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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2017 in Posts

  1. Tamsin was getting a bit bored with her gym session by now. She'd been working hard while checking out the firm bodies of the sweaty boys. Not to mention quite a few of the other girls as well. She paused to take a big gulp from her water bottle. And to stare quite openly at the wildly flopping crotch of the man on the treadmill facing her, telling her that he wasn't wearing any pants under his gym shorts. Now, it’s true you need to drink a lot during exercise but nobody ever seemed to notice that she always drank far more than necessary. All of the eye candy, coupled with her wonderfull
    2 points
  2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/09/20/dutch-sexism-row-woman-fined-urinating-public/ http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2017/09/amsterdam-pee-in-public-protest-cancelled-too-many-women-want-to-attend/ Long story short: Women was fined for peeing in public and a protest was set up inviting women to gather and pee in those public urinals or in public. But due to huge interest of women wanting to participate it had to be cancelled sadly. Now women shall take their protest to social networks with the hashtag #wildplassen.
    2 points
  3. I agree with them,to allow others to see you pee should be your own choice,not the decision of a judge.Suppose the girl did go in a male urinal,pity her they can be disgusting,and some sex fiend had seen her?Joking apart,its wrong.
    2 points
  4. While in college in NY I would see pee stains and puddles on the rear of my brand new Honda Accord. I complained to the security and he invited me to his office and showed me tapes of the parking lots. It showed many girls using the rear bumper of the vehicles to support themselves as they emptied their bladders. It was a surprise as I was under the impression that someone was throwing pee intentionally on my car even though the tell tale crumpled tissues told me otherwise. He also showed me tapes of girls peeing in the tennis court after playing their matches during late evenings when th
    2 points
  5. Not so much the naughty pee genre, which we know so much about. But, what's the meanest thing you've heard done with pee? I've heard a few experiences related to me over the years of web chatting, and I've heard a fee. One was from a man I was chatting with who said he secretly, on occasion, would pee in his wife's green tea bottle she kept in the fridge. Just a little, but knowing she would drink it got him off. His wife was not into pee, and I know I would be mad unknowingly drinking my man's pee, which I am NOT into. Another was from a guy I was talking to that said he had a girl
    1 point
  6. *** Part One can be found >>here<< Part Two can be found >>here<< *** We sat and talked as we resumed our journey, laughing about our wee outside. I guess that's the real reason they call it the great outdoors, because it feels really great! Sarah seemed the happiest of the group, clearly having enjoyed her relief. Before we knew it 45 minutes had passed and we stopped at a service station to stretch our legs, get something nice to drink and have a wee. Just as we were climbing off the bus the driver said “You have fifteen minutes, make sure you go t
    1 point
  7. Hi All Pobox9847 here. I used to post on peesearch for several years. Anyway, long story short, after a few years away, I had an idea that I thought I could work up into a story. If it gets a good response, there will be more. For the avoidance of doubt these stories are complete fiction and the characters bear no resemblance or relation to any person living or dead. Hi I'm Sophie. I'm 28 and I work as a classroom assistant in a primary school. Somehow I seem to occasionally end up in pee related adventures. I thought you might enjoy reading about them here
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  8. Hi My name is Sarah. I'm 45. And - often in the company of my best friend and partner in crime, Barbara, who is also 45 - I like to vandalise, ruin, and destroy things, by pissing on shit!. As does Barbara. It's our thing! And we have never been caught! We are good at what we do and getting away with it. Occasionally, we go on fetish sites to share our confessions. Many love it. Others disapprove strongly. Some of you reading this might be thinking, "Come on girls, sexy ladies peeing all over the place is great but deliberately ruining other people's shit for fun isn't cool!" But hey! It
    1 point
  9. This story is a continuation of the stories I wrote in the thread, Pee Vandalism with Katie! First off, I would like to thank everyone who encouraged me after having written fiction for the first time. I was honored to have input provided by writing legends who I admired long before registering on this site. Thank you very much for being so welcoming and friendly. Secondly, I apologize for having taken so long to write another installment -- I wanted to expand on my writing by introducing additional characters and it took me some time to figure out how to properly write for it (along with havi
    1 point
  10. *** Not my finest piece of work, but the first installment in since 2014. My writing style has changed but I hope you enjoy! Part One can be found >>here<< Part Two can be found >>here<< Part Three can be found >>here<< *** My walk home was pretty uneventful, I passed a few people along the way and couldn’t help but smile, wondering if they had ever wet themselves in dark clothing and walked home just like I was. My black shorts hid everything but I could still feel the familiar wetness, it was giving me a thrill. My house was o
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  11. *** I originally posted these on Peesearch in 2014 and have decided to continue the series. My writing style has changed since then as you may see in part four, but I felt it was necessary to post the previous parts here for it to make sense. *** 2:30PM. We had just pulled in at the Sunshine Vale Sports Center for our volleyball game, It had been a three hour journey and I really needed to stretch my legs, and pee. With it being a hot day I had finished my litre of water in no time at all. I had extras in my bag but they were for the game. I was accompanied by Michelle, K
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  12. On Saturday there had been a bad crash going north, as I had to go that way on Sunday afternoon I thought in would have been cleared by then, I left home around 1:00pm, at about 3pm I was wrong, the traffic slowed and stopped, I was in the middle lane for 5.5 hours to move 2 miles, the first was a male continental lorry driver in the right hand lane, jumped down and walked around his lorry to pee on the center crash barrier. A little later (now stopped for over 2.5 hours) a female driver in the left lane, 3 cars in front of me got out and went around to her passenger side, opened both doors
    1 point
  13. It depends on many things like the kind of sickness or the parasite/bug i guess.. The presence of blood or vaginal fluid in urine increases the risk of infection for example. Here are some english articles i found: http://www.black-rose.com/cuiru/archive/3-2/dr3-2.html http://www.empowher.com/sexually-transmitted-diseases/content/golden-showers-health-perspective http://www.thedailybeast.com/is-urine-sterile-are-golden-showers-unhealthy Basically it is less risky than other sexual acts though some diseases can indeed be transmitted through it. If it's just a little co
    1 point
  14. *** Part One can be found >>here<< *** We all made our way out onto the court for the game. Our tight black volleyball shorts and matching t-shirt didn't really leave much to the imagination. It was a hot day so we had been drinking plenty of fluids, and what goes in must come out. At the time we didn't really think about it, we was too concentrated on the game. Sadly we lost the game 3-2 but it was a brilliant experience. After the game we all shook hands and congratulated the other team. Things were pretty normal, the usual well done, good game etc. Except one girl
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  15. Indeed it's not fair as there seem to be much more urinals for men than there are for women. Besides that my wild guess is that most women would rather have real closed toilets than those open urinals where you are forced to expose everything to the people around. I understand that's not a comfortable situation for girls who usually have more difficulties to find a place to pee discreetly anyways. Give them real toilets, the space needed is roughly the same.
    1 point
  16. That was amazing :) Very well written, thank you :) I could easily put myself in the story and actually imagine what was happening which is something I struggled with in books, and I loved how the reactions felt genuine. I've been in a slightly similar situations with my sister before. Her waiting outside the bathroom while I was showering and pleading for me to let her in, and then getting more mean as she got closer to losing it. I've seen her wet herself before and like in the story, I just couldn't look away. Her half bent over, a loud hiss and wet streaks running down her legs. Her
    1 point
  17. This is unfair, plus our parts are showing to the public and whoever designed this should be fired. I would still take my chances and pee in a chosen area of my choice.
    1 point
  18. What a fantastic story Steve. I love this idea and can't wit to read the next instalment. I wonder if they are equal opportunity piss vandals. Maybe a woman will do something to annoy them next time and it will be her stuff being targeted? Regardless, i can't wait to read it.
    1 point
  19. I was watching the film "Snatched" with Goldie Hawn and Amy Schumer.I liked it anyway,fun. In it you get to see Amys right breast,and for some reason she decides she needs to "wipe my vagina,because it smells like soup",and you get to see this for a second. I think shes pretty sexy for a "chunky" girl,and i would certainly watch her pee..
    1 point
  20. @vpw - I would love to have that security guy's job.
    1 point
  21. Since i am at the office and its slow, i do have some time to post about my weekend but quickly. Saturday, we had our BBQ/Pool party, we were 8 all together. It was a bring your own meat and drinks type. I know some don't want to read about what i made on the bbq but i will still tlk about it lolol I bought a piece of salmon which was so yummy, with a side of capers and salad. Someone brought a platter if vegies which had some some asperagus. At one point, i picked one up and was about to put it in my mouth and looked at my husband, smiled and put it back down. Then i texted him saying
    1 point
  22. Hahahahahahahah, wow imagine if we had a law stating to pee in an officers hat while pregnant. And when the day comes and i get pregnant. I would look at the officer and say to him/her, i don't think 1 hat will be enough. LMAO !!!!
    1 point
  23. Oh my Steve, that was incredible! I love the way you write because I can really picture myself in the scene, doing what you describe. And you know me well enough that the story in it's entirety is believable. I could see myself doing everything you mentioned. I particularly enjoyed how you described my shyness, how I started with a few drips, and eventually managed a full stream. It's just how I am! We've never met, yet you write this as if you know me! It's amazing. Thank you so much for writing this! I'll definitely be reading it again in the future. and I now want to pee on my bed ev
    1 point
  24. Very well done, Rann. I'll admit the peeing does more for me than the theft and other forms of vandalism, but I still really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see what's next from you.
    1 point
  25. I love these girls. I'd love then to let loose in a hotel, lol.
    1 point
  26. The one that comes to mind is letitpee.com.
    1 point
  27. I pissed on clothes I'd tried on in a department store and left them there on the floor in the puddle of piss I left in the floor. They made me angry. Opps. Lol I enjoyed it.
    1 point
  28. Probably the meanest thing I've done is one time in college pissed on the car door of my neighbor, definitely trying to get the handle so they would touch it when they opened their car. Also in college, the dorms had gaps between the bottom of the doors to the room and the floor. I once overheard some girls talk about peeing into a little tray and freezing it, then sliding the little frozen pee discs under the door of another person that they hated.
    1 point
  29. Wow, I would have to go with last summer while I was at work and the place was closed except for the reception which I was the only one there. On this very forum, I was asked to pee in a container as we were measuring the volume so the only container I had found at the time was a topper ware that was left aside in the kitchen area next to the sink. I had used it and as I was about to empty the container, the front door was buzzing so I just threw it in the sink and went back to the front desk. There was 5 or 6 employees that came in and went to their desks and after a while, I had decided to
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  30. Some very sexy black or Indian slits..
    1 point
  31. Hello everyone, I was just on vacation in the Dominican Republic and I had many pool pee sightings and experiences. I spend most of my time at the pool near the swim up bar and I also had a mask and snorkel. I found that if I went snorkeling in the deep end of the pool and stayed near the walls and especially near the ladders, I had my best chances for sightings. Also, I noticed that it was easier to spot pee clouds in the morning and up to noon as oposed to after because with everyone drinking so much the pee would become diluted and be more difficult to spot. There were 2 ladders that were
    1 point
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