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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2018 in all areas

  1. I've met Guy Martin and Keeley Donovan before if they count as celebrities. I've also been on TV a couple of times 🙂
    3 points
  2. Nothing exciting, just the local news. Sorry to disappoint!
    2 points
  3. Wolfe Creek, 300,000 years ago, 50,000 tonnes at 15 km per second. It would have made some echoes ring.
    2 points
  4. My friend is East European and comes from a line of witches and she knows about such stuff, and is very switched on psychically. She too has the habit of just knowing things, and in spades. I can never be dishonest with her because she knows totally when she is hearing truth or bullshit. Amongst other things she senses terrible trauma when visiting battlefields or the scenes of past executions and stuff like that. She has a very powerful psychic sixth sense. I can only keep things from her by never mentioning them and trusting that she has no reason to turn her mind that way. Though even then,
    2 points
  5. I would it ove to be with you in a cinema theater...or Opera, you sitting beside me, with a skirt. after time watching the show, i hear a unmistakeable hissing, and nice soft pattering , I see you have hitched up your skirt, and a hot clear stream of your hot nice smelly pee hit the theater carpet ......you noticed Im watching, you lean a bit backwards spread your legs wider, and your hot peestream hit the back of the chair in front of us...
    2 points
  6. pissing activities are better for practicing foreplay.
    2 points
  7. That is a long pee. I have pee long as that video. I have a video of my longest pee.
    2 points
  8. Ok let's face it... If men did not manipulate the position of their "urethra," by aiming their penis, they would pee straight down as well. Most, anyway. Except for the smallest dicks. They just have more aim-able urethras.
    2 points
  9. it's not exact I have studied ethology and psychology for a long time unless taking what I'm gonna write to its extreme, manipulating the original meaning, let me notify you this archetypical and deductive-logic related thought: if we would be hypocrite if we don't wanna suffer what we like to inflict, we should renounce every promotion we got in our employement to be equal to those who did not obtained it; we should die in front of any hamburger since that animal died for us, and do the same with plants for Vegans; we should stop strive for anything, since every achievem
    2 points
  10. I would like to suggest couple of things for making this forum more attractive and more interesting. First thing is when we are replying to posts, if we can insert a relevant media file such as an image according to the necessity it will make the thread more interesting. And the other one is that if we can post more media like videos, images....etc, which are containing both men and women are pissing like couple activities it will be nice and it will encourage women to take part as well.
    1 point
  11. Probably one of the longest pees I've ever taken http://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/Longest-Pee-Ever
    1 point
  12. An anonymous female..... "Don't know why I do it. But every time I stay in a hotel, I pee on the carpet somewhere in the room. It feels so liberating to have a full bladder, and to just let go in such a place that is so wrong. I have found it pretty much dries up by morning, so as not to alert the maid. I got married a few years ago, and have not had the nerve to let my hubby know about this guilty pleasure. When me and my hubby are staying in a hotel, I wait for him to get in the shower (which he likes to do first thing in the morning), I then pull out the arm chair or side table, s
    1 point
  13. An American lady..... "My boyfriend and I live in a rooming house with the bathroom at the other end of the hall. We are in the corner room with 2 windows, which turns out to be real helpful. Well, I always have to pee at night, but I hate to have to walk down to the bathroom, so one night I just decided to get out of bed and pee on the carpet. My boyfriend thankfully doesn't care. He says, it's not our carpet. I've been doing this for over a month now, and since it's always warm here (we're in Hawaii), we can always keep the windows open and the smell really isn't bad. Lately, I've even
    1 point
  14. Yes, I mean that posting a relevant image or video link may be better when we are replying to posts. And couple pissing activities that both men and women are involving will be interesting and will encourage women to participate here.
    1 point
  15. Thanks for that clarification. You said that before, I remember now. Well all is good then. I will just have to ride the wave of destiny and see what beach I rock up on.
    1 point
  16. it's impossible scenario what is better for people is Always what is wanted by Them They never ever force anybody, really, They have a different politic
    1 point
  17. @spywareonya, I have no specific concerns about our discussions that I wish to bring up with my other friend. Any concerns that I have I tend to raise directly with you immediately and you do your best to resolve them. And you are very good at it. I tried to explain the importance of my other friend in a PM to you. But it is really no more than a desire not to keep one friend out of the loop about important stuff in areas she is highly knowledgeable about too. It is about wanting to be free to talk about it with BOTH my friends. It is about gaining valuable input from both my friends know
    1 point
  18. the last one is amazing all of them beautiful anyway thanks Sat!!!
    1 point
  19. @spywareonya, please know this also. I tend to be a loner who bonds with few people. I know lots of acquaintances but make very few friends. I only become friends with very special people with good hearts. You are my friend. I am proud to know you as a friend. And when I make friends I am totally loyal to them, whatever anyone else might say, even other friends. I will not abandon you or turn away from you based upon the words of anyone else. I give you my word on that. Please trust me on that. And even if I had your permission, I would not rush headlong into telling my other friend every
    1 point
  20. a nobody now earn 30 000$ per month to simply got interviewed because a lot of years ago he survived a tsunami by surfing it, not simply a huge wave, a tsunami, so very quick and violent 60 feet tall danger breeds greatness
    1 point
  21. life was born there, according to most modern, ans kept hidden, researches but its oceans were not real oceans, only seas, isolated, no DNA Exchange, so life there did not went past bacteria when the Sun finally erased its weak atmosphere, some rocks were detached during the final scorching, and fell on Earth, where that DNA formed new living bacteria, who this time thrived
    1 point
  22. rehunting them had been the first activity that forced little families to band into tribes necessity, and violence, can make love to pop up
    1 point
  23. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍
    1 point
  24. we are stardust inherintance of dead lights
    1 point
  25. wow this is amazing many scientists believe that the original bacteria were born from the commixtion of substances present in the priomordial mud of planets, and some rare ones falling unto newborn planets thanks to passing comets...
    1 point
  26. The white cliffs of Dover.....
    1 point
  27. A fox. This is the only naturally living wild canine living in the UK today. The last wolves were killed off here many centuries ago....
    1 point
  28. It would be a struggle to regard this as in any way beautiful, but in it's way it is still awesome. This is what an ant actually looks like in a microscopic close up....
    1 point
  29. Halley's comet, taken by the Giotto space probe in 1986......
    1 point
  30. Dartmoor sunset, with some Dartmoor ponies grazing. These ponies are a breed specific to Dartmoor. They live naturally nowhere else......
    1 point
  31. This is a scene from Dartmoor National Park in the UK which is only a few miles from where I live......
    1 point
  32. The Stake, by Steve Miller is a great sex song. Made for fucking. Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel
    1 point
  33. without need for exaggeration, really the best of the Whole world, without any doubts
    1 point
  34. I wish I could powerpiss, though some of my piss videos shows a good stream nonetheless!!!
    1 point
  35. Hi all, just a friendly reminder that all discussions around morality etc should be in their own thread. I completely agree that's an interesting discussion that's definitely worth having, but under the site rules we specifically ask not to directly criticise or judge other people's pee experiences/stories. I know no harm was intended here and it's a fair discussion, but the site becomes a lot less fun if every time someone posts a story involving naughty peeing, it's met with some people saying they disapprove. If you do feel that way, please just ignore the threads that clearly involve that,
    1 point
  36. Ok Steve this is not easy let me explain because it is not easy for real I put in my description an unvoluntary choice of words and terms which is too dry on the emotional stance the Gods care much for our emotional wellbeing and respect life, also a this-life attitude allow me to explain it in a more complete and responsible way in humans there are drives we use morality to make them pause until we learnt how to control them, but this cannot work forever since everything in us wants to be ethically controlled and not simply shunned, we would make th
    1 point
  37. now THAT is hot!!!
    1 point
  38. A life dedicated to things that can make your house electricity to short-cut, offering bowls made of clay to split up, objects to float down from shelves (all happened to me first person), and your life to change forever
    1 point
  39. ...the god-given-righteous vanity of a woman who serves the Ancient Ones
    1 point
  40. Let's go toward something a bit more morbid, uh? because Darkness IS morbid. I rule there, in the name of Balance, and Balance means good manners and control, but not at all innocency...
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Anyway, more often I prefer to pee like this
    1 point
  43. Let's start with my lovely soft peach ass
    1 point
  44. Thanks from the heart Not only is something like that Always heart - touching to read, but also THIS was the kind of friendship I wanted to build when I decide to become more active on the forum, therefore I am very happee to read that!!! Done countless times. It is naughty and avoid splashes Too high!!! Though I peed on leftlets in blocks hallways those times too to avoid splashes, but mainly out of plain - out kinkiness Done. It was night and Alex and I were outside. We ended up in a similar place while walking, and I peed down the slide. He got
    1 point
  45. I wish there was more out there about how women can pee standing. My ambition is to achieve it through the fly, but when the longest fly on any of my trousers is about this length: it's a pretty damn complicated process. When I pull my trousers to mid-thigh height to empty my bladder (any higher and I'm risking a lot) it's always concerning that it might not come out at the 45 degree angle I need for the entire piss, or that there could be spray, or a split stream (please, no). Most videos of women peeing standing show them entirely naked (in fact, I'm yet to find one that doesn't ex
    1 point
  46. Myself,i just came in for a wee,but instead of trailing upstairs,just did it in my milk container i keep in the cupboard,until i tip it out later on.
    1 point
  47. So,this morning was out early for a nice walk just a few miles N of Leeds.Very secluded countryside.Needs a wee,so under my coat,without holding it,i just let it dangle and standing still,just wee on the roadside.As i was doing it a car with 2 women in drove past,i think they didnt even realise,which is good as im not doing it to flash at people.BUT realised id weed on my coat just a bit,by not aiming,also a little on my boots.When i went again,before driving home,i found a better spot and opened my coat and held it this time.Much better! Then a bit later on i was reading my paper,i had a
    1 point
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