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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2017 in Posts

  1. My own rules for visiting the cinema: Never go to a popular film ... at least not at first. Even popular films fade so wait until the crowds subside. Whenever possible, go to midday screenings. Even fewer people. Pick films with plenty of noise. Battle/Fight scenes are great for hiding any splashing noises. Drink plenty of water before you go. You don't want to wait until the final credits to feel the need. If possible, sit next to the stairs. It's quicker when leaving (just in case) and you don't have to get the seat wet. No underwear! Should go witho
    1 point
  2. If you could change how you pee, would you do it? and what would you change? I'd like to be able to pee whenever I wanted, for however long I wanted. Like a bladder that never emptied. It seems like it would be a lot of fun and it would feel great.
    1 point
  3. Hi guys! Me again, with a fun wee story that happened to me last week. I was wrapping the last of my Christmas presents for my friend and her children, as well as for my flat mate. Maybe about 7 or 8 presents. I was sat on my living room floor, wrapping paper and stuff strewn around me. I was also sat on a small cushion as my floor is wood flooring and can get pretty cold during a scottish winter while you’re just wearing shorts. I had the slight urge to pee while I was wrapping. Nothing major just a normal sort of 3-4 need. I figured I would go as soon as I was done. Unfortu
    1 point
  4. As for me it's the best version of forum since I've joined in. And as @Scot_Lover said "want to thank Admin for saving the site from a near death". Only wish is to restore a video gallery if it's possible. I'm ready to upload all my video collection to share with our forum
    1 point
  5. I would love it if I were told to go out in the garden. And he came with me to watch. Even better if he noticed my shyness, and he let me see him pee first.
    1 point
  6. Please, don't hurry because of ud but now the wait is long and torturing... I read earlier parts again and I'm almost ovet the edge of rageous m*sturbating. This is the best and inspiring pee story.
    1 point
  7. You mean could change as in "if I had superpowers" or more in a realistic kind of way? If I had to keep it real, I'd be happy to have a larger bladder volume, a slightly larger urethra and the ability to pee with a hard-on would be a nice bonus. Currently I suffer from an urethral narrowing (my urologist said the urethra is scared; I have no idea why this is, the last time something that might have caused a scarring was 10 years ago when I had a kidney stone removed), which means every time I pee it burns like hell... every time I experience this I expect the toilet to catch fire.
    1 point
  8. Depends: Peeing for fun - or for pleasure? The first incident of my peeing for fun and not just to get rid of some waste fluids I can recall must have been at the age of 4 or 5. I and a friend of mine peed at the backside of a small wooden hut that someone had build next to sand box - this was the entire playground that was available at that time to the kids in the area I lived - and playing with out streams. But this was only for fun. It had no sexual connotation. This started for me in puberty, dunno how old I was back then, I'd say in the typical age. The first case I remember wa
    1 point
  9. There is a very rare video of the sexy Tera having a wee too,somewhere...but you must find it.
    1 point
  10. Hey everyone, I found this place after doing some searching about a situation that happened to me recently. My parents got divorced and my Mom remarried... to another Mom. Which is fine, I have no problem with that. I however, ended up with a new older step-sister. Things have been a little strange between us; she seems to treat me like someone she is babysitting. I am not that much younger than her and she is in college, so you kind of see what I mean when I say odd. The thing that happened just recently though has really altered our interactions... and I can't seem to read her anymore.
    1 point
  11. It is a very British tradition I believe. Most UK people will be very familiar with Cinderella and this is indeed based on that. Fairy godmother, magical coach and the pivotal glass slipper all to come. to whet your appetite further: Chapter 6 - Fairy Godmother While Cindy was sobbing her eyes out, there was a flash of light and almighty CRACK! A vision of beauty with long blond hair and shapely figure adorned in sparkling white short flared dress appeared before Cindy in the cellar. “on’t be afraid. I am your fairy godmother and I have seen the evil which has befallen
    1 point
  12. I imagine, you sitting next to me... at a chair, in front of a study desk... you wear a short skirt,... your legs are under the table... you`re study in a book... you`re squirming on your chair....you spreed your legs wide, your short skirt hitch up in Process, a subtile hissing and pattering cum from under the table, the floor is carpetet, the hissing and pattering get louder, you lean back, a loud splattering cum to our ears,.. you hid with your hot nice smelly pee the wooden inner front board from the table. We are booth in a library ;-) x-:
    1 point
  13. That must make peeing discreetly rather a lot easier! I wish I could wear skirts for that reason but as a guy it’s a little odd. I do wear a kilt on occasion and take full advantage
    1 point
  14. I started as a really young kid; loved peeing while sitting in the water's edge at the beach or standing knee-deep & letting if out before getting fully into the water, plus pissing through my swimsuit in the shower afterwards. Around the same time, not sure which came first- friends & I would sometimes take baths together & we'd watch each other stand up & pee. The naughtiness of it was definitely a motivating factor..
    1 point
  15. Around 13. Posted my first experiences somewhere on here, mostly peeing in the basement of an apartment building. It was probably the thrill of doing something that is forbidden / taboo and is considered disgusting that made me enjoy it.
    1 point
  16. Then again the answer could be: Anywhere you'd like sweetie, even on me.
    1 point
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