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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2018 in Posts

  1. I've been doing some clubs here. Namely Golden Shower Fans. I have downloaded a bunch of images from there and elsewhere and noticed that many of the photos were contributed by Steve. Man! His collection is vast! I just wanted to say it publicly: Thanks man! for uploading so many really juicy images! Can't wait to put them all in slide show mode and rock back, with my pants off and my hand busy doing...you know what! While I look at all the nasty, naughty fun!
    3 points
  2. Pissing out the door during a rain storm http://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/Peeing-out-the-Door-During-a-rain-storm
    2 points
  3. Well, Annie might reach 5 Meters. Hitting the wall on the other side of the room is quite a ways.
    2 points
  4. Helen is a young student aged only 18 and still living with her divorced mum. She looks sexy as hell, as you can see in this pic...... But she has a secret thing, a kind of pervy kink if you like. She likes pissing. Anywhere and everywhere. It started when she was still pretty young when - upon entering the bathroom she had a sudden urge - she didn't know why - to just squat and pee in the shower cubicle instead of using the toilet. And she enjoyed doing it. And so it became a regular thing. And not just that. In time she became more outrageous, revelling in the notion of being
    1 point
  5. I went to the hairdresser’s this morning, nothing unusual in that, I go frequently, for colour more than anything. It’s small talk, weather, holiday’s etc. Flicking through the problem pages of women’s magazine’s, I alight on some poor thing writing with concern about why she was unable to ejaculate during orgasm, because; “My Boyfriend says, that other girl’s can do it”. My turn, the girl’s in the Salon I shall call X (Redhead) Y (Tall and Lean), Z (Puppy Fat). I feel the cold porcelain on the back of my neck as Z sprays my hair with luke warm water, before foaming the palms of her hand with
    1 point
  6. It's just hot to look at and it turns me on. I don't really need to justify it, or philosophize about it.
    1 point
  7. The thing that annoys me most about pee porn is that, Iike all porn, it's geared mostly toward men. Pussies galore. Squatting naughty women. Or, gay guys by the truckload. There is a pittance of non-pussy, non-overtly gay pee stuff, more than ever, but still a pittance. .
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. yes, I agree, let's be careful not to post too much in a single thread, unless the problem we know about would be back!
    1 point
  10. no, I've seen hundreds of thousands of porn movies in my life, it would be impossible, sorry!
    1 point
  11. Can you remember the web site where the video was located.
    1 point
  12. But I don't know of any Others who can. I remember I saw one peeing like there from a chair, reaching the front of a truck some meters away, but I cannot remember her name!!!
    1 point
  13. Yes, indeed....you are correct. I think she can go over 5 meters easily.
    1 point
  14. Early Saturday morning I arrived at, “The Lot” at about 2:10am to find The Lot occupied with movie equipment trucks. There was a movie set on the street outside of the front entrance to the lot with security, which means no ladies walking to the lot from the hookah bar to piss. I thought the night was going to be a waste. I drove around the area, looking for potential piss spots and piss litter. I was pulling up to the light which is at the corner of the block the hookah spot is on. I look to my left to see two thick black women between an Audi and the wall of a vacant building. One had
    1 point
  15. people sometimes just move on it happens, to some people I never start anything I am not sure I will keep unto eternity, so I'll never leave, but other people knows less their fate in advance and sometimes they simply skip to the next spot. Hope we are doing our best to keep veterans like you happy nonetheless!!!
    1 point
  16. METERS??? beside that girl which appear in some videos, I don't think any other humans could!🤣
    1 point
  17. She is, yet She will come later. Next, I'll describe Crio's and Inari's THIRDBORN, only female of the generation, and wife to Pan. Later, I'll talk about Crio's and Inari's secondborn, Young Brother to Pan, and husband to her own niece, my protector, Pan's firstborn daughter. At that point, I'll talk about Her. In the end, I'll describe the last two, married and twins, son and daughter of Pan, which are the ones I called Archangel Michael, and my actual patroness, his twin sister and wife, the Goddess of Sex, Fetishes, unpredictability, and Mastering of the unconscious. The rit
    1 point
  18. Thank you, @spywareonya. I look forward to hearing about the first born of Pan. Your protector? When it comes to praying to Pan, speaking to him, communicating with him, getting his attention willingly, how exactly does one do that? Just curious. And would it be wise to try?
    1 point
  19. Vikka suffers from a Bi Polar mental state. She explained this in her original Profile. However, profiles no longer carry the information that they use to carry under the older software. Vikka suffers from sever depression which can last for long periods of time. The first period of time that she was active on this forum were just delightful with personal accounts that were unbelievable HOT! Then she was away with depression that lasted for a loooooooog time. She has from time to time put in appearances, but has never stepped up with the stories of her original presents. She did put i
    1 point
  20. I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a memoir tentatively called “Unwifeable,” I am a single woman living in the Midlands, I describe myself as, for the duration of my adulthood, “a living don’t”; who, having given up a previous marriage, alcohol and cocaine, can now claim indiscriminate sex as my “favourite escape-the-moment drug” lying in bed with dozens of virtual near-strangers. Going through the fantasies of seduction, that involves, switching “into a character I can do on cue: the Slut.” Making my voice “as breathy and helpless as possible,” I ask the man, “Do you want me to touch m
    1 point
  21. Gosh...sorry I haven't been on here for a good while, I've been pre-occupied with "Life's Rich Tapestries", as the saying goes here in the UK, (and elsewhere?). The feeling and worship is complimentary, I do hope that I can post more joy. The places were dark for me, but I have survived to become a confident and independent woman. I do like your writing too...!
    1 point
  22. Absolutely yes, all of the things you said Yes and no. I obtained something no Witches usually ever obtain, and is all thank to the instructions of Alex. Alex is somekind of sex-toy to the firstborn daughter of Pan, the most terrible of all Gods, so much I am preparing Her description since months for how afraid am I to fail in describing how much Good She is regardless of how much fearful She appears. No Witches usually work with Her because though absolutely correct and just like all the Gods, She embodies all fringes situations between good and evil, and is actually the entity a Wit
    1 point
  23. @Vikka, it is getting close to summer. I do hope that you feel like putting in an appearance. It feels like you have been hiding all winter. You much have some HOT personal account of you and your girl friends!
    1 point
  24. So this god of spring is also a god of autumn and winter. Can I call Him Pan? As you describe Him He is fierce but just, a terror to evil spirits and evil doers, but a fierce defender of all things good and righteous. He is the one who most fiercely protects your back as a witch? Your most loyal guardian and protector god? And if ever I reached a point where I wanted to summon or connect with the gods in addition to learning about them, He is likely to be the first one I meet? And you mention a war between good and evil. Was there actually a terrible war in which the gods thems
    1 point
  25. Thanks @spywareonya You mentioned Him being called for an Exorcism, what other things may He be used for?
    1 point
  26. I somehow prefer MILFs they know what they want and are of strong character among bedpans but a barely-legal, pussy-smelling girl will be marvellous nonetheless
    1 point
  27. @Scot_Lover @steve25805 The Next entity, firstborn of Crio and Inari, is perhaps the core entity of this Path because is both the first you meet during Initiation, and the most frequently summoned to perform magick, because though stern and apparently-unemotional like a Mathematical compute, indeed He is the most protectful (even to a vengeful degree, all evil spirits and black magicians fear him more than Death itself) and caring of all Gods He is indeed the entity described in my ritual about the Spring Equinox, which is a complicated feature because indeed He is both
    1 point
  28. Who can reach 5 meters or go over 5 meters?
    1 point
  29. Love the peeing on the ex’s carpet for revenge.
    1 point
  30. Lovely... But wetmanjf, I haven't seen video of you and MissPiss. As a huge fan that really caugt my attention. Could you post it once more, please?
    1 point
  31. January 13, 2014. I was invited to come in for a look, may have been steve28505, or Sophie, just not sure anymore. It was during the time PS was being a bit wierd, flame wars over the slightest comment, pressuring me to get the girls signed up, almost to the point of banning me. As soon as I saw this new place, I was hooked, and have never looked back. Yes there has been some sadness, losing Kevin so abruptly, people moving on, either by choice or forced to leave (thankfully, this hasn't happened for a while), and the sudden closure of the site left us all wondering. When I was offe
    1 point
  32. A confession from a canadian lady..... "Once I was at work during a week I was practically alone except for 2 others which both were on the second floor while I was working on the main floor which I had no choice to be there since at the time, my boss was on vacation. Part of my work was filing clients folders back in the storage area in the basement. I was there long enough to get an urge to pee and there are no toilets in the basement. Instead of risking peeing myself, I decided to go in the last row pulled up my skirt and pee where there was a carpet. Part of it was quite soaked u
    1 point
  33. I went on a trip with a good friend-girl of mine last week to California. We flew in and rented a Cadillac sedan, so we could cruise Highway 1 in style. Well, we got stuck in traffic. Major freaking traffic outside of LA. Must have been a wreck as we were like not moving for a full hour. My friend was getting very desperate to pee and was wriggling for a long time. After awhile, I told her I had no problem if she went in the backseat. She said that would be so gross, and what about the car? I told her it would dry and nobody would notice. Better than popping a squat on the road for al
    1 point
  34. Hi, I not really introduced myself I 'm a guy who really love to see girl pissing in naughty place but I don't find a lot of it on internet . I have 27 and I'm married from about 4 years now and my wife is not very in the pissing things, beside she does sometimes pissing on me and on some towel . For me I'm more naughty and I've been pissing a lot of time on carpet floor bed sofa and sometimes ceilling ( loll if I found a girl that can piss on the ceilling i would married her loll 😉 ) Sorry for the misspelling I'm a French Canadien. Xxdher18 P.S I will sometime
    1 point
  35. I have several experiences to share on this subject. Reactions of female friends and girlfriends have run the gamut for me, from angry rejection to enthusiastic acceptance, with one falling in the area of reluctant or amused tolerance, while another evolved into enthusiastic participation, after initial reluctance. As most of you point out, it is a very delicate subject to bring up or discuss, mostly because of the strong negative social conditioning to which most of us in Western cultures have been subjected. I am a straight man who has had a strong interest in, and curiosity about femal
    1 point
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