly but... Do you and your EX-wife still have sex?
    1 point
  34. Another marvellous rendition of the world of spirits, this is a bit more reachable level, inhabited by fairies and pixies!!!
    1 point
  35. Lilith, in Her Seductress stance, dark and sensual...
    1 point
  36. High heels can be very sexy.Heres a few nice pics.Any of girls peeing in heels will be nice.
    1 point
  37. Ok, well I have shared most of these before but the threads are long buried by now, and this looks like the ideal chance to share them again. The most brazen sighting I can remember occurred in Union Street in Plymouth UK around about 1990. Back then, this area was still the hub of nightclub life, with loads of mostly younger, adult, late night drinkers wandering around in various degrees of drunkenness. Well on this particular occasion I was in the back of a taxi driving slowly along the still busy street, probably round about midnight. The pavements on either side had loads of you
    1 point
  38. My former wallpaper, for the rubric "If Lilith was a real woman" One of the hottest pic I ever seen in my life
    1 point
  39. A beautiful rendition of Lilith in Her connection with Death One of my favourite
    1 point
  40. Let's conclude, for now, with this marvellous pic of Lilith offering Her blessing to the archetypical couple of male and female, bathing in Her Golden delight... Urine is Her trademark, thus it is obvious that a Witch can be unavoidably a full-fledged piss fetishist!!!
    1 point
  41. Theorically speaking I know France is even better, there public urination is outlawed only if grossly on display ahahahaah!!!!
    1 point
  42. There have been numerous times I've come home from a long drive and felt fine until I got out of the car. I knew I wouldn't make it through the parking lot, through the lobby (I live in an apartment building), up the elevator to the top floor then down the hall to my apartment. I'd just check that no one could see me and I'd pee beside or behind the car.
    1 point
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